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9 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

Clover- I definitely saw this purple slime stuff in a My Little Pony movie back in 1993.

It's called the Smooze, and you're correct.

PARANOIA AGENT - Since the old homeless lady's a minor focus this episode, allow me to share a brief observation I recently had with the OP. You have all these characters laughing in settings that seem dangerous, deadly, or even just a little bit off, right? Well, I always found the old lady laughing while standing on the table of a fancy restaurant to be awfully out-of-place... until I realized it represented something she, as one of Japan's homeless population, could never attain. A hopeless situation where insane laughter is appropriate, albeit in subtlety more than blatancy. A bit of class-based situational irony to contrast the mushroom cloud and mountaintop blizzard sandwiching it in. Just another reason "Yume no Shima Shinen Kouen" is one of the greatest anime openings of all time. 🏆 I don't think I ever noticed she was buying tights until just now. :D Kawazu just can't catch a break. "Weird, it doesn't normally pause like that." Homeless people have feelings too, but you should still take care in the event they try to shank you later. The fuck is with that one kid's voice? Repeated taunts are so annoying. Don't try anything weird because she said that, Hirukawa. Must be extra frustration from last week's RPG adventure. She was by herself... the whole time? If it's called "Maromi Catcher", why're there cats in one and kappa in the other? I always liked how close to reality this show portrayed Japan visually, from the buildings to the trains to the tatami-floor bedrooms. On the other hand, groupings of the three primary colors in anime freak me out, and that's one reason why I'm not exactly aiming to watch Concrete Revolutio right now. The phone call that saved Europe, this is not. Two packs of cigarettes later... I love how they're alternating between scenes like this. HIDETSUGU ITO SAKUGA SPOTTED. Old lady weighed so little she just got swept up in the gust of wind. Ohh, so it was fake after all. Does this count as a stand alone complex, or is it not widespread enough? I don't know what that sauce on the bottom of the Western Bacon Cheeseburger is, but I want a bottle of it right now. What is it with Ikari getting all the suspects who try to dodge his questions? You never hear people (outside of Zapp Brannigan) pronounce "karaoke" like that in English. I assume that's his computer. Oh god, I'm getting flashbacks to the Windows 98 days when pop-ups acted like they were the paint tool. At first, I didn't understand why this episode was rated TV-14S on the first run, but as I soon learned, greater context (and blink-or-you'll-miss-it teenage sideboob) is enough to tip the scales. Nowadays, into the territory of being an MA set. Not only did the CD player not deserve that, but it did shit against the camera. "Maniwa... get the pipe." Must be nice having a dad who doesn't secretly want to fuck you. It's like a window into the future by way of a present-time stand-in. "...Was that my grandmother?" At this point, I'd just toss it into the river. Old lady just knows how to make a clean exit, getting swept up in the current aside. Come to think of it, it is weird that Lil' Slugger would attack Tsukiko in the leg while everyone else got bonked on the head like one of the TV Puppet Pals. I do love that scene where Tsukiko gets hit by an invisible force, and the semi-famous GIF that scene spawned. (If only I could find it...) MAROMI IS STILL WATCHING YOU. That is a strangely clear sky; is that normal after monsoons? Turns out the old lady's granddaughter was a completely different woman this whole time. A surprisingly happy ending, for this show. Speaking of endings, this is truly an appropriate end to Hirukawa's overall arc. Did catching Lil' Slugger serve as a sort of personal redemption for all the criminal activity he engaged in to appease the yakuza extorting him? Sure, in a way. But how do you redeem yourself when your "call me Daddy" kink goes all the way down to installing a hidden camera to spy on his own daughter undressing? You don't. You just lose your house in a mudslide and then have a mental breakdown when your daughter, who was just attacked on the street while attempting to run away from home, forgets who you even are. That, my friends, is karmic retribution. And you don't need any buzzwords emphasizing how fucked-up his prior actions are to know that said retribution was completely deserved. Well, I don't. 😗 Next week, Ikari gets violent with the local chuunibyou in an episode guest directed by the guy who did Texhnolyze.

Am I out of touch? No, it's J.J. Villard who is wrong.

MOB PSYCHO 100 - I swear, Erik Scott Kimerer was born to voice perpetually smug prettyboys. Everyone's the main character of their own story; sadly, that role in your story belongs to Mob. 🤣 It's funny when Dimple gets hurt. "Call me Little Shige again and I'll exorcise you." "Okay, what about 'Shigechi', then?" "Not that either." That ghost face looks awfully familiar for some reason... Ctrl+Z, Reigen, you have to Ctrl+Z! I actually miss the days when I used to get ladybugs in the house, nowadays it's all stinkbugs and thousand-leggers. Didn't notice Crunchyroll subtitled that honorific for Mob the first time. I also completely forgot that Ritsu's character arc started this early on. My dad came in to brush the cat while I was watching this and he actually watched some of it; we had a brief conversation over the color of Dimple's lips (we settled on periwinkle) and broke into laughter at the Body Improvement Club Captain moving his pecs a la Barbados Slim. ("Dey do dat by demselves." :D) YOU FOOL! THE BODY IMPROVEMENT CLUB NEVER SKIPS LEG DAY! Hey, at least he's trying. Dear god, they're even making songs about the "new normal" they're trying to push... 😫 The monsoons are back... We all wanna drop various terms to sound smart, I usually do it when the word shows up in GITS, like "conversationalist" or "press blackout". Not sure if DORA ORA ORA or ARI ARI ARRIVADERCI. Nothing's says girly like writing almost exclusively in hiragana. The less said about my few and far-between female admirers in middle school, the better. :D Never underestimate Mob's gullibility when it comes to the possibility of romance. I love how he specifies that the letter was under a dumbbell of all things. I value my life so much that I'd never even think of committing suicide, and I'd still follow the Body Improvement Club into hell were I among their ranks. Eugh, keep the tongue in your mouth where it belongs, guy. These guys are the biggest bros I've ever seen. Heh, that one dude got trampled. I'd immediately watch a spin-off about the Body Improvement Club, especially after that beatdown.  "You aware of the term 'organized violence'? Well, that wasn't it." I don't think that's how taking the spotlight's supposed to work. Thanks to Kengan Ashura, Buff Erik Kimerer doesn't come off as weird to me as it should. You gotta move like water. I'm surprised Mob hasn't undone his ropes yet. Theeeeeere we go. SARA MOROYUKI SAKUGA SPOTTED. ALL OF IT.

BLACK CLOVER - Neat, they did up the avant title different. Oh yeah, those two guys are still on the loose. Meanwhile, Asta's on literal autopilot. "NI**ER". Yeah, I'm actually having a bit of trouble trying to understand the action overall, that normally never happens when I watch Clover. "It hurt, but in a good way!" That's our Yuno, always the show-off. Question about these spells, do the users come up with the names themselves, or do they already exist and just appear in their repository of knowledge subconsciously? RIGHT IN THE THROAT. Or deep in the shoulder, that works too. Mouths, mouths everywhere. OH GOD EVEN HIS HEART HAS A MOUTH. You didn't "pierce his heart" so much as "tear through his shoulder". And here I thought the CG couldn't look cheaper than it already did. Why can't more loud and edgy shounen rivals be as clear-cut friendly with one another as Asta and Yuno? In lieu of commercial comments, check out this OC I found on Twitter who looks a little like Secre in the Prohibition Era. I can barely understand half of what this ugly mofo's even saying through his many mouths, but I'm sure Angel agrees with every, uhh, noise. "Shit, arm cramp!" I almost forgot Noelle had a fight of her own going on. And then all the relevant supporting characters gathered together because they sure as hell aren't getting more one-on-one time. Even Charmy doesn't like the Grimace. That crack doesn't look too healthy. (And that's gonna be misinterpreted.) :D Yuno's the best and he knows it. Something something PRETTYYY~. I give whoever edited that flashback montage together my kudos. It's like he's saying those things on purpose at this point. Ooh, you almost had it! Yami, you say that like you aren't the only foreigner to the supercontinent in the kingdom. FUCK YEAH HARUKA MIRAI. That's our Yami, securing the kill as always. I enjoy this show more than I rightfully should in the moments that count. I blame my current fascination with Studio Pierrot for this.

VENTO AUREO - Yeah, that beach doesn't look like it's crawling with even natural wildlife. In eight to ten minutes, anything could happen! Holy shit, even on the verge of death, Risotto is a true badass. DON'T FUCK WITH METALLI-oh. Congratulations, you played yourself. SHIT COUNT: 1. Weird, I'd have assumed you'd tell it was him by the way he dressed. Man, Boss, it really isn't your day. Dammit people, this is a beach, not a parking lot and soccer field! We've gotten to the point where not even the frogs in this show are safe. Yeahhhhh I think this is gonna go badly too easily. Today's theme is also overcast skies. I still don't know what those hand signals mean specifically, but they sure look cool. Abbacchio's tired of all these future Millennials and their damn noise. Damn, I knew it was odd one of those soccer playing kids had Doppio's hairstyle. Speaking of whom, there he goes. KAKYOIN! Okay, even for JoJo, him dying that fast seems a little on the ridiculous side. There's no way to draw in viewers for PA than showing off Ikari's anger issues. And now for the obligatory "death episode" flashback montage. I like this random cop's way of thinking. You say there's a word for your kind, but I'm not hearing it. In fact, I'm hearing several. Well shit, turns out it was the afterlife this whole time. Meanwhile, the grieving process begins. Goddammit Narancia, your denial's out of control. Even if he could bring him back, maybe he doesn't want to. Damn, even knowing this was coming far ahead of time, and after several appearances in meme compilations at that, this is still tough to watch. Like, it's "Caesar's death" levels of tough. :( That facial imprint looks awfully familiar... And just like Caesar Zeppeli before him, his tragic death brought great progress for the teammates left behind. R.I.P. Abbacchio. Mista warned you not to eat that piece of cake, yet here we are. T_T7 Oh damn, they even gave him top billing as tribute.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Here's two voice actors on the opposite ends of the likability spectrum, hanging out together because some guy with Ninja Info Cards told them to. I forget, does Naruto know that Itachi was secretly a good guy this whole time? Compared to the classic OTN ninja mask (see: Kakashi, Zabuza, my adopted OCs), all others look ridiculous in comparison. OKAY SO WE'RE FIGHTING THEN. It's instant replays like this that make me question why they haven't just started playing the OPs again, even in a shortened form. I'll take Itachi's surprise as a sign that Naruto doesn't know he's a decent guy aside from the whole clan-slaying thing. Or maybe he does, that encounter with Madara was so long ago and behind so many layers of filler I'm honestly fuzzy on the details. "My body's moving on it's own!" I'm sure he's used that excuse before. ¬¬ OH MY GOD A GIANT ROCK. I do like how they're complementing their opponents' moves and warning them of their attacks like they're former allies and not former villains. That's a cerberus, Naruto. Aww yeah, I missed his seven-swords-at-once style. Could be better animated tho. And then it was a double cerberus. Of all the times for food poisoning to hit... REVERSE CROWJOB, GO! OHHHH FUCK SURPRISE JOJO AMV. You really pulled through for us this time around, Demarco. Guess that Gungrave screencap featuring your doppelganger did just the trick! And here's the customary flashback for those who don't remember the crow he jammed down his throat over a hundred episodes ago. The animation for said crow getting jammed down the throat still gives me the sensible chuckle. NOT EVEN KABUTO KNOWS WHAT'S GOING ON. :D You are now imagining Crispin Freeman setting Vic Mignogna on fire with a single spoken phrase, and tell me, is it as hilarious as I described? Suck it, Kabuto. The perfect genjutsu for politicians. Okay, so if Shisui actually suicided, then who did Itachi kill to get his Mangekyo? And, of course, Kabuto ends up using this to his advantage. That's a huge chameleon. ANTI-AGING NO JUTSU. Dude, I think he's trying to rip your soul out.


It's criminal that this counts as "ACTN" while Venture Bros. probably never will be.

12:00 - My Hero Academia #86 - Let it Flow! School Festival! - TV-PG

12:30 - Paranoia Agent #7 - MHz - TV-MAV
1:00 - Mob Psycho 100 #5 - OCHIMUSHA ~Psychic Powers and Me~ - TV-14DLSV

1:30 - Black Clover #120 - Dawn - TV-PGV

2:00 - Ballmastrz: 9009 #1 - A Shooting Star Named Gaz Digzy Falls Fast and Hard - TV-14LSV

2:15 - Ballmastrz: 9009 #2 - With the Burning Spirit of Teamwork in Her Heart - TV-14DLV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #299 - The Acknowledged One - TV-PG

When it comes to Williams Street original sports, give me the IGPX over "The Game" any day.


Hero- This song warms me to the depths of my cold dead heart and I'll watch it as many times ans they want to air it. One day I won't burst into tears when I see Eri smile, but that day is definitely not today. I will pay good money for a full OVA of Copyright Infringement: The Play. LOOK AT MY BABY SHE'S SO HAPPY.

Paranoia Agent- This has gotta be their weirdest goddamn case ever. You should probably not leave that guy alone with his daughter. Hey there, grandpa. I got a bad feeling about this. I don't think a head injury's gonna solve my student loan problems but hey I'm willing to try. The plot, it thickens. I just wanna know why that kid had a coconut tree. Aw shit is he just a copy cat? So Maniwa is kinda losing his mind here. Grandpa is a wizard. Can't imagine what was upsetting her, maybe it was the disgusting nudes her father was taking of her. Everybody's crazy, got it. WHELP. We started at depressing and just keep going down from there. This sure could be going better.

Mob- It's shocking how Reigen is the best influence in his life. Mob is a good boy. The baldness still cracks me up. You do in fact look like a middle aged pencil pusher. Jesus Mob that was a harsh roast. I love my psychic son. And then Mob broke. My son needs a hug. Let's all go back and do some more squats!

Clover- I was really rooting for you, Twink Ryuk. I hope this other demon comes in and kills them while they're weakened. Alright Smooze you're my last hope for a slaughter here. I hate all of you. STOP SCREAMING YOU DIPSHITS. No the Clover Kingdom is not in good hands. Charmy continues to be one of the few bright spots in this show. No, that's my deep-seated hatred you're sensing. Rmemeber, if you die you don't have to be in Black Clover anymore. But my rage and suffering only continues with every episode. How is that conversation supposed to go? "I know you just returned to life after being pointlessly murdered centuries ago, but you're all gonna have to leave and go back to being dead forever now." Well that was anticlimactic. So now there's just two of that girl I guess? Just fuck already. So that creepy dead elf baby thing ultimately lead to nothing. Oh what the fuck is this. Thanks I hate it. Y'all should probably figure out who's gonna be the Wizard King now since the last guy's kinda dead as shit. May we all be lucky enough to crumble to stone and escape this hell of a series. And then he was Jesus because why the fuck not.


I missed out on the Equality speech replay, but damn that's a good speech, especially considering all the clips they selected to match the script. Fuck anyone who thinks it's "forcing" promoting an end to racism, if that's all you see then you don't deserve your eyes.

PARANOIA AGENT - I don't think I noticed the flickering effect before, that's a nice touch. That's a first, I misread "transgeiver" as "transgender". Blue sky, white city. I always found the dopey, spaced-out looks on Hirukawa and Taeko's faces this episode super disturbing for some reason. Never underestimate the powers of a stand alone complex, Ikari. Don't you hate it when you start seeing things you can't even explain the symbolism of? FUN FACT: Hope is a real-life brand of cigarettes sold in Japan; I featured a knock-off of them in Kunoichi called "Rope" brand. (It's a bondage reference, get it?) This is the dark side of being a chuunibyou. I do like the animal symbolism this show employs for its characters. These empty sun-saturated streets are giving me some real Steins;Gate vibes right now. And so the connecting thread starts to show itself. Most people don't want others to know that their split personality is a literal whore, or even that they have a split personality at all. Clearly Lil' Slugger's a psychic. Time to visit the old man, I guess. Great timing there, showing police brutality during a time where that sort of thing is hated more than ever. My god, it's full of audio equipment. Because you can't have an anime without a gratuitous crucifix. MY OWN CLONE! How it feels to be a twentysomething watching Fox News. That's how I expect my apartment to look once I get one. The man-child babbling also disturbed me since the first time I watched this one. First it was good cop, bad cop, now it's sane cop, crazy cop. Hamasaki really loves that flickering effect, doesn't he. "It's you..." I never understood the reason that one guy was there, but it looks like he was the guard who let them in. Like they said, his eyes are golden. As I figured, the magic tricks were all foreshadowing for this moment. I always liked the looks on Ikari and Maniwa's faces once they found Kozuka's corpse in there. (Also, for as much blood as that was, that is hardly worthy of a TV-MAV re-rating.) Even they're not immune from gossip, it seems. Take one last look at the Hirukawas, 'cause they ain't showin' up again after this episode. Ever since that lazy-ass Old School Anime promo from '04, I've been a sucker for people putting out their cigarettes by grinding them into the pavement. Turns out you were the cornered person all along, Maniwa. "Looks like my lifelong interest in ham radio is finally going to pay off." Next week, Satoshi Kon does the impossible (as usual) and makes group suicide hilarious.

What's all this talk about "beats" and "jams" anyways? This is an action cartoon block, not a music video corner like that one night in the '00s. Or is it reference to all these new soundtracks? Seems weird to hype them up over the shows they're being used to hype up.

MOB PSYCHO 100 - The pecking order goes: you, the dirt, the worms inside the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo. How cute, Mob's actually intimidating him without even trying. I don't think that's what "telekinesis" is, at least by the definition I've always known. "People who are book smart, people who are street smart..." God he sounds delusional. This second "death" of his is less harrowing once you know he comes back again. :D He truly was an annoyance more than anything else. And yet, he was a decent pep-talker. HIROMITSU SEKI SAKUGA SPOTTED. You gotta love all these facial contortions. BALD! The tie is coming off, that means shit's 'bout to get real. He gets his confidence from the fact that no girl ever got bored with him showing off his being an esper all hours of the day. You can't not love obvious symbolism. "Why you little--!" To be fair, he's only been with the Body Improvement Club for, like, a few weeks at this point. I think that flashback did him in. FUCK YEAH ???% MOB. He's nuuuuuuuude. How fitting, that Hanazawa's powers are leaking out his dick. Well that's one way to cure someone of ego poisoning. You will never feel so depressed that you fix an entire school you destroyed using only your mind. In defeat, friendship. Outside of almost getting strangled, yeah he's just fine. Now that JoJo's off the block (temporarily), the frogs are free to croak as they so please. Note how no one bothers to explain what an "ochimusha" even is. (It's a defeated warrior who fled the battlefield, often with a bald head like Teru's.) [insert way too soon COVID joke here]

"School is a place to become a futanari future artist." Damn, what's with me misreading words as alternative genders today?

BLACK CLOVER - Oh shit I just realized all the bumpers are thematically relevant to current events. So long, Segunda Etapa Ryuk, and good riddance. The surprising yet relieving feeling of knowing that it's finally over; something we have yet to experience with this show in particular. Scratch that, maybe it isn't over yet. Evacuation efforts aren't going as smoothly as anticipated. Thank you, former Midnight Sun guys. BITCH I DO WHAT I WANT. :D I'm surprised Asta still remembers that guy. "Better question, why is Charmy here at all?" Because she's the greatest, one-note gag roll calls aside. Wait, when'd she get topless? First things first, let's take care of all these senseless riots. The solution would be to have Licht broadcast a message telling them to stop at once, but that's not gonna work without some kind of primitive version of broadcast equipment, and this show's no Dr. Stone when it comes to that sort of thing. That suggestion works too. Once you've died once, the second time's not so bad in comparison. It feels strange seeing Vangeance without his fruity mask on. See, I told you broadcasting the truth to them was the solution. That had to be the tamest Fairy Tales commercial yet, and it still had gross-out humor in it. I'm sure someone's claiming this solution's too easy. Outside of all the property damage, they sure did save you guys. Wait, does that mean the Devil's always gonna follow Asta? That last shot of Licht's spirit made him look like both a woman and a Dr. Stone character. Bitch he does what he wants, indeed. "You won't know when it'll happen, but it will happen." Yes, let's go see the body. Meanwhile, recovery efforts get underway. That's because it is, Mimosa. Oh wow, Asta caught on with that surprisingly quick. "Well, to me, "Wizard King" is nothing but simple phrase. Really, I prefer the title "Magic Emperor" myself." Anime characters really are better at handling disintegrating than movie characters. Here's a teaser for future characters in the upcoming arc, whenever it gets dubbed. Remember the Wizard King? He's back! In shota form. Somewhere, Red Bard is REEEEEing at the top of her lungs at yet another use of the resurrection trope (which she really needs to calm the fuck down about).

BALLMASTRZ: THE RANT - I remember a time when I had interest in Ballmastrz. From the creator of Superjail, animated by Titmouse, better at the whole "anime parody" thing than most Western cartoons (I'm still bummed about the Futurama one, even though I now know what they were going for)... Surely it wouldn't be terrible! And yet it was. Actually, no. Ballmastrz isn't terrible. It's just... forced. Specifically, the characters are forced. Loud, annoying, one-dimensional, schizophrenic, occasionally ugly... Not what I'm looking for in my American animes. The only characters of the bunch I really liked were Gaz, Baby Ball, and maybe that grey alien on the Leptons, but everyone else - yes, even Ace - came off as forced and hard to handle. Now I'm sure they get better as the series goes on, but based on the first two episodes I watched outside of the block a year or two ago... I don't think I'm ready to take that plunge yet. Sorry, Ballmastrz, looks like my chance to come around to you will have to wait for another day. Also, fuck you for making me think DeeDee was into Ace when it turned out she was actually into that pretentious poet of a token bored slacker guy. That really burned me. 😡

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - I forgot last episode left off with Vic Mignogna trying to steal the soul out of someone who'd reject his advances for reasons beyond mere principle. Ah shit, it's that demon mouth thing. Smart strategy you have there, Kabuto, let's see if it works out for you. Neat, his soul has whiskers just like him. Oh what the fuck when did he become a cyborg. Yeahhh part of me doesn't know what's going on anymore. Thanks, Itachi. Thitachi. Kabuto's snake tail looks like it's waiting for him to give it permission to eat Anko. He survived because he was too angry to die. Ain't teamwork grand when it's more than just the mere "power of friendship"? IMPALED BY FIRE. A good name for a Dethklok song. Speaking of resurrections, remember that time Orochimaru came back to life only to immediately die again? Note the sole snake that snuck away while all that was going on. Jiraiya's Die Hard, Nagato's Die Hard II, and Naruto's Die Hard with a Vengeance. And that's how the three-episode rule works. I'd "violation" her head right off her shoulders, if she's gonna be that anal about hanging plants and too-tall mailboxes. You call it a shuriken jutsu, yet those were kunai that he threw. (Bullhorn/foo ya foo.) I know you wanna do your part, Naruto, but let the others help pick up your slack for once. Thanks for supporting my point, Itachi. It all comes down to acknowledgement and results. Funny how we see Yamato in this montage, even though he's done nothing since getting kidnapped. Oh hey, he remembered Shino this time. :D Goddangit Konohamaru. Iruka is easily the most important character with the least screentime in this entire franchise. "Use the Talk no Jutsu, Naruto." Huh, the director of Rosario + Vampire guest storyboarded this episode, I'd never have guessed.


The problems in question are: still no new MHA, still no new JoJo, and still no new show announcements this year outside of SAO.

12:00 - My Hero Academia #49 - One For All - TV-14LV

12:30 - Paranoia Agent #8 - Happy Family Planning - TV-MAV
1:00 - Mob Psycho 100 #6 - Discord ~To Become One~ - TV-14DLSV

1:30 - Black Clover #121 - Three Problems - TV-PG

2:00 - Ballmastrz: 9009 #3 - Very Special Balls - TV-14DL

2:15 - Ballmastrz: 9009 #4 - To Catch a Princess - TV-14D

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #300 - The Mizukage, the Giant Clam, and the Mirage - TV-PGL

At least one of them's getting fixed next week.


Hero- I'm already crying! Goddamn his mentor was a milf. Discount Vader is the fucking worst. I love that even after they see his regular form, everyone still loves him and stans All Might. You almost feel bad for that crusty little rat bastard. I hate that ominous evil opera music. All Might needs a hug. Endeavor is angry, that's a change of pace. I forgot all these other heroes came in. Young Torino could get it. You stay away from my son. There will come a day when I don't sob like a giant baby during this fight; today is not that day. UNITED STATES OF SMASH makes me more proud to be an American than literally anything to come out of this country in my lifetime. :( "Goodbye, One for All."

Paranoia Agent- I like their backpacks. Oh no it's a small child. That's also my reaction to small children. Oh no it's a suicide pact. Man they're just inhaling those pills like I do with muscle relaxers during my period. Go away, little girl! Goddamn heavy machinery ruining our suicide attempt. That guy just ruined everyone else's day. This little brat sure is picky, does she even want to die? Maybe he lucked out and died in his sleep. REVELRY IN THE DARK. Trhow this child in the river. You wouldn't think it'd be so hard to kill yourself. Aww, he had a boyfriend. Nah, ditch this kid. At least have some fun before you die. :D Even Lil Slugger is freaked out by them. Those sure are a lot of ominous crows. PLOT TWIST. Those random girls are scarred for life. Remember kids, always wear a condom.

Mob- You're already smarter and cooler than Mob just let him have the cool psychic powers to himself. Love that terrible conman bastard. CHEESEBURGER TORNADO is a fantastic attack name. I goddamn love the Body Improvement Club. Never trust a guy dressed like a Jojo character. I kinda forgot all these other kids existed. I hate that guy. Body Improvement Seitz is the best character. Douchebag Josuke may be a douchebag but he's not a pervert.

Clover- Y'all can go ahead and change that opening monologue any time now. Like hell is Yami gonna raise this kid. "How dare you inspire me" is a real mood. This sounds like some bullshit. Execute Dimestore Griffin for treason. THIS IS STUPID. You really think there are only three problems here? This sounds like a real crock of horse shit here. Wait, is that what his weird ugly forehead tattoo thing is? Weird and confusing is right. I hate all of you. Yami doesn't get paid enough to play babysitter. I am absolutely fine with Asta dying and fully encourage it. Yami is deserves a better show. Oh no it's a wig curse, how terrifying. She's better as a bird. No shit they're exhausted, everyone almost died. Yes, tell everyone about this batshit plot and see what happens. YE GUILTY. Remember, fuck the rich and the government. Their captain is literally called Jack the Ripper, the hell did you expect? STOP LAUGHING YOU DUMBASS. Yes please kill them. Oh god what the fuck now. Is...is his name Numbnuttio? Execute him immediately. Don't let Asta talk. Girl just turn inot a bird and leave. I'm rooting for death. Asta you stupid fuck. I mean, death is probably better than whatever her creepy fuck brother wants to do to her.

Posted (edited)

PARANOIA AGENT - Oh dang special suicide warning. Googly-eyed backpacks are so 2004. "I thought she'd be more like, how should I say..." Legal? Susumu Hirasawa's music is both fitting and unfitting at the same time, especially where this episode is concerned. I do like the method of storytelling via chatlog, even if you have to pause to read everything (god forbid what you have to do if you don't have any subtitles...) Aren't you supposed to just swallow those things whole? That's the fakest crying I've ever seen, even in anime. Random salaryman beat them to it. And somehow he lived. Do you smoke cigarettes, or do you eat 'em? Nothing says "comedy" like upbeat Peanuts music and a side-wipe transition. "I wonder if he's hurt..." [thud] He is now. I was honestly never a fan of this screechy nonsense version of "London Bridge is Falling Down". Can't believe they waited this long to do the classic suicide maneuver; thought it was too cliche, maybe? If the choking didn't kill them, that fall definitely did. Y'know, for Pride Month. ゆ was always the hiragana character I had the toughest time writing. And finally we have our connection to the overarching plot. Not only was Kozuka a chuuni, he was suicidal too. In a sense, I can understand his fear at getting offed like he did, better to die on your own terms than by random chance. Oh hi Maniwa. 🤣 Lil' Slugger didn't sign up for any of this Looney Tunes bullshit. Yes, the classic tell-tale sign of being a ghost (or a victim of Gecko Moria's Devil Fruit): no shadow. I'll admit, the show did a great job hiding the lack of shadows up until this point, especially with the three standing and walking in areas where shadows couldn't easily be distinguished. Oh god not that song again. Yes, getting photobombed is indeed a terrifying experience. The lesson here is, condoms over abstinence. FUN FACT: Our three idiots this episode were voiced by the core cast of Koi Kaze (the superior incestuous couple and their dad). Oh double dang special suicide hotline message. Next week, thank god I won't have to take another important exam for the next three to four years.

MOB PSYCHO 100 - Now those are just random-looking dance moves. They don't have good English in Jersey, is what yer sayin'. I think he was referring to that "leg in the air" pitching pose you see so much in anime nowadays. GET A JOB YOU BUM. That's our Reigen, flipping the bird to Japan's "no such thing as self-defense" stigma with both hands. In all fairness, you did repair the school, so it's not like that really plays a factor into what you're trying to say. Use the knives like cutlery, not weapons of murder. Tome and Ichi are best girls, Tsubomi and her generic "beauty of the school" face can take a hike. They're Reigen's rules - hey, nice alliteration there, me - and you will respect them. Whether as a suicidal homosexual or the much-younger-than-he-looks leader of his school's fitness club, Patrick Seitz remains awesome. :D Tenga's great, the fact that Ray Chase is voicing him is really just a bonus. That dude's one layer of black and white makeup away from being a KISS-head. I'm not sure if that was a burn towards Ritsu or towards Mob. Nice music video, did they make this before the sudden replacement of JoJo with Ballmastrz? I CAN'T READ CIRCLE. I'm not sure what flavor of ice cream Tome's got but I want some. These kids' powers are just as unimpressive as their character designs. Even the student council president has family troubles. My room may be trouble to navigate to some, but at least it doesn't have a bunch of trash bags piled up on one side of the room, just a bunch of VHS tapes dating back to 2004 packed away in old computer paper boxes in my closet. "Ah, Kageyama, you're just in time to help me frame someone." But what if you're smart like they say and into fetishy stuff in a way that has nothing to do with :autism: like you are? I always liked Tenga's purple shirt. Tenga getting thrown under the bus is somehow both a rough watch and hilarious at the same time; just another reason Mob's the best at what it does (and also way better than OPM). I'm not surprised Mittelman feels shitty about betraying his BFF Chase. I completely forgot about Ritsu running into Reigen, or maybe it was the other way around. DIMPLE LIVES!

BLACK CLOVER - Yami truly is Angel's spirit animal as far as this show is concerned. In many ways, it's tough having "Vangeance" as your last name. Again, Asta knows what's going on better than his technically smarter compatriots do. Two questions for the price of one. "Baby-faced Grandpa", better known to us as Winston Churchill. His whole "magic fanboy" thing is a lot more accurate, now that he's a boy. He works out more than anybody else in the land, at this point excruciating pain ain't nothin' to a guy like him. WEG. Secre/Nero is best girl/bird. They've also got parrots and sloths! Looks like the land from Frozen to me. If only things were that easy, Asta. "And what even is the Magic Parliament!?" They're like the Magic Congress, only more British. Elsewhere, Sekke finally wins one, much to his surprise. I can't believe the promos for this show are getting more tolerable with each episode. :D Ha-homicide. Oh no, surprise assassins! ZA WARUDO. I don't know who this guy is but he certainly comes off like a complete dick. I just had lunch but that food bowl's making me hungry again. This hooded guy's gonna arrest him isn't he. Eh, close enough. Unfortunately for you, this is a "guilty until proven innocent" court, and likely a Japanese critique of their own GUPI courts too. Oh, to have a hand grenade right now... I'd make a quip about Monica Rial's character condemning hatefulness, but unlike the other people who wish to avoid picking sides in KickVic vs. ISWV, I don't think she was being hateful at all. (The guy she tweeted this at was a dickbag anyway.) An episode with Gauche's sister but no Gauche, it's a Flag Day miracle. (Still, if only the sister fucker was here...) Fuck off, Damnatio.

It's funny how Darrel Guilbeau's only a good voice actor when he's ripping off Michael Sinterniklaas wholesale.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - It's not everyday that you see your enemies actually want to be stopped. The giant clam really does sound like a filler thing at first glance, so it's a relief to see that it's not, so much. Gaara doesn't have time for this crap. Don't mind the sudden change in heart, he's just very sensitive about his mustache. Who will win: one invisible man, or seven visible men? I do like the Mizukage complaining about how useless everyone is. This episode is just one big mindfuck for these poor extras. MY BACK! Oh hi Naruto. Hopefully that seal manages to stick. He found out about the war by accident and got permission to join in after a daring escape, there's your explanation. Funny thing is, they all just passed out due to exhausting themselves trying to find the real enemy. He had training, he knows what he's doing.  "Just because you're Kazekage already doesn't mean you can treat me like a kid." Yes, but you are technically still a genin. You say "water balloon", but those just look like regular ol' soap bubbles to me. Oh god, his sand literally looks like shit now. "It's like I'm on crazy pills!" Leave it to the Kages pick up the slack with smarter fighting. MY BACK! AGAIN! Water guns hurt like hell.

Edited by PokeNirvash

Mt. Lady, the Pussycats, and a new hero waifu all in one episode? Color me interested.

12:00 - My Hero Academia #87 - Japanese Hero Billboard Chart - TV-14

12:30 - Paranoia Agent #9 - Etc. - TV-MA
1:00 - Mob Psycho 100 #7 - Exaltation ~I've Obtained Loss~ - TV-14DLV

1:30 - Black Clover #122 - As Pitch Black as it Gets - TV-PG

2:00 - Ballmastrz: 9009 #5 - Breathe Deep to Win! Teamwork Cuts Through the Foul Odor of Obsession! - TV-14L

2:15 - Ballmastrz: 9009 #6 - Honor! Money! Swords! Dongs! Ultimate Gaz Boom Boom Rookie Card Battle Begin! Fight! - TV-14DL

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #301 - Paradox - TV-14

There's a Shin Chan reference in there somewhere.

On 6/19/2020 at 10:01 PM, PokeNirvash said:

Mt. Lady, the Pussycats, and a new hero waifu all in one episode? Color me interested.

It's a good day for us all.

Hero- LOOK AT MY BABY. Just like All Might, Mirio proves that it doesn't matter how bad you dress as long as you're buff as shit. Mirio is best dad. THE CATGIRLS ARE HERE. I want Eri and that boy to meet and be friends. Ragdoll and Mirio should start a club. Never trust a man who comes with his own dramatic opera music. I refuse to believe Endeavor brings that much happiness. SO MANLY. Oh shit it's Garbage Dilf time. Dragon Waifu! Wash is the hero we need right now. I want Crust to meet Kirishima. BUNNY WAIFU ACQUIRED. I miss Best Jeanist. Helloooooooo Hawks. Garbage Dad's got a new suit. Goddamn I love Mirko. Hawks is my boyfriend, surprising absolutely no one. Yes he's a complete bastard but he's so goddamn cool. :D He's so fucking angry. This week has set a record by showing all six of my boyfriends in one episode. Ohhh I got a bad feeling about this. Look how cool my new boyfriend is. :D Even his fans think he's terrible. This is a date. I hope the entire reason he took Tokoyami is because they're both birds. How does Hawks wear shirts? That's not ominous at all. I'll have fun with you, Hawks. AW SHIT. Oh holy fuck it can talk. Wait, Endeavor can fly?

Paranoia Agent- Of course not, of course not! This is just a normal reaction to basic math for me. Yep, just seems like a normal math test here. This is why you never get married. Can't blame her, I wouldn't be in the mood to bang after dealing with her. I would beat this womaon to death. Thank you, Lil Slugger. Babies are goddamn terrifying. Yeah, that sounds like a thing that happened. Hey now she's not getting paid to write this shit. This scene is going too well. :D Okay Lil Slugger coming out of nowhere to hit the dying girl with the bat is kind of hilarious. OH, IT'S A BASEBALL. Yeah. he was definitely at the baseball game in front of all those people that day. To be fair, cake is fucking delicious. I'm not saying I'd eat free food I found on the street but I'm not denying it. Your stories are bad and you can't be in our club. Whelp. Remember, gossip is a bitch.

Mob- I always approve of Dimple getting his ass kicked. Never trust Dimple. Nothing improves school like outright blackmail. There's no force stronger than teenage angst. It's nice how that guy's outlook changed so soon after Mob beat him. Nobody wants your ugly vase, lady. Can't con a professional conman. I goddamn love Body Improvement Seitz. And then Ritsu went nuts.

Clover- At least if she gets executed she won't have to deal with whatever her brother wants to do. Kill him so that nun can finally know some peace. Hey, look at all these people I hate. Thanks, Jack the Ripper! I'm rooting for Dumbnuttio here. No don't save him, let him die. Hey there Captain Sexy. Oh hey, Manson is speaking at a volume we can hear for a change. That cat deserves to be in a better show. Oh hey, Dimestore Hisoka is here. Can we also lump Noelle into the death penalty here? Joke's on you, they're too dumb to care. Oh good, just in case I forgot that they're all goddamn terrible and I hate them. Yami gives absolutely zero fucks. Y'all remember that they're about to get executed, right? Aren't like half the magic knights nobles? So this is entirely pointless. Oh hey, those two. God I hope most of them get killed by devils. Here, have this shitty bracelet. No, he's not smart enough to run away. I hate you, baby Wizard King.


MY HERO ACADEMIA - Finally, those weeks without premieres are finally gonna pay off. FALL IS FINALLY HERE. Clearly the solution is to sand her horn off. Seeing Amajiki and Mirio interact makes me miss Senku and Taiju. Oh right, he had a work study too. Guess that explains why we didn't see any of it (outside of the stuff regarding Overhaul being more plot-important). FUCK YEAH IT'S THE PUSSYCATS. And Kota too, I guess. Kid's still as tsundere as ever. Yeah, I wouldn't dare take that risk either. A chart where the triple digit rankings are considered decent in their own right, that's weird but also fun. Todoroki isn't looking forward to the results, if you couldn't tell. Considering your fight managed to save a number of lives, I say you deserve that spot in the top 10. Oh hi Mt. Lady. Yeahhhhh you two are totally fucking. 😜 NEW HERO WAIFU SPOTTED. Her voice ain't too bad, I don't know what those people who say she doesn't sound black enough are talking about, clearly she just tans really well. Best Jeanist is still alive, he's just very badly injured. Worst Dad is the best at something, it's a Father's Day miracle. (Also, I forget which fanfic I got this from, but I liked that it had Endeavor interpret All Might's "Now it's your turn" as being directed towards him inheriting his #1 hero spot.) You heard her, pour one out for Sir Nighteye. T_T Okay, I could sense some subtle ebonics in that line; like really subtle. Most of Endeavor's approval comes from him doing his job well. Mentioning Stain and Overhaul in his mic time, this dude is a madman. BACKGROUND CHARACTER OF THE MOMENT: Moai Guy. Bender: "YOU SUCK!" If we're treating the definition of "beard" loosely - and I mean really loosely - then I say stubble sorta counts. And then he was more fire than man. Am I the only one who thinks the frame rate on Endeavor's flame effects are more than a little off? :D This guy seriously gets his power from being a flasher. Now let's make a sworn pact to never speak of him again. In a way, Endeavor is a lot like the late Zac Bertschy; just because you respect the guy and what he does, that doesn't mean actually talking to him comes easy. (At least, it isn't for a so-called contentious individual like myself.) Now this guy is a hardcore ZacEndeavorhead. Ain't nothing like literal top-floor yakitori. Ol' AFO. I dunno why, but it's kinda strange looking at Endeavor's hair. "Fear is good for business," that's the radical left's motto. Just how fast was that thing coming at 'em anyways? Still no word on who Miruko's seiyuu is, goddammit! I wonder what that burned picture's supposed to be of.

PARANOIA AGENT - Sometimes I feel Turner S&P's trying too hard to make the show's ratings match that of the home video release. And that's how the last episode ties into this one. The only college entrance exam I had to take for OSU was matching weirdly-shaped polygons at different angles under a time limit, us Americans have it easy compared to the Japanese and their rigorous methods. Oh, it's nothing, you just dropped the area of a circle. And now you're leaking even more equations, is that supposed to be symbolic of exam-day forgetfulness? I unironically love the obvious dated 3D effects of all those lines of information neatly dropping to the ground. WORDS, WORDS EVERYWHERE. I should be lucky I didn't freak out that badly about the six exams I had early this year. No matter the culture, bitchy in-laws are a universal constant. This story never really gelled with me back when I first watched PA, it's more one that gets better as you get older. Still, no matter how you perceive it, that shot of Lil' Slugger in the doorway is real kino. PREGNANCY SCIENCE. This is why you hire nurses for more than just their looks. Oh dear, he found his way into the womb. :D Random rabbit costume. Technically, the screw-up was on the nurses' part, but I will give you the whole "baseball bat in the uterus" thing. My father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate once told me... It's a good thing I never played or cared about the first Last of Us, so there's no way I can be as mad as everyone else about the sequel game. Looks pretty American up in this story. This really looks and feels like a shoujo manga, it's almost hilariously out of place. And here comes Lil' Slugger to turn it into an NTR doujin. Yeah, it seemed a little too fantastic to be real, and the guy's emotional turmoil much too subtle. REPLY TO ANGEL 1: "OH, IT'S A BASEBALL." Oh, that's a baseball. MICHIO MIHARA SAKUGA SPOTTED. In which Lil' Slugger puts his bat to its intended use. Damn, Reigen really let himself go after he accidentally #MeToo'd himself out of his successful exorcism business. What a waste of perfectly good foods. "Eat up." I've always wondered if tiny islands with a lone coconut tree exist in real life like they do in cartoons; I'd believe not. AND THEN HE CAME OUT OF THE WATER LIKE JAWS. :D Okay, the politician wanting to get hit only to end up dooming his sycophant to that fate is actually pretty clever. When all else fails, just rip off a famous tragedy; in this case, the Challenger disaster. I can't read smoke trails! FUN FACT: The reason that background audio is in Japanese is because it was an effects track that couldn't be dubbed over. That balloon is Disney, and those birds are the Twitter hate mob. I'm not sure what freaked me out more on the first watch: Miss Kamahara's face upon realizing she now has a good story to tell the other housewives, or the fact that their apartment complex spelled out the episode title from above. Hmm, credits look a little jittery this week. Next week, think Shirobako but with more murder and ugly people.

MOB PSYCHO 100 - It took me longer than I'd have like to realize the first half of "White T Poison" was referring to Mob's shirt. All these middle schools are named after condiments. "It appears that low-level spirits can't go anywhere near this place simply because Shigeo lives here!" Or maybe you're so weak you can't phase through solid matter like you used to. :D It's funny when Dimple gets hurt. Okay, so your powers work, you just suck at precision. "That's odd, Ritsu never skips shrimp pasta night." All your possession did was make his cheeks look like a cheap clown's. Oh hey, it's Tenga's underling. Yeah, being unable to make it to the bathroom to do #2 would be stressful. No one ever thinks to care about the victims. It's either wine and roses or peyote and saguaros, as far as they're concerned. That's a low blow, going after a man's car like that... TOP OF TERU'S HEAD: 150%. 🤣 Oh shit, I just noticed the Twitter logo on that one building back there. BLINK OR YOU'LL MISS IT PANTYSHOT DETECTED. Can't let your new do blow away and expose your temporary bald spot. Man, Dimple, you missed a lot after you got temporarily exorcised. Shit, I really need to get around to those Shivering Truth recordings. Maybe I'll luck my way into another job offer partway through the fifth episode, like with season 1. Never trust the supposed value of a gaudy vase. Now those are just elementary schooler drawings. Fuck yeah, Reigen comes in to save the day once again. HUUUUUUGE. Also never try to out-con the master con man. Or his highly skilled esper disciple. I'd say Reigen teeters on the line of what defines a "con man"; he scams people, but he leaves many of them fulfilled regardless. "You get off on this, don't you?" He sure sounds like it, at the very least. If anything, the Body Improvement Club's leader is "Looks Too Old for School Guy". Man, Tenga deserved none of this, violent as he was. "You do realize I could bench-press you without breaking a sweat, right?" See, the Japanese do know what self-defense is! :D Sucks to be you, Kamuro. This guy just can't stop getting ambushed by delinquents. There's just something fun about seeing Ritsu go so deep into the dark side. He is Kageyama, just not the one you're thinking of. They were saving the action budget for this scene, weren't they. THREE FREEZE! Loss, you say?

BLACK CLOVER - Oh hi Grandma Nun and token Greg Ayres character. Head Priest, your real name is just as stupid as your blind worship of the ground Yuno walks on. :D Asta's lookin' kinda attractive in that picture, no homo. And Sister Lily has an actual last name, color me surprised! "I'M NOT ANGRY, I JUST TALK THIS WAY!" The role of abusive prison warden fits Captain Jack surprisingly well. [mentions dinner hams, camera cuts to Purple Orca guy] Heh. 😏 Does it count as profanity if "Damn" is part of your name? These nobles are as stupid as they are rich, there's no winning with their kind unless you do absolutely everything they say. Even Sekke feels a little uneasy about all this vitriol. Better a fugitive than having to listen to what your nasty ass says. What, so the people outside of this building don't matter in the slightest? FUCK YEAH BLACK BULLS. And to the surprise of no one, Gauche mentions Marie in his portion of their group spiel. I can only imagine how many nobles they wound up crushing to death, making their big entrance. For being the long arm of the law, Damnatio is pretty goddamn ignorant. The outerwear was always part of Superman; the same cannot be said for the Bat-nipples. Now's not the time to try and kill Asta, Gauche. A royal jackass, indeed. That voodoo doll looks kinda cute at a distance. REPLY TO ANGEL 2: "Oh good, just in case I forgot that they're all goddamn terrible and I hate them." Like I said several times in the past, Charmy's at her worst when she's part of this consistently tiresome cavalcade of character quirks. Zora: "I'm surrounded by idiots..." Welcome to the team (officially), Secre, we hope you enjoy your stay. NOBODY FUCKING CARES WHAT YOU THINK, DUMBNUTSIO. Is this the magic equivalent of cursing someone with a tiny penis? Thank god for antimagic amirite. Nozel may still be a dick, but even he looks like a cool guy compared to the one-dimensional nobles packing the multi-level peanut gallery of failure over there. Thanks for sticking in his corner, guys. Yeah, yeah, whatever helps your ego sleep at night. Gauche doesn't know how to deal with his sister going all tsundere on him. Noelle, meanwhile, is used enough to her brother's tsun to let it roll off her back. A REIDEEN reference in my Black Clover? BASED. "Bet you could use a drink." Dammit, Vanessa, he's not old enough for alcohol yet! At least in America he's not. Yami: "I too am surrounded by idiots." Yeah, this guy's gonna die before he ever gets redeemed. As far as simply characterized secondary characters in this show go, Marx is one of the more underrated ones.

Aw fuck, I just walked into the middle of a random music video. Whatever, these things already lack enough context when I start them from the beginning.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Meanwhile, the Raikage's trying and failing to successfully lecture his own group of opponents on what they should be doing. Rule #34 of Anime Physics... ain't it a bitch? "Splendid move... but not splendid enough!" That's a surprisingly long time for a decoy to survive in battle. Oh hey Naruto. It grazed his hair, that's a good start! Damn Raikage and their crazy speed acrobatics! If the irises are white, then things just ain't right. THROAT SAND. I can't believe I've gone over a decade of my life thinking the Lightning Blade and Chidori were the same thing... are they? But the question is, which of the Tailed Beasts did he go up against? Well that answers that question. Easily it was the greatest fight that nobody knows about. "I like pesto." Too bad, because Jimmy Pesto sucks. [sigh] Naruto fangirls... In all fairness, he'd have succeeded if not for that sudden gust of wind. You're a pretty cool guy, Eyepatch Cloud dude. LIKE A GODDAMN SUPERBALL. Dangit, Bee, now's not the time for a pee break. Like I said, the greatest fight nobody knows about. A two-man Tailed Beast Bomb, perhaps? Or maybe it's just another Rasengan, as per usual. :D OH SHIIIIIT SELF-IMPALEMENT. Sometimes the key to victory lies in having your opponent play themselves. Oh yeah, Onoki got shot last episode. And we're still gonna be waiting for some resolution on that.

Posted (edited)

Fair warning to everyone in this thread - which at this point is just Angel, holy shit we've lost a lotta people - but we're in for two weeks of Black Clover recap, plus a week in-between for a marathon no one's gonna watch. So yeah, precautions and all that jazz.

12:00 - My Hero Academia #88 - His Story - TV-14V - SEASON FINALE

12:30 - Paranoia Agent #10 - Mellow Maromi - TV-14LV
1:00 - Mob Psycho 100 #8 - The Older Brother Bows ~Destructive Intent~ - TV-14LV

1:30 - Black Clover #123 - Nero Reminisces... Part 1 - TV-PG - RECAP 1/2

2:00 - Ballmastrz: 9009 #7 - Leather Passions! 2 Hearts, 2 Wheelz, Infinite Roadz. Ride Now! - TV-14DLV

2:15 - Ballmastrz: 9009 #8 - Hunger Cramps on the Playing Field of Friendship - TV-14DLV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #302 - Terror! The Steam Imp - TV-PGL

Edited by PokeNirvash

Hero- Hey Icy Hot, I'm gonna fuck your brother. Awwww Icy Hot. This entire family needs a hug. That's surprisingly nice of Garbage Dilf. That's not flying, that's falling with style! Oh, that's horrifying. You can thrust me, Endeavor--I mean, what? Okay Hawks's quirk is cool as fuck. Hawks is my boyfriend. You're just pissing it off now. Heee look at Hawks moonwalk. Aw FUCK it spits out more monsters. You're overheating, take your pants off. Oh cool, feather swords. I'm sure that other mysterious sibling in the flashback who's never been seen or mentioned in present time isn't important at all. JUST DIE ALREADY. Y'know what I'm taking credit for this. Hey there Icy Hot. Joke's on you, this man is literally too angry to die. I kinda love this fanboy kid. This song is a fucking banger. Stop trying to seduce me, angry yelling Seitz. Hey there bird! Aww look at baby Hawks. Teamwork, go! Whichever one of you takes that thing out and survives, I'm fucking. Hey look, character development. I have reached maximum thirst here. PLUS ULTRA. Am I allowed to fuck him now? Well, that's new.

Paranoia Agent- I wonder how much the industy's actually changed since they made this episode. Take a rest. I'd watch an entire series of commentary narrated by Maromi. I assume this is just how every assistant manager I've ever worked for feels about how important they are. Get well soon from your paralysis. Shut up, dude. Hey, free plushies! This is how I feel whenever half my coworkers do anything. Just a normal kid rollerblading down the street at full speed, nothing to see here. Aw shit he's in Take On Me now. Y'all I think your show might be cursed. No, you're definitely that dumb. I think Sumo Maromi might be my favorite Maromi here. I hate him. It's real hard to feel any sympathy here. Hey, at least the tape's fine! Take a rest. Take a rest. Take a rest. Take a rest. Take a rest. Take a rest. Take a rest.

Mob- Mob is such a good kid. Believe me Ritsu, sibling fights aren't worth it. I love my son. See, even the thugs are wearing masks. Hey, that's our bastard boy! Don't fuck with Mob. Leave my boy alone. I love watching him go ape shit. Mob broke. Love this conman bastard. Yes, it is your fault the kids got kidnapped.

Clover- I don't care how few premiers are on the block I'm still not watching fucking Black Clover recap. There is so much Endeavor porn out there and I'm gonna go through all of it.


MY HERO ACADEMIA - Oh hey, it's the rest of Todoroki's family. You Japanese and your tendency to apologize for everything. "Hey, Endeavor, I didn't know you could fly!" "No, jump good." Oh no it's capable of human speech. There's always little to say when there's action about. SPLIT-SECOND QUALITY SPOTTED. I'd definitely put my life in Hawks' hands, err, feathers. It's a cool phrase, but it ain't no "slice and dice". They're really taking advantage of that extra budget this week. OH GOD THEY'RE MULTIPLYING. Eyes, eyes everywhere. I can't tell if this "overheating" he's talking about is literal or metaphorical. Probably both. Why are you just standing there saying that-oh you're a reporter, never mind then. OOOOOOH HIS EYE. 👁️ All Might can feel that in his own scar. I just found out that monkey-looking production runner from this week's PA is 24 years old. Not only is that way off-base from how old I thought he was (late 30's), but I'm actually older than him now. Holy shit. You'd be a fool to think losing an eye would be enough to stop Endeavor. Now's not the time to act like a dick, All Icy-No Hot. I agree with Todd, the media needs to quit this fearmongering bullshit right the fuck now. LOOK AT HIM! Note how he said "eye" singularly. "Gotta go fast!" :D I hate that that made me laugh. Asshole he may be, there's no denying Endeavor's got his fans, even if they're completely cool guys like Hawks. I'm guessing he's gonna rip the Nomu's head off and just burn it directly. Or maybe he's gonna freeze its ass in the vacuum of space. "Go Beyond Plus Ultra", I think you mean. THAT'S OUR NEW #1. These episode titles popping up at the tail end of certain episodes never fail to surprise/please me. We AFO flashback in the post-credits sequence? Oh hi there All Might's mentor. We AFO flashback in the post-credits sequence. And OFA too, it appears. 5th season confirmed, but will Toonami last long enough to air it?

PARANOIA AGENT - Yep, this sure looks like a kodomo anime. And because having a visit from Lil' Slugger wouldn't mesh well with that age group, here's Maromi instead. I always liked these little rundowns on the various roles of anime production. Sound directors are also the most likely staff members to take advantage of the supposedly mythical "casting couch". I forgot that this whole mess started because the director had a breakdown a la Yasuchika Nagaoka on Engage Planet Kiss Dum. Even after seven years of driving, I'm still not ready for going down the interstate in the rain yet. Is this dude narcoleptic or what? This week's between-episode anchor: Miss Kamohara's husband was the writer for Mellow Maromi. At least he managed to survive his wife bugging him for answers in favor of dialing 119. It's true what s/he's saying about cinematography being the backbone of anime production, the photography director for SAO said so himself. THE HEALER DOG. Hatomura is still way chubbier than I remember him being. Gee, Oda, why do you get two Maromi pillows? Oh shit it's Lil' Slugger. Yeah, I have a tendency to hit myself for reasons too. If only his office had wall sockets and surge protectors, we wouldn't be in this particular mess. And there goes your guys' funding. Careful with those key frames there, buddy. Now he knows how Lil' Slugger feels. MAGGOT COUNT: 1. Oh shit he knows it's Lil' Slugger. "2020's been a really bad one, so here's a marathon to remind you that it could always be way worse." Makes sense they'd go for an NTV knockoff instead of just using WOWOW, no one watches kids' shows on satellite TV unless it's an otaku watching AT-X. And then he was the anime. :D Maromi, you're too small to ride that bike believably. So are we assuming Oda's taking up the role of director now that both of the actual directors are out of commission? Crazy how Batou was allowed to say "shit" and "prick" back in 2005 while everyone else got bleeped out. :D Maromi describing the animation director's duties after she got killed is my favorite bit of black comedy out of this episode. "If only this car had automatic windows!" HE COMIN'. Background art is really an underrated division of the anime process. For the longest time, I thought he freaked out about him folding it because it wasn't dry yet, but now I think it might be because creases in the backgrounds are a bad look. TACKLE! :D I love it when theme songs play outside of their designation animation sequences, especially as incidental music. The art director's going to Aokigahara. SURPRISE MOTHAFUCKA. I can totally understand Saruta being at fault now that I've actually been in the workforce for a year (and hoping to return sometime this summer), but I still think Oda's an asshole. That shot of Lil' Slugger in the backseat is another one of my favorite shots of him. And then he was Lil' Slugger. To be fair, Oda kinda deserved it. That's our story, Saruta's dead, and nobody cared. The anime production industry is very interesting and fun to learn about, but I wouldn't want to get involved in it for myself. I'm better off just writing my own hypothetical anime, staffing it out the way I want to, and then coming up with production problems for the headcanon where it exists as an anime. (Example: Kinky Kunoichi episode 7 was originally outsourced to a studio that wound up going bankrupt three months before the premiere date, so Pierrot had to complete it in-house and delay the broadcast by a week so it could meet the director's standards.) A decade later, Hiroyuki Yoshino would go on to play an equally incompetent production runner in another anime about the industry. In two weeks, the "Lil'" in Lil' Slugger finally reaches full irony.

MOB PSYCHO 100 - Oh hey, someone who's an esper and has a ridiculous hairstyle. :D Dimple's too old for this shit. Mob is so pure. He's also way too good for this medium full of protagonists who look just as bland as him but somehow have way less personality. Right surname, wrong brother. I love how that one delinquent is the tallest person in the room, like Gamagoori before him. Keith Silverstein is my favorite black VA - barring Beau Billingslea, natch - in case anyone was curious. Well his emotions sure are rising faster than normal. "Shiggy..." No one really wants to die, except Top_Gun whenever the newest SAO waifu simulator comes out. SHIT COUNT: 1. FUCK YEAH MOB. Welp, it was fun while it lasted. WE 100% RAGE NOW. I was expecting some sort of extended promo for a new [adult swim] show, only to get another goddamn anti-tobacco ad in disguise. Why do you even try, Truth? Why do you even fucking try? It's a shame I don't know who's doing this sakuga off the top of my head, because it is great😄 TRUMP CARD COUNT: 1. Oh hey Dimple's back... only to run away again. "He's not White T Poison's older brother, he's White T Poison himself!" :D HE'S GOT A KNIFE. Turns out it was knock-out mace all along. I love the whole "standing while unconscious" trope, especially when they move to a standing position while unconscious. Meanwhile, Reigen's taking advantage of the whole "Himalayan pink salt" craze. Tags: cheese_grater. This sounds more like Food Wars than I remember, I actually feel kind of uncomfortable watching this with other people in the house. :D ABD: Always blame Dimple. CLAWWWWW. "I think I can win." Badass. Misunderstandings all over the place. Hey, is that GIGANTOR in the corner? That's some way of introducing yourself/someone else. I found an abandoned car in the nearby woods one time. Reduced to just the frame, with the springs for the seat backing and everything exposed. I think the graffiti on it called it the "Poon Machine", or something similar.

BLACK CLOVER - Oh hey, new opening animation. It's weird to think the world of Black Clover has American deserts. "You and I... we're like brothers." :D So Licht really did come to his house and fuck his sister. The back-and-forth between these scenes kind of makes the inevitable massacre of the elves seem less awkward in the moment. And then he made like Dimple and ran off. SECRE GRAB MY PECS. Funny how this literal death of a species managed to get away without some type of violence subrating just because no one's bleeding in the moment. THREATENED BY A RUTHLESS DEMON. Is that the Sword of Damocles? Hoi, joso, ketsu, metsu, tenketsu. (Boo yah.) I'm not entirely sure what he even did there. If by "forever" you mean 500 years, then yes. I too remember the days when Asta was just a whiny infant and not a nun fetishist. :D Strange that they credit Patry's mom but not Patry himself.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - MMM WHATCHA SAYYYYY. It was sand the whole time. Gaara really came into his own once he dialed down the edge from his earlier days. Nice pyramid. Clearly there's a face in that steam. First up on the radar, hail the size of minivans! This imp really does look like the Mizukage's kid, if he were fat. THERE, BEHIND THAT GIANT ROCK! And then grand theft sealing tags. :D I'm gonna miss this guy when he's inevitably defeated. "If you can't beat me, you don't stand a chance against Madara!" Finally, the main character's on his way. Thank you, Gaara's mother. It's kind of strange watching him control green stead instead of the usual yellow/brown. KA-KA-KA-KABOOM. And now he's a statue. Tear it down! Nice to see him taking up his father's techiques. "LEAVE. THE. LIBRARY!" FUCK. YOU. ASSHOLE! Sucks to be you, Kabuto. Oh hey, Mummy Guy's still around. How is Kabuto able to tell all those different pebbles apart from one another? WE SOUND FOUR SOON. :D Oh Naruto, you and your crazy misunderstandings. Still more tags than I think are necessary, but hey, whatever gets the job done. He's fine, all he needs is a chiropractor, that's all. Huh, so that Naruto was a clone the whole time, I'd never have guessed. Meanwhile, everyone's trying to find a solution that there's already an answer to. Tenten really likes that fan, makes her feel important. That one guy's Suigetsu's brother, right? Hope you like cliffhangers 'cause we're in for 18 weeks of filler once the show comes back.


What better way to celebrate our country, in as dire of straits as it's ever faced, than with the anime its countrymen are most likely to recognize, in as dire of straits as it's ever faced?

12:00 - Dragon Ball Super #60 - Into the Future Again: Goku Black's True Identity Revealed! - TV-14
12:30 - Dragon Ball Super #61 - Zamasu's Ambition: The Storied Project 0 Mortals of Terror - TV-14V
1:00 - Dragon Ball Super #62 - I Will Defend the World! Trunks' Furious Burst of Super Power!! - TV-14V
1:30 - Dragon Ball Super #63 - Don't You Disgrace Saiyan Cells! Vegeta's Fierce Battle Commences!! - TV-14LV
2:00 - Dragon Ball Super #64 - Worship Me! Give Praise Unto Me! The Explosive Birth of a Merged Zamasu!! - TV-14LV
2:30 - Dragon Ball Super #65 - Final Judgement?! The Ultimate Power of an Absolute God - TV-14LV
3:00 - Dragon Ball Super #66 - Showdown! The Miraculous Power of Unyielding Warriors - TV-14LV
3:30 - Dragon Ball Super #67 - With New Hope in His Heart: Farewell, Trunks - TV-14LV

Seriously tho, Zamasu was way too OP and Trunks had already suffered enough under weaker adversaries.

Posted (edited)

More Black Clover clip shows, more Ballmastrz where it doesn't belong (as much), and Shippuden's back in filler hell. Just another week of Toonami in the COVID age.

12:00 - Dragon Ball Super #77 - Let's Do It, Grand Zeno! The Universes' Best Tournament!! - TV-14LV

12:30 - Paranoia Agent #11 - No Entry - TV-14LV
1:00 - Mob Psycho 100 #9 - Claw ~7th Division~ - TV-14LV

1:30 - Black Clover #124 - Nero Reminisces... Part 2 - TV-PGV - RECAP 2/2

2:00 - Ballmastrz: 9009 #9 - Chaste Wing of the Cold Turkey vs. Flaming Fist of Indulgence! - TV-14LV

2:15 - Ballmastrz: 9009 #10 - Strength Through Song; Brotherhood Through Blood; Redemption Through Rage. Sing, Fallen Angel! - TV-14DLV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #303 - Ghosts from the Past - TV-PGLV
3:00 - Samurai Jack #53 - XCII - TV-14V

The new show announcements can't come soon enough...

Edited by PokeNirvash
In all fairness, I wasn't expecting them to regain half an hour either.

Paranoia Agent- I want to hug this lady. I thought Maromi was a girl this entire time. You okay there Maniwa? Okay a roller blading demon sounds hilarious. Fuck off, Bat Boy. Aw shit that's his wife. Nobody ever reads the signs. She's gonna talk him to death. Children are terrifying, you're not missing out on much. Just fill the hole, hole filler! This is exactly how I feel when I say hello to someone and they give me their life story unprovoked. See, kids are awful. Oh hey, you arrested me once! I'm glad these two are getting along. I'm here for this old lady shit talking the monster. You can't even bash an old lady's skull in. Well this awkward. Lil Slugger really failing on this job. Oh shit. Okay the week of dinners thing is kinda weird. Well that's not normal. So then, everyone's gone nuts.

Mob- Mob is such a good kid. Torture time! I'm surprised all these guys didn't just kill each other already. Poor kids. I do like the flying car. Don't fuck with Mob. These kids are all great. Teamwork, go! Aww, she likes him. Meanwhile Team Mob one-shots everyone. Mob doesn't fuck around and I love my son.

Clover- I don't care how hard up the block is for content, I'm not watching goddamn Black Clover recap.


PARANOIA AGENT - "Due to unfortunate circumstances at the animation studio, the rest of Mellow Maromi has been outsourced to-" holy shit is that Maniwa? (The things you pick up on rewatches...) These emotional cornerings are coming faster by the episode. Lil' Slugger's one weakness: someone changing their mind about "wanting out". Aw yeah it's an Ikari episode. 😎 Even as a young teen, this in-episode title reveal always seemed a little off, probably because it isn't actually pasted on anything like the rest. If you're considerate enough to leave your skates at the door, surely it's not difficult for you to sit down and listen. :D Goddammit Ikari. And that's where the surrogate mother from the Fetus Slugger story comes in. Don't you just hate bosses who are younger than you and also total dicks? Seriously though, this backstory recitation and emotional self-analysis is very captivating, especially since it's the only one of its kind in this show. WE SWOLE SLUGGER NOW. Come now, tests are bad, but they're not that bad, at least in America. "Kids these days..." This tiny old dude's Tumblr nose is easily less awkward to look at than those on the characters of God of High School. Lil' Slugger ruins everything, be it through his own merits or pure tangent. What makes the Shaq-a-roni different from your standard pepperoni pizza? Does it come with a free bottle of Gold Bond, or even free insurance from the General? I was always under the impression that a drunk came with a tie wrapped around his head. Oh hey, those were the same words he said back in the RPG episode. Didn't know that was practically his catchphrase back in the day. Sometimes the best partnerships are done at a distance, as laughable as that sounds. "Apparently abusing suspects is looked down upon now, what with all these non-violent ways to coerce confessions outta people." Okay, he definitely hit her out of spite there. "What good was it to just wallow forever in disappointment?" True that. Are ya winnin', Maromi? Oh hey there Tsukiko. I completely forgot about this interaction they had. Even off-screen, Ikari is the best character. I don't exactly know what it's supposed to mean and I think it could use a better name, but if anything was a "Shut Up Hannibal" speech, that was it to a tee. 🏆 And here's all the previous characters watching the show. Even the Hirukawas, who apparently found a new place. Turns out Maromi was the real Lil' Slugger all along. How is it that I can understand Kon's symbolism as symbolism, but Ikuhara's comes off as literal to me, at least in Penguindrum? Meanwhile, at that bar with the Rising Sun matches... Predetermined gender roles are tiring, even for the traditional. So what you're saying is... he should take a rest. Sometimes motivations for entering a career path are very simple, and I would know that. WELCOME TO KAMISHIBAI WORLD. Somehow one of my biggest takeaways rewatching this episode is that the similarities between Ikari and Naokuu (my MC from Kinky Kunoichi) run deeper than I thought. They became cops for similar reasons, favor field work over paperwork, became disillusioned with their positions, got discharged, smoke a cigarette brand that rhymes with "nope", are chasing after a target/group of targets only their partner truly believes exists, refuse to ultimately give up in the face of despair, get more than a little aggressive with opponents but would never so much as hit a defenseless woman, and act like they're the only sane men in a world who doesn't understand them on the large. I think they'd get along well, despite being eighty years apart in their respective settings. Next week, Maniwa channels his own inner Naokuu and dishes out some good ol' fashioned vigilante justice that he isn't as cut out for as he thinks.

MOB PSYCHO 100 - I completely forgot that the "Scars" were a thing. I love these maze-shaped reaction faces. What the fuck is that guy's chin. There ain't no mood whiplash like going from torturing children to death to a flying car. I didn't even realize he had to flip the bird in order to use his air whips. LOGGED! On one hand, TOM's acting awfully misandric this week, on the other, was that Spongebob's house I saw back there? Sometimes names are hard to remember, I'm lucky I'm able to keep track of many of them as I do. "So do you just carry that around everywhere?" Knowing Ritsu, he probably does. Being dragged into the bushes never constitutes a good time. You can't not love good dramatic irony. Children are always in the basement. Lesson is, don't fuck with Mob twice in one day. Oh wow, I had nothing to say this week.

BLACK CLOVER - Oh neat, it gets its own home recording message too. I still count episode 2 as "anime original" more than "filler", even if it is Pierrot animating the series as a whole. "Oh wow, I grew up hot." It's still strange to think all these different bits and pieces of the world were existing simultaneously before they each got their own bits of plot relevance. Her hair's looking kinda blue up there. Oh good, we're skipping the failed nun-boning attempts, that's a relief. Damn geese! I don't remember those scenes from before. This recap is the closest we'll get to a faithful adaptation of the "Yuno gets elfed" reveal from the manga. Goddammit, I read "Furies" as "Furries", I really am too fargone. I'm a little disappointed that this episode's mostly just recapping the last arc instead of going through the whole of the series like I thought it would. Your character design still sucks, Ryuk's metrosexual cousin. At least he's too Saturday morning cartoon villainous to be behind Kellen Goff's burnout on voicing bad guys. And then Patry knew how it feels to have your entire career based on a lie. Who thinks with their dick more often: Asta around nuns, or Finral in general? ADVENTURE! That's our Yami, securing the kill as always. The true downside about Asta's constant screaming is that Yuno's sounds weak in comparison. "Who are you?" "I'm you but smugger." His one regret was that he was made of poorly mixed concrete.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Damn, that White Zetsu disguised as Darui actually spooked me there for a second. Yeah, everybody's looking even more paranoid than they usually do. The plan is, wait for Naruto to show up. Funny how Naruto was one of my biggest anime back then yet I don't remember all that much about the Sound Four. Outside of Tayuya looking pretty attractive, that was. What's the significance of these "gates" in their titles? Neat, they accidentally let a frame from the end of the OP slip in. Heh, one of them turned into a Zetsu. Probably three years, that seems to be the constant difference between the first show and this one. I do remember Choji managing to beat Jirobo without anyone else's assistance, that was pretty cool. (IIRC, Neji probably did the same against Kidomaru, but who cares about that fight.) Nope, still don't remember shit about this one. Kiba vs. Sakon/Ukon, I remember a little, if only in that Kankuro came in to help at the last moment. No need to question why Tayuya's demon-looking Curse Mark form is the least freaky-looking of the four. (Kinda makes her even more attractive, now that I think of it.) And of course I remember Shikamaru vs. Tayuya the best, because they were the best characters of their respective groups, even though Tayuya didn't really have a character outside of "evil underling of Orochimaru". For what it's worth, her flute-playing is good. Okay, so it's just Kidomaru and Sakon/Ukon who look like freaks who escaped from the ninth layer of Jigoku in their cursed forms, then. Huh, I expected that pigeon crash to be bloodier than it was. Always watch out for land mines. HAAHHHHHHH? No surprise that the protagonists mature just as the antagonists do. LOGGED! I... barely remember those demon guys that Tayuya could summon. Shit, I'm a real sucker for this sakuga. That was too easy, as to be expected of anime original filler. Now seal them up before they get the chance to recover. Well fuck, guess it's harder than even we thought it'd be. There's a one syllable difference between a transmutation circle and a transportation circle. I want to murder all these fuckers just for their stereotypical evil laughter alone. (Except Tayuya, for vaguely sexist reasons.) Still, now we've got ourselves a real filler arc, instead of just random disconnects like the last several ventures into filler hell.

[minus power]


I was never too huge on the Sound Four even at the peak of my being a non-Narutard Naruto fan, so I'm not looking forward to a whole mini filler arc of them continuing to be one-dimensional "LOL I'm so evil" pricks. Oh well, at least tonight we have the episode of PA that convinced younger me that it was the most moe anime on [as] at the time.

12:00 - Dragon Ball Super #78 - Even the Universes' Gods Are Appalled?! The Lose-and-Perish Tournament of Power - TV-14V

12:30 - Paranoia Agent #12 - Radar Man - TV-14DLV
1:00 - Mob Psycho 100 #10 - The Heinous Aura ~Mastermind~ - TV-14LV

1:30 - Black Clover #125 - Return - TV-PGL

2:00 - Ballmastrz: 9009 #11 - Infinite Hugs: Cold Embrace of the Bloodless Progenitors! - TV-14DLSV

2:15 - Ballmastrz: 9009 #12 - Shameful Disease of Yackety Yack! Don't Talk Back! Be Silenced Forever! - TV-14DLSV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #304 - The Underworld Transfer Jutsu - TV-PGL
3:00 - Samurai Jack #54 - XCIII - TV-14V

Figmas are a hell of a drug.


Paranoia Agent- And then shit got weird...okay, weirder. It's just a flesh wound. Just let this old man die in peace. He has truly become Dumpster Batman. Remember, never cute mascots. My slutty body pillow on the other hand will never betray me. Oh hey, she drew a Lil Slugger. Follow the sexy imaginary bunny figure. Don't touch anything in that apartment, it must be disgusting. Thanks, Panty Detective! How did y'all miss that when you were investigating this? This scene is somehow the strangest part of the entire series. Why do you even need a new character yet, Maromi's still doing ridiculously well. Uhh that thing is moving. Oh yeah, that'll make her art faster. Hi there, Monster Slugger. Oh hey, her dad. Hi there, bitches. Yes this conversation is going well. Just listen to the demon plushie. It's an ancient sword, or a bat he pulled out of an old man's yard. And then shit got even weirder. Oh no.

Mob- Gimp Mask gives a great inspirational speech. Stealthy as fuck, these kids. All of you should join the Body Improvement Club. I'd like to clarify that this fire guy was not my fault. Meanwhile, Mob plays with dolls. I forgot this little ginger fucker was here. Mob is the best kid. And then Dimple got stolen. Mob broke. Hi there, conman.

Clover- Oh, this new monologue is infinitely worse. That's your house, technically you've been home this entire time. I'm siding with Charmy on this. I hate you, sister fucker. Oh good we're doing everyone's painfully unfunny character rundown. Bitch are you really worried that he fucked a bird? I hope they all get mauled. Aww, he loves his pets. Dimestore Hisoka isn't dealing with this bullshit. This is painful. SHUT UP. Maybe I'll get lucky and these two will kill each other. For fuck's sake just give Manson some subtitles. Charmy continues to be the only decent one. Oh god what the hell now. Yami really needs to eat more fiber. Okay Yami with the baby monsters is the single bright spot in this shitshow of an episode. Even the monsters hate Asta. Oh jesus christ he made him a psychic talking doll of his sister. Yami says no fun and I can get behind that. I hate this show. 


PARANOIA AGENT - Maniwa narrating over this tracking shot over various roads and a single boardwalk is very likely the moment that sold me on this show. Demonic Slugger still freaks me the fuck out a little. You never thought he'd be able to grew this big? Really? And so Maniwa escaped... but the worst was yet to come. Odd choice of last words. I actually sorta prefer what Maniwa's hero outfit actually looks like to what he thinks it looks like. (That extreme closeup on his face is a little much tho.) You heard it here first, Maromi is bigger than Jesus and the Beatles combined (in Japan). Truly this is Maromi Mania. Nice to see the Hirukawas are still completely out of it. Oh shit, I almost forgot the old man had family. Meanwhile Ikari doesn't even know what's going on outside of the Showa Era. It's no surprise by now that I love when anime production companies are referenced in-series; even though it's technically a "bland name product" example, the "WOOOW" in place of "WOWOW" on that placard hits that button right. Everyone's so focused on the cute mascot characters that the vague sketch of an angry bat-wielder might as well not even be there. FUCK YEAH BUNNY GIRLS. And more anime figurines. He can't even have sex without you watching him, he's just that pathetic. When you have all of the Figmas, the next natural step is to start making your own. "This is a computer geek's wet dream!" That explains the D subrating. Oh damn, so this isn't the first (or second) time Tsukiko got attacked. "Time for your booster shot~." Check it out, it's Batman. I expect to be disappointed! Apparently no amount of breakout popularity for Maromi can make up for continued delays on his follow-up. Hmm, so the old lady's still at it. The old man reincarnated into the one medium where he could legibly get his message across: the radio. All that stress finally caught up to him. Another anime cliche I actually kinda like: characters going through subtle voice changes or none at all when they uncharacteristically get mad. Thank god he snapped out of it before went into SAO villain territory. And to no one's surprise, it was Lil' Slugger all along. Meanwhile, in picturesque rural Japan... I love it when Doug Stone voices minor characters, nowadays when it's somebody's dad. "That man ain't right." :D Even his most serious image is sassy. Even in Japan, bitches don't know that funerals are neither the time nor the place for gossip. That was bear-y rude. And then Maniwa was phone. Angry Maromi is what really freaks me out. SHINJI HASHIMOTO SAKUGA SPOTTED. That door's able to take a lotta damage, but not enough for FlexTape to fix it. BAT VS. BAT. Okay, him flipping the glasses around to "transform" is kinda cool. Even the bat isn't a real bat! Yes, let's go through the doorway that just showed up out of nowhere. "I really should've pocketed this thing by now..." High school nostalgia's a real thing ain't it. "Gasp! A male ally!" Grand Theft Maromi: the greatest of all crimes. Everybody's getting stressed out again. Who needs anime girl dolls when you have one in your own image? MY HIDEOUS CHEST! Guess the operation didn't go according to plan. Huh, turns out he reincarnated as the doorman to the other world this whole time. Next time, Ikari finally gets sick of Maniwa's bullshit after learning what chuunibyou has done to him.

At least it's not the full commercial with the yodeling children.

MOB PSYCHO 100 - Hired henchmen never stand a chance when it comes down to it. I like you, wise old drunkard henchman. Congratulations, Dimple, you found where the treasure's buried! Never thought he'd actually give out recommendations to join the Body Improvement Club. :D Teru's still got some of that juvenile delinquent spirit. YARE YARE DAZE. Now this is pyrokinesis. Reverse card, activated. Yeahhhh that dude's dead for sure. JUDO CHOP. I heard "Kill Don Lemon", who else heard him say "Kill Don Lemon"? TRIPLE-DOUBLE KNOCKOUT. Unimportant yet interesting fact, that red-headed kid over there is voiced by a transsexual; none of us really knew that until they replaced Spike Spencer as the voice of Shinji. Muscle girls are underrated when they're done right. I'd pick that up, it could be Reigen. I wonder if Niosi thought of that line when he decided to come clean about his sordid past and then went on a self-imposed exile from the voice acting industry. Tsuchiya is a truly underrated Mob waifu. NIGERUNDAYOOOOO. In the end, Dimple was the truest fool of all. OH NO HE'S HOT. Oh yeah, I almost forgot that red-headed kid was the one who knocked him out. Mob, welcome to the mindfuck. Not sure if reverse card, but it's super effective so who cares? No nutritional value = all you can eat! Waiting until the absolute last second to show up... LIKE A BOSS.

BLACK CLOVER - I miss THREATENED BY A RUTHLESS DEMON already, but I can get used to this. Wait, so they've just been on a destination-less road trip this whole time? Guess that explains why they were barreling across the desert during the recap episode. Oh hey, it's Yami's pet beasts. If only they had the initial floor plans for this hideout, then we wouldn't be in this mess. Is it wrong that I like Asta's sparkly eyes, but think Grey's squiggly open mouth looks completely stupid? I do like Finral's restraint in bringing up his attraction to the opposite sex, he got pretty bad with that in the 3rd and 4th cours. Of all the people to somehow not have a restraining order filed against them... I like the open bar idea, it has a nice ring to it. Secre's easily the least obnoxious of these idiots. You care because you're tsundere, it's in your nature. He gave you the hat and net as a joke, but unlucky for you he's not in a laughing mood right now. You're weird, Gauche, stop being weird. Zora just doesn't give a shit, and that's just another reason I like him more than you. I recently read a theory that the reason Yami spends so much time in the bathroom is because he's lactose-intolerant (like many actual Asians) so his gut isn't accustomed to all the milk-based products the Clover Kingdom has for their cuisine. It's easy to forget how terrible Black Clover's comedy is, even on the "Noelle hits Asta for no good reason" front. I can't believe Secre's a better love interest. I should make a Black Bulls ranking one of these days. YOUR MOUTH IS STUPID GREY. It's amazing how tolerable Gauche is when he isn't going on about his imouto. :D Okay, Gordon feeling hurt at Grey insulting his face got me there. I still can't believe Finral hasn't done his obligatory "hitting on women of varying levels of existence" gag yet. RAGGLE FRAGGLE. This is the strangest reinterpretation of Little Red Riding Hood I've ever seen, Aku's version included. No matter how obnoxious he gets, I just can't bring myself to hate Magna. "Captain Yami... He's in trouble..." What, he's out of toilet paper already? I can understand the misinterpretation, I'm a damn coward when it comes to dogs trying to show me love the way they do with everyone else. Not even Yami can resist that much cuteness. "Aww... you ruined it." "You're such a troublesome group." That's putting it lightly, Secre. They love him so much, they bring him in super close for licking, hence the attempted consumption. JYB does as JYB does. And then their home was a Hard Rock Cafe. I'm highly disturbed by this, but still, a doll that does weather forecasts is extremely progressive for this show's setting. It's only "a step above friends" if you're sharing the same bed. Ah, the status quo. I get the whole "true friendship" message, but still, there is such a thing as too much exposure to the Black Bulls in one sitting. Oh well, at least they've all got more character than the Sound Four.

Holy shit, that's what Phineas sounds like?

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - First off, allow me to say thank god we aren't starting with a recap of that forced simultaneous evil laughter. "White Guys in Disguise" would be a good band name in these tumultuous Caucasian-hating times. "There, now you're boyfriend and boyfriend." That's one of the minor joys of filler: normally useless characters can be useful, or at least make an attempt. But why does it look like a giant eyeball though? YOU SUCK, SOUND FOUR. Oh yeah, I forgot Tayuya cursing up a storm was her thing in the original Japanese. But what about genjutsu? Damn, I was hoping he'd go up to 128 Palms that time. Why's Jirobo the only one that went red? (Not that I'm complaining, since his and Tayuya's look better than the others'...) Whoops, spoke too soon. You'd think that a four-on-four match would make victory over them easier since they aren't being paired off in one-on-ones like before. I keep forgetting about those summons of theirs. "I hate this channel." *crash!* BELIEVE IT COUNT: 1. He punched that dude so hard he grew a tree. I never thought of Shino as the kind who'd dramatically sweat. A giant water sphere can only do so much! If only we had some type of shaman on hand. As I feared, they're pairing themselves off again. Well, except for Kiba and Shikamaru switching opponents, that's a pleasant surprise. SPLOOSH. Not only are they the true insults to lines in terms of character dimensionality, but they're stupidly overpowered too. Man, the Sound Four are the worst villains.

Posted (edited)

On the positive side of things, I'm expecting some actual show announcements to make up for the practical dearth of them as of recent (for understandable reasons, natch). On the negative, if the special short tonight is another damn Rick & Morty plug...

12:00 - Dragon Ball Super #79 - The 9th Universe's Kicking Basil vs. The 7th Universe's Majin Buu!! - TV-14LV

12:30 - Rick and Morty in: Genocider - TV-MAL

12:45 - Paranoia Agent #13 - The Final Episode - TV-14LSV - END
1:20 - Mob Psycho 100 #11 - Master ~Leader~ - TV-14LV

1:50 - Black Clover #126 - The Blue Rose's Confession - TV-PG

2:30 - Ballmastrz: 9009 #13 - Big Boy Body, Bigger Baby Boy Heart! Can You Endure the Pain of Love? Babyball, Discover It Now! - TV-14DLV

2:45 - Ballmastrz: 9009 #14 - Children of the Night Serenade Wet Nurse of Reprisal; Scream, Bloodsucker, Scream! - TV-14DLSV

3:00 - Naruto Shippuden #305 - The Vengeful - TV-PGV

Edited by PokeNirvash
Son of a bitch!
On 7/24/2020 at 10:00 PM, PokeNirvash said:

On the negative, if the special short tonight is another damn Rick & Morty plug...

This didn't age well.

Toonami- This pirate show looks cool, I'm in. I don't care about Rick and Morty. I've still never seen any of Blade Runner and I'm not sure how much I'll understand of the new series. Can't wait to piss my pants in horror watching Uzumaki. This definitely looks a lot more accurate style-wise than that weird anthology series they made a couple years ago. I'm always down for a Pillows performance. Okay the Tom and Sara interviewers were the best part of this.

Paranoia Agent- Thanks, random cardboard fish monger. Well this is creepy. Nothing can stop the smoooooze. Sweet, free jellybeans! Fuck this TV in particular. I hope she doesn't die. And now, somehow, shit gets even weirder. Tiny Tsukiko is adorable. Awww, real Maromi. Oh this is depressing. This lady needs a hug. I honestly couldn't remember if she died or not and now I'm sad. You are NOT the father. "Fuck this shit I'm out." That's a lot of Maromis. You'd think she could have changed her story the second time around. Nothing to see here, just Hobo Batman yelling at a mentally ill woman while otherworldly sludge flows through the streets. Now it's evil plushie  sludge. Oh hey, it's everyone else. The dead wife wasn't sad enough, have a dead puppy to go with it. Cramps are indeed the root of all misfortune. Oh hey, you broke whatever batshit curse this was. Off-brand Hello Kitty is adorable. She's cute with the short hair. Here we go again. Wait is this last scene new?

Mob- Reigen is somehow best dad I don't even care how it happened. Awwww look at Tiny Mob and Ritsu. Mob is the best kid and I love him. I'm surprised nobody's beaten the shit out of that ginger kid yet. I like how everyone here is just stupid enough to believe Reigen's the boss. The funniest thing is Reigen treating the evil underlings like a disobedient kindergarten class. :D The special moves get me every time. Good job, ya blew it. Mob fight scenes are so great. Reigen is best dad.

Clover- Can we go back to the old monologue that doesn't suck Asta's dick? STOP SCREAMING YOU JACKASS. Oh good the dumbass lesbian is here. We all want to fuck Yami, get over yourself lady. I like that he's just lighting up a smoke in the hospital wing. This is painful. I hate everything. Thanks for getting rid of the obvious rapist during your panicked flailing. What the fuck IS  this? Are they really turning this into a dramatic moment after we just spend five minutes watching her run around screaming like a goddamn lunatic? We get it, men are awful. I like that Yami just walks in sometimes and says "Grow a spine and get over your baggage, loser" and fixes their entire life. This show is really squandering the lesbian squad. OH MY GOD YOU'RE HORNY GET OVER IT. Girls no don't encourage this bullshit. Wait they're not all lesbians? Okay this is the least terrible squad. Yami continues to be the single bright spot in this heinous shit show. Just fuck him already you dumb bitch. Oh what the fuck now. 

Posted (edited)

Indeed it didn't.

Doing this week's thoughts internship-style, to account for the fact that I didn't want to spoil myself on anything before going into it, like I did for the 2012 April Fools' stunt.

TOONAMICON - As a fan of the works of I.G and one of the few people who actually enjoyed B: The Beginning (even if I can't remember half of what went on in it), I'm looking forward to Fena: Pirate Princess. (Not too crazy about the name, tho.) Blade Runner anime is kinda meh on my end, and a little disappointed that the Uzumaki preview was the one that's been online forever now. All three interviews were good though. Steve Blum and Dana Swanson sharing how they first got to be TOM and SARA too. (I bet you anything Demarco was wearing his "Fuck Racism" shirt during those interviews.) The Pillows performances were fun, though they just prove that I prefer the studio versions of their songs to the live covers, excluding their amazing acoustic rendition of "Ice Pick". Yes, everything was fun and all, but honestly, I'm just pissed that they didn't bother to tell us what the hell's replacing Paranoia Agent next week or what's replacing Mob the week after. You'd think that would be higher priority than three shows that won't see airtime until next year, but when it comes to Demarco, always lower your expectations.

RICK & MORTY ANIME SHORT - Not bad, though I could've done with something else. The fact that TOM namedropped Tower of God when introducing the director is just making me think all the more that we're gonna be getting it soon.

PARANOIA AGENT - Fifteen years later, and Ikari breaking out of his dream world is still an amazing sequence. Lot of emotion too, between Ikari's dead wife and Tsukiko's dead dog. I still find it odd that Kawazu's the only minor recurring character we see to have survived... whatever you wanna call the giant black blob Lil' Slugger turned into swallowing up everything. The post-credits scene with Maniwa sharing the cryptic message was a nice bonus inclusion, didn't expect that at all. It was really great watching this again, and I think it might actually be in my top 10 now. 11/10, would recommend to even non-anime fans.

MOB PSYCHO 100 - Ah yes, the episode that really cemented Reigen as my second husbando. Even with all the psychic battling going on, he stole the show. I feel kinda dirty about making him out to be the bad guy in this outdated political photoshop job.


BLACK CLOVER - I just had a dumb smile on my face during the entirety of Charlotte's screaming running freakout. Also pleasantly surprised that most of the Blue Rose Knights are actually all about hetero relations, Sol's annoying gayness combined with their lacking character before now just made them look the same. Asta may have a terminal nun fetish, but he knows a tsundere when he sees one. (And considering their VAs are married IRL, seeing Asta justify Noelle's more tsun-tsun moments in his own way was kinda cute.)

BALLMASTRZ - I fast-forwarded through this to get to the con-related stuff, and I'm kind of interested in checking it out in earnest now? Not yet, anyways - I still have the rest of the confirmed final season of Mike Tyson Mysteries to get through, plus the new season of Shivering Truth, and before all that getting caught up on 12 oz. Mouse - but eventually.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Orochimaru taking advantage of the fact that even his own subordinates want a piece of him was a creative way of justifying the Sound Four's single-minded vengeful characterizations, but still, thank god this mini-arc is over. And so the wait continues for that damn "fatty fatso" kid.

Edited by PokeNirvash
6 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

(And considering their VAs are married IRL, seeing Asta justify Noelle's more tsun-tsun moments in his own way was kinda cute.)

Okay that's actually pretty adorable.

  • Like 1

Dear diary, today Demarco was actually kinda cool.

12:00 - Dragon Ball Super #80 - Awaken Your Dormant Fighting Spirit! Gohan's Fight!! - TV-14LV

12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #29 - Verso il Colosseo di Roma - TV-MAV
1:00 - Mob Psycho 100 #12 - Mob and Reigen ~A Giant Tsuchinoko Appears~ - TV-14LV

1:30 - Black Clover #127 - Clues - TV-PG

2:00 - Ballmastrz: 9009 #15 - When You Wish Upon a Spore - TV-14LV

2:15 - Ballmastrz: 9009 #16 - Can't Stand the Heat? Ultimate Kitchen Technique! Finish Them, Warrior Bard!! - TV-14LV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #306 - The Heart's Eye - TV-PG
3:00 - Samurai Jack #55 - XCIV - TV-14V

But I'm still mad (for Gunners' sake) that he hasn't gotten the Mob 2 issues sorted out yet.

  • Like 1

That's right, and it was easily the most tearjerking death of a squad member for any JoJo since Caesar. Hell, we even got to see what the JoJo-verse afterlife looks like, that's something you don't normally see (outside of Reimi's street in Morioh)!

  • Like 1
11 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

That's right, and it was easily the most tearjerking death of a squad member for any JoJo since Caesar.

I had to watch Avdol die goddamn twice.

Jojo- RIP our angry goth boy. Maybe he's targeting her because he's just a complete asshole. Thanks for the stone bust but it's kinda useless. Oh hey, somebody's here with a clue. Sweet, we got a name. Kira also thought his stand had no weakness and then he got hit by an ambulance. Oh shit he's got an arrow. :D I love the phone. I hate that the angry voice does things for me. I got a bad feel about these guys. Huh, is that how stands happen? Wait if this was 1978, how did Avdol get his stand at birth? That was Avdol's silhouette, I miss him. I don't like the drunk dudes' survival odds here. Hey uh what the FUCK. Goddamn Youtubers. Ohhhh that is fucked up. I didn't expect to find a more uncomfortable character than Melone but here we are. :D Actual phone...or not. And then Mista died, again. Y'all are gonna die. Oh no my idiot son. I'm surprised Mista of all people figured that out. I don't like that. I hope Giorno cal cure all this. Yeet that turtle! YEEE HAAAAW.

Mob- Once again, Reigen is best dad. He has become too powerful. Awww Mob. God I love 1000% Reigen. :D This is the best fight in anything. I need a Reigen in my life to motivate me. I forgot the boss was an old man and not a little girl. "Surviving's a chore even though I'm so special" is a real mood. I still don't trust this ginger. Even Dimple gets a moment in the spotlight. I like the vegetable friends. That's also how I look when I work out. And everyone gets a happy ending. This isn't ominous at all. Meanwhile, bug hunting. Hey, free mushrooms.

Clover- For fuck's sake just give that guy subtitles. I'm okay with him failing. Maybe you don't have friends because you're creepy as fuck in general. Yami continues to be the least terrible character. Why doesn't she just transform into the big ugly guy disguise she always used before they revaled she was actually a cute girl? I hope his mom is also a hot bitch like the team alcoholic's was. Fucking christ, they're all like this. Sister fucker is literally the last person who gets to judge anyone for an incest implication. This is painful. Maybe I'll luck out and his creepy dad will kill them all. Funi I am BEGGING you for subtitles. Oh what the fuck. This is a form of pain he's not studying. Introduce him to that obnoxious screaming science girl. Please kill him. Goddammit he's not a serial killer. Huh, dream lady's awake. Oh what the fuck now. I'm disappointed that her siblings aren't dead. So...he let their douche siblings blame her for their mom's death and treat her like shit her entire life for no reason? What the fuck. This is a stupid explanation. You're all garbage, it's impossible to narrow it down.


Oh right, I must've overlooked those two.

Neat, the one band I'm related to by blood is putting out music for [as] again.

VENTO AUREO - Search all the databases! Nice touch, making what should be a really rigid death mask stretchy. The computer speaks! What a highly advanced communication interface for 2001. It always comes back to the special arrows from the special old lady. SPEEDBOAT! What is it about Doppio that makes him believe ordinary objects are phones? Hey, when you're part of the literal mafia, the deaths of comrades come with the territory. "The only way to deal with fear is with fear itself." Is it wrong that I want that little face on Emperor Crimson's forehead to speak, and in an inappropriately high-pitched tone at that? Sweet, more real-world history lessons. There are Inuits in Greenland? TOO SOON. Sometimes a strange virus gives you COVID, other times it gives you a STAND. REPLY TO ANGEL: "Wait if this was 1978, how did Avdol get his stand at birth?" I imagine the STAND virus is more of an aid in awakening STANDS in those who haven't awakened theirs already than a strict gifter of STANDs like these last two parts made it look. Check out those Stardust Crusader silhouettes. 😎 First the Pillar Men, now STAND arrows. Who'dve thought the Colosseum would be so important across multiple JoJo parts? You gotta love random drunks. Them falling victim to some sort of enemy supervirus... not so much. No surprise, it's an enemy STAND. [random didgeridoo noises] When it comes to f'ed up supporting villains in JoJo, it's hard to beat out Doctor Death and his personal gimp. He's using an actual phone, what is reality. Even Diavolo is disgusted by that guy, and the man tried to kill his own daughter! It was a toy phone, all is right with the world but not Doppio's head. Narancia, this is the freaking capital of Italy we're talking about, it ain't no "village". Attack of the killer mold. Welp, Narancia's dead. Okay, so to avoid getting this killer mold, I just have to climb, climb, climb. That's a random fact for Giorno to know. As a wise man in a red jacket once said, explosions fix everything. Cioccolata likes to watch. "Mystery Man: DOUG ERHOLTZ". Oh, so it was Polnareff.

MOB PSYCHO 100 - BONES may have an extremely spotty track record with their finales - Soul Eater, Eureka AO, the FMA movie which shall not be named - but when they hit, they hit dead-on. And this season of Mob is probably their biggest hit of all (and I say this partly as a Reigen stan). This episode alone proves the series worthy of being my #3 anime, and maybe even #2 or #1 once Demarco and Crunchyroll get off their collective asses and allow season 2 on the block. 11/10.

BLACK CLOVER - He's still a little whispery, but Gordon's more audible than usual this week, and I approve. No one really wants to hang out with a kid who's genetically reminiscent of a panda. Aw fuck, he brought the two worst gimmicks along with him. "They're a little strange themselves, but they're good people." Okay, so they're like doms but without safe words. I hate that Gauche actually has common sense about things. :D Also, damn his chemistry with Grey for making me chortle. Introducing, the Manson Family. You don't have to put on the red light. What is it with animals attacking Asta? Gauche you're in love with your sister, you have no right to mentally accuse others of committing actual incest. Oh boi is that sum haggis I see over there? :D I know senility's no laughing matter, but Gordon's grandma losing track of the bread is challenging that notion. Asta don't discriminate when it comes to tasty shit. That's easily one of Grey's better faces. What a dramatic exit. [slams the Easy Button] Come up to the lab, and see what's on the slab... "If you stay, I can teach you about every caus of death there is." Even the ones that don't make a lick of sense? Gordon's dad is a better physician than Cioccolata, even before the whole "doing good with instruments of evil" reveal. What we got here is a failure to communicate. Oh hey, she's still awake. Damn, Noelle's taller than her. "Everyone believing something doesn't make it true." Something today's media takes advantage of all too much. Turns out she's a sacrificial queen in more than just Dewey Novak's male-equivalent definition of the term. [slams the Easy Button again] The walls have ears, especially outdoors. Mmm, dream tea. I'm not even surprised that there's an Asta here. I bet their VAs recorded this scene together, considering this is another "recording-from-home" episode. That curse must've been pretty bad, if sibling abuse was the preferred alternative. :D Oh god, he's become Gauche. CURSE MAP, GO! Everybody in the Black Bulls is a little off, don't kid yourself. It's a curse we here in America like to call "lactose intolerance". You just wanted an excuse to punch him didn't you. The flame's so big you can't see the candle anymore, so of course it's super important.

What the fuck is this puppet strip club bullshit, did Demarco spring another random music video on us while I wasn't looking?

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Oh dang, Hyuga flashback episode. I bet you anything this is what they were doing while Team 7 was trying to unmask Kakashi. She's probably flashbacking to their Chunin Exam fight during these less successful spars. Oh hey, I recognize this scene! From online, that is. So is she turning this third wheel situation into a double date, or... Don't mind her, she's just got Naruto on the brain. "Shit, I must've worked her too hard." There goes that flash of the tail end of the OP again. Walking on top of the railing is such a Naruto thing for him to do. And so the misunderstandings begin. :D Dammit Sakura, you of all people should know you're not supposed to pick your friends' noses, even by accident! Meanwhile, Hinata's getting used to not using her eyes. Giving the silent treatment a whole new meaning. Of all the filler phlebotniums I've heard thus far, "eyebright" is easily the most unimaginatively named. Sounds like backwards foreshadowing of Neji making it to the level of jonin first. "Traveling in the same direction, are we..." And this is obviously foreshadowing for how the final pairings come Boruto would turn out (minus the hearts coming off of Sasuke, natch). :D Now Sakura's the one who can't catch a break. No one expects enemies in the DMZ! Destiny is the same. SUDDENLY GUY-SENSEI. And Kakashi too. It always comes back to Orochimaru in this time period, doesn't it. Oh hey, Naruto's looking kinda cool (read: QUALITY) again. They didn't see anything... ever. And there's the obligatory cameos from the other genin. Truth be told, this was a pretty lame episode. So lame, even Black Clover trumped it.

[and that's saying something]


A little over 14 years ago, when I was in 5th grade, my elementary school had a talent show. One of the acts was an "interpretive hand dance" or some other nonsense set to the song "Boulevard of Broken Dreams". The emcee erroneously claimed the title of the song was "I Walk Alone". And that upset younger me worse than it should have. It's unfortunate that's my most vivid memory of Green Day, outside of really liking "Holiday" for a while after first watching the video for it on VH1.

12:00 - Dragon Ball Super #81 - Bergamo the Crusher vs. Goku! Whose Strength Reaches the Wild Blue Yonder?! - TV-14V

12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #30 - Green Day Tea and Oasis Sanctuary, Part 1 - TV-MALV
1:00 - Fire Force #15 - The Blacksmith's Dream - TV-14

1:30 - Black Clover #128 - To the Heart Kingdom! - TV-PG

2:00 - Ballmastrz: 9009 #17 - Defective Affection?! Dodge the Wayward Strikes of Cupid's Calamitous Quiver! - TV-14DLSV

2:15 - Ballmastrz: 9009 #18 - Dance Dance Convolution?! Egos Warped by the Hair Gel of Hubris! Atonement, Now! - TV-14DLV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #307 - Fade Into the Moonlight - TV-PGV
3:00 - Samurai Jack #56 - XCV - TV-14DLV (yes, still)


I don't know why that story cracked me up but thank you.

Jojo- I'm uncomfortable with this. Your weird dog gimp man has earned his Scooby Snacks. Oh no my son is full of mold. You're being attacked by magic mold, he doesn't have time to be nice. I got a bad feel about this. Oh shit it doesn't land. Whelp, you're screwed. RIP gun. Oh this is not going well. You stay away from that turtle! Aww he says he's their papa. YEEEE HAAW. Mista no you're gonna shoot yourself again. And then Mista shot himself again. Bruno no, the mold! Gopher gimp continues to make me very uncomfortable. I don't think Bruno is okay. Fine then, keep your secrets. Oh I don't like that ominous music. I DON'T THINK BRUNO IS OKAY. Aw fuck he's a zombie. WHAT. And then everyone died. Time to set everything on fire. Does the mold affect stands because I don't want my boys hurt. They're boyfriends. :D Homicidal badger. It's Fern Gully, bitch.

Fire Force- I still don't trust Science Dandy. His junkyard looks like my sewing room before Halloween. I do appreciate a buff dude yeeting beer cans at loud teenagers. Yeah sure I'll call you whatever you want. Vulcan I am right here if you want a big tittied girlfriend who won't betray you. His first mistake was putting on a shirt. I don't know whether the bigger question is why Vulcan made a pissing squirrel robot or why Arthur was molesting it. I'd watch a National Geographic show with shirtless Vulcan.

Clover- I hate this monolgue a little more every week I have to hear it. It's too early for Yami to deal with this. Yes good, shit all over their hopes. I'm disappointed he hasn't come to smother him with a pillow. He's a douchebag but his assessment of them is correct. Hey, it worked out for Miroku. You're not cursed you're just a horny bastard. I'm surprised anyone willingly took her brother. I'm goddamn amazed that anyone would willingly take Asta. Kill him anyways, Yami. Why wouldn't you just send Yuno he's objectively the strongest one. Calm down you horny bastard. God Mimosa have some standards. This is painful. Sink their boat, your majesty. Alright I'm already rooting for the ominous water bitch. Honey just date him. Man, this place makes your kingdom look like shit. And nothing of value was lost. You can just go ahead and kill them. Big deal you can draw a transmutation circle. She's got huge boobs and hates Asta, I love her.


There's just something inherently funny about an 11 year-old with Asperger's who doesn't even know he has Asperger's yet having to sit through an edited-down version of a mid-00s pop-rock song, shifting and twitching like a ticking time bomb with no one to vent to in the moment because it would be disruptive, all because the people in charge got the name of a song he occasionally listened to wrong. It also shows how out-of-touch people can be about music when they can't even get the names of popular songs right.

VENTO AUREO - Even as someone who's not all that bothered by petplay, Cioccolata and Secco's relationship is kinda freaking me out. (I blame the super-fast "good boys".) Uhh, did you miss the part where he asked Giorno how Narancia was doing? Seriously Trish now's not the time to bitch about this sorta thing. Oh shit, we pocket dimensions now. And also treadclimbers. "My gun, my STAND abilities!" Phasing through solid matter is an underrated ability, even if you're being subjected to it. Maybe they are, it's hard to tell with the whole petplay angle. SHIT COUNT: 2. IT'S MURDERIN' TIME! Goddang gimp acrobatics. No one knows what Bucciarati is thinking. ARI ARI ARI. Eh, I might watch more than just Gotham Knight, but I'm probably still gonna watch just Gotham Knight. One of the worst things that could possibly ever happen to someone is the inability to communicate, especially to oneself. RERO RERO RERO. Oh shit, he really can speak legibly. And so Bucciarati's team escaped... but the worst was yet to come. Mm, so the plot thickens. And it thickens even further. Yeah, I'd hate to check my own pulse and find out I have none too. WHELP. I get that you're a temporary zombie and all now, but you could at least patch up that wound so it doesn't weird anyone out. IT'S RAINING MOLD! As if Giorno saying it outright wasn't enough, here's some senseless civilian deaths to prove further that Cioccolata's evil would make even DIO and Kira feel uncomfortable. Aw shit, Secco's back. I normally don't ship yaoi couples, but damn if this show isn't giving me that temptation with Giorno and Mista. TEAMWORK, FUCK YEAH. Meanwhile, here's a Reddit thread with links to galleries showing off that one time Crunchyroll accidentally posted this episode with subs from the Fruits Basket reboot.

Goddammit Hibana a comment like that is exactly the reason why it's so hard for me to pick a side between either loving or hating you.

BLACK CLOVER - I miss when this show used to have previous-episode recaps before the opening theme. Looks like Gauche and Grey are gonna be out of commission for the episode, that's good news indeed. Goddang illegal immigrant traps making it hard for regular folks to get in. Hey, it was worth the suggestion. The background art in this show is actually kinda decent when it doesn't implement those godawful textures. :D Yeah, keep choking on that jealousy, Langris. "TOO SOON." Well, that one-note gag's back with a vengeance. And I kinda love that Langris is dragging it through the mud in his best Bakugo impression. :D [No]. I'm not sure how to respond to Mimosa showing off both her gimmicks in this one sitting, but I know many of you are probably hating it. Calling her "your omnipotence" wouldn't be a stretch. Ah yes, Queen Jamie Marchi of the feminist witch cabal. MINI TIMESKIP, GO! If not one, then two. (Show of hands, who got that one?) The ass-kicking he'll be doing is purely figurative. Damn, I was hoping we'd go a whole scene without Luck bringing up his love of fighting. BE SOFT MY DICK. "What the heck am I watching right now?" A lawlharem anime at its most basic. Calm down with those pelvic thrusts, Finral. Looks nice, if not a little on the generic side. That's... debatably suspicious. This Gaja guy seems awfully chill, especially for a Black Clover character. WATERFALL STAIRCASE. Okay, so that happened. He can do that 'cause he jumps good. They're really hammering in that whole "stage" system, though I like how it's a case where the the numbering order is from the top down. I had a feeling that giant fish lady was an undine. You could say he's below "9th stage" but if he's able to negate magic, wouldn't that make him "0th stage"? This kingdom is way more hostile towards nonaggressive guests than I was expecting. Well shit, there really is a 0th stage, disregard my earlier comment. Man, the Heart Kingdom and its super special awesome ranking system is dildos. I don't know who's doing that sakuga, but I bet it's the guy who did an AMA on the Toonami Reddit last night.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Extreme close-ups! Oh hi Kimimaro, didn't know you were doing stuff already. This episode's really breaking out the anime presentation cliches, aren't they. Nice of you to join us, Hayate, even if it's only in filler. We're in the middle stages already? Okay, so we're flashing back to when he died in the original series.  I'd almost completely forgotten that Gaara used the Shukaku to kill Dosu. Likewise, I remember Orochimaru being the one who met with Baki. Kabuto, you absolute madman. Well that made up less of the episode than I expected it to. I had a feeling that purple-haired chick was Hayate's former lover. FUN FACT: Batman in Year One is voiced by the same guy who played Jim Gordon in Gotham, which I think is a pretty cool connection. I wouldn't be surprised if Kabuto fucked a corpse. But wait, didn't Baki survive that encounter? Dang have I got nostalgia for these simply animated fight scenes against this old soundtrack. It's amazing what Naruto can get away with on a PG level. Oh hey, it's Kiba's sister. And then everything happened. "Long story short, I'm part snake now." Why's that guy's face look like Naruto's ID photo? Because Kishi can't write women, that's why she's there. Now cough so she knows it's you. Your mask is stupid and looks like it belongs at either a masquerade or an orgy. KUNAI SWEETGUM NO JUTSU. "Finally, a chance to be useful again!" This ending theme is easily superior in its non-sped-up form.

[i can hear you are screaming]


Your occasional reminder that good guys still wear black.

12:00 - Batman: Year One - TV-14DLSV
1:30 - Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 - TV-14V
3:10 - Rick & Morty vs. Genocider - TV-MAL
3:20 - Rick & Morty: Samurai & Shogun - TV-MAV

  • Like 1


Year One- You should probably not beat up a monk, that's probably some bad karma right there. Jim Gordon is the only cop worth trusting. These shady masked fuckers totally aren't the other cops aw shit they're the other cops. HI CATWOMAN. Goddamn child hooker stabbed me! Remember, don't trust cops. Don't fuck with Gordon. Uh hey Bruce you okay there? I don't think that's a sign, I think this bat just has rabies. GORDON PUNCH. Alright he looks like the old TAS version Batman and I can get behind this. REVELRY IN THE DARK. Hi there, future Two Face. Sure hope nobody else was in the building they just blew up. She's my favorite crazy cat lady. BATS, MOTHERFUCKERS. Oh no don't cheat on your wife with the hot detective lady. I'm always gay for Catwoman. Really should not have fucked that lady. Nothing to see here, just a rich alcoholic day-drinking with his exotic whore. Huh, I was expecting the son thing to be a fakeout and for her to give birth to Batgirl instead. God I'm gay for her. Babies are indeed a curse unto us all. I've seen John Mulaney, you never let them take you to a secondary location. Uh Gordon maybe try not ot crash the car that's carrying your baby. Eat shit, fat man. Somebody's poisoned the watering hole!

Dark Knight Returns- It's nice that he found a safe hobby after his retirement. Is Gordon retiring because his balls are too big? Joke's on you thugs, this is is fetish. Oh thank god, Alfred's still alive. Even if he's in a coma, I don't trust the Joker. Oh hey, he's back to One Face. Goddammit Harvey. Oh no, it's Zorro-induced PTSD. For fuck's sake Bruce, just bat-proof that window already. I don't like where this is going. BATMAN'D. Batman's built like a Joestar, age means nothing to him. Big deal like this is the first time Batman's been threatened with dismemberment. God I love Alfred. So I'm guessin this girl's gonna be the new Robin. Aw fuck, Joker's listening. Oh a whole $22 million, that's like three hours of work for Bruce Wayne. Ah shit, Batman turned into Devilman for a minute there. Uh hey Harvey you okay there? Again, don't fuck with Gordon. Nice Robin cosplay, dork. And then they all got rabies. She's adorable. Yeah buddy this speech is a great way to give yourself a good image. This girl's definitely about to get herself captured. The BATTANK says fuck you. Batman no you're gonna get your spine ripped out. Oh shit did she just claw out his eyes? Alright kid he's five times your size, drag him back to the tank. Okay I love this girl. Awww good, Bruce is keeping her. Okay but they should really take him to the hospital and say he fell down the stairs or something. On the flip side, I hate these side characters. Idiot mayor's definitely about to die. Wow what a surprise, he died immediately. Ouch, Alfred. I have no goddamn idea what they're saying. No seriously, can I get mutantspeak-to-English subtitles here? Good girl, set a trap. I am not really sure how letting the leader escape is gonna help here but go for it. Movie I don't speak rebellious teen, what the fuck are they saying. FUCK 'IM UP, BATS. Oh fuck he accidentally started himself a cult. Great job, you dumb bastards woke up the Joker.


Time to put another one of the several anime I've left unfinished for years in the history books.

12:00 - Batman: Gotham Knight - TV-14V
1:45 - Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part 2 - TV-14V

And by "history books", I mean my completed list on MAL.


Well I definitely liked last week more than this one.

Gotham Knight- Goddamn kids. And then Lil Slugger showed up. That's not Batman, that's Tokoyami. Man this villain sure gets around. That's not Batman, that's a gargoyle. That's not Batman, that's ROBOBATMAN. Oh hey, Batman.
Oh, this guy looks crazy. Just call him a Batman, that's what he is. Oh y'all are about to get trapped in the murder building. You're tranferring out of the MCU, I GET IT. Lady if he doesn't wanna work with you, I sure as hell will. Never trust a Russian. And then they exploded. I don't like where this is going. Oh hey, Batman. God I love Kevin Conroy.
Never trust anyone who actually likes golf. Man this one really made Batman extra pretty. Thanks, Morgan Freeman soundalike. "Yeah this place is great except for the murder." I'm that bad at every sport. Okay this Batman reminds me of Griffith and that activates my flight or fight response, 2/10 would not recommend.
Goddamn lizards driving people crazy. You can't track me I'm Batman. Thanks, random old man who dwells in the sewers. CRIKEY. Aw shit now you're a werecrocbatman. Alright this looks cool as shit.
You can't stop here, this is bat country. Ohh that's a lot of blood. Hello there, horrifying flashback. At this point I'd like to point out that none of this is my fault. They don't trust you, white boy. RIP mongoose. Hello there, hot lady. I know the joke is that Batman's real super power is money but really it's Alfred. Some people are into the whole pain thing. Wow, fuck these guys. And then guns. Just an angry mob, no big deal. Don't fuck with Batman, kids. Well that's ominous.
Obligatory dead parents flashback, go! Yeah you should probably get rid of that box full of guns. Or if you're Mista, the power to shoot yourself every other episode. Y'all might wanna duck...too late. You don't have enough bullets to take out Gordon's massive balls. You could just put him in a windowless bunker but that's too easy I guess. He's definitely going to fire from a 60mph train. Now'd be a good time to put your fucking helmet back on. Surprise it's MORE GUN. He's probably got at least six more guns on him right now. Goddamn Russians, again. Well that was surprisingly easy. Alfred needs a vacation.

Dark Knight Returns- Surely this will go well. Oh my god this terapist is the dumbest fucking person on the planet. Why is Ronald Reagen the president here? What the fuck are these kids saying, I'm so old. That is one manly Nazi lady. And then Batman was an old lady. No don't shoot my kid. Thanks, Supes. Never in my life have I given a shit about Superman and that's not gonna change now, movie. I continue to hate every single side character in this movie. Wait is that the sexy detective he was cheating with in Year One? Yeah good luck with that arrest warrant. :D Okay Supes summoning a bald eagle out of nowhere is great. I'd rather have Wonder Woman. Fuck off, Reagan. I miss Mark Hamill. Be a little more conspicuous Alfred, I don't think her friend is suspicious enough yet. I feel like Batman is probably in massively better shape than the Joker after all these years. Ha ha, he's literally murdered hundreds of people! I hope this therapist dies first. Wow what a shock this interview went awry. Uh hey guys maybe you should lay off Batman right now and do something about the hundreds of new murders happening downstairs. Not a fan of this Cold War subplot. Damn Catwoman's let herself go. Oh what the fuck. Obligatory Frank Miller whores. Still shipping it after all these years. Never accept treats from a clown. No you idiot clown, if you shoot all the mirrors you won't have any left to do the dramatic "Which one is real???" game. After like 47 shots, his gun finally ran out of bullets. Wow Robin just straight up killed that dude. This could have all been resolved years ago if the two of you had just fucked. Was Frank Miller okay when he wrote this thing? Lasso yourself a Batman and get out of there. Alfred is the MVP of this entire franchise. I continue to loathe this Cold War subplot with every fiber of my being. Oh what the fuck now withe Nuke Supe. BONJOUR MISTER HORSE. I admit, I'd still follow Batman right into hell after a rousing speech. Gordon, still the only cop worth trusting. Gee maybe Batman wasn't the ultimate evil this whole time. I have literally never seen a single second of Green Arrow and I'm okay with that. So are Robin's parents just too busy getting high to notice she's gone during this whole nuclear winter thing? Fuck off Supes nobody likes you. If Alfred dies I riot. Fuck all these innocent bystanders in their houses, I guess. Oh hey it's Mr Arrow. "I made this kryptonite spear years ago because I knew one day we'd fight to the death." And then he died. How fucking dare you kill Alfred. I hope Robin at least got a fat check out of this. How the fuck. IS ALFRED DEAD OR NOT, GET BACK HERE.

Posted (edited)

I originally watched this one back in 2008 when it aired on Cartoon Network... sort of. I watched the first three shorts, barely paid attention to the fourth, and skipped the last two. I have a DVD of the movie that I intended to watch, so I could finally put those last two to bed, but as with several of my home video gifts and purchases, that never came to pass. I'm lucky Toonami's finally airing it after they missed out (due to being cancelled), because now I can finally close the book on yet another unfinished anime on my list.

TOONAMI - "Tonight, we kick things off with Batman: Gotham City." Goddammit TOM, you made me literally facepalm with that poorly researched comment.

HAVE I GOT A STORY FOR YOU - I've always been a fan of Studio 4C's sketchy art styles and lovingly detailed background art, ever since their Animatrix shorts. HARD ROCK MUSIC. Hitting drunks in this game scores you 10 points. Watch out, it's one of those Tom Clancy ninjas. "Nice skateboard cuz it's mine now." Shadow Sabbath Batman: the most unbeatable superhero there is, even without preptime. My breakfast bars! Flashbangs are a bitch on the eyes. Oh, you kids and your late '00s slang. Leave it to the more corrupt of the GCPD to racially profile someone for skateboarding without a license. Thank you, random jetpack Tom Clancy ninja. HUMAN SHIELD, GO! Now here's Man-Bat Batman; a freak of nature, that guy. Jetpacks are sacrilege! 😮 Took his head clean off. Even dumb skater kids know about Batman's no-kill rule. "Flurb?" "Dayum, man, comic book sounds don't always hafta make sense!" I have a feeling the third story's also gonna have the obligatory villain escape into the river. Oh hey, I think I actually remember that "I saw him first" comment. Don't robberies normally involve things that can be swiped from beyond someone's pockets, 'cause the only things of worth up here are those observational binocular things. Fuck yeah, osprey tilt-rotors. Our third interpretation: Robo-Batman! Or rather, Bat-Bot. :D Now that's what I call breaking the fourth wall without actually breaking it. FREE FALLIN'. And now we resume the action, live and up close. SMOKESCREEN. Death... by skateboard. "See you when I'm in need of a new Robin."

I don't like this ugly bitch who thinks she has authority over friggin' Batman. At least this is looking to be a better Batman v. Superman movie than what Snyder pumped out.

CROSSFIRE - Ah yeah, late '00s I.G. Last I saw this guy, he helped Jim Gordon escape from Victor Zsasz, his partner slept with Jim's ex-girlfriend, and the both of them were never seen again for the remainder of Gotham's run. Off to Arkham we go, apparently. Damn that's a lotta bats. Whatever Batman is, he's good at what he does. So what you're saying is, it's literally Inmate City over there. Yeah, it's obvious enough they're inmates, based on their striped outfits. Damn, they're toothy. It's so weird watching a continuity that's fundamentally different from Gotham. Speaking of, is this Haven? With all the villains crawling around, it's easy to forget that good ol' gang warfare's a thing. ROCKET LAUNCHER! YASUNORI MIYAZAWA SAKUGA SPOTTED. Nice of you to join us, Batman. Yes, his cape is bulletproof. "Those were my favorite CDs..." Only in Gotham are the mob bosses also prone to bouts of insanity. But the question is, who will make the first move? Of course, the answer is Batman. And away he goes, and that's the end of it. (Seriously, I feel it could've gone an extra minute or two in wrapping things up.)

Koro-sensei is so OP it hurts, but lucky for us he's looking to be the fun kind. Choke on that, Kirito.

FIELD TEST - I've seen 23 episodes of one of their anime, 14 episodes of another, almost all but the first and last of a third, and maybe one episode of a fourth, and they were all forgettably bland. Let's hope this one turns out better for the late, not-so-great studio Bee Train. We Bishounen Batman now. 😏 That was a lame sorta-pun. Not sure if the same satellite from the previous short or something completely different. EMPs, [shudder sound]. Now this is the power of zero gravity. "My Rolex!" I love me some dense anime technobabble. Lucius Fox is the last guy I would've pegged for being an excellent shot using only one hand. Literal bulletproof armor. Because if there's one thing the homeless love, it's golfing. That one golf ball is probably the most obvious CGI asset in this entire anthology. That is a flavor of irony I'm expecting to crop up in today's violent climate, if it hasn't already. That ball belongs to the Sandman now. IRON'S WILD! :D Oh Bishounen Bruce Wayne, your sexual innuendos are priceless. Maroni vs. the Russian has the makings of its own series. WHO WAS BOAT? "I kill you dead!" BISHOUNEN BATMAAAAAAN! Roger Smith's not the only black-suited negotiator in the world of anime. Those two are too normal for Arkham, come to think of it. Ah yes, the key drawback of bullet deflection. To the Batmobile (also on autopilot)! "You killed me..." Don't be so dramatic, you're still alive, it's just an arm wound, and you underestimate just how fast the Batmobile can go. "Give me the gun." [throws gun into sewer] "That works too." And that's how Batman got his bulletproof cape.

IN DARKNESS DWELLS - So many spotlights, but only one Batsignal. In other words it was a mass drugging. Welcome to real Killer Croc hours. "This hole doesn't look like it was made for me, but I'm going down it anyways." GRATUITOUS ASS SHOT, GO! "Batman, are you pondering what I'm pondering?" Oh yeah, it's Scarecrow who deals in all those fear drugs. Freaks him the fuck out, that living shadow of a Batman. The grain effect for this short is weird and kind of dated, but I like it. "We're all monsters here." "A literal monster, to be exact." Coffin transport tunnels, only in Gotham. Batgasmask, activate! You a fucked up sumbitch, Scarecrow. Ooh, we biological technobabble now. THE IRONY. He's here, he's fear, get used to it! Fuh-reaky. "I work through pain." Foreshadowing for the next segment? KILLER CROCOGOMADILE BWAAAAHHHHHH! He sees bats, and also chanting homeless people. I imagined the Cardinal having whiter hair and facial hair that wasn't an Amish beard. MAGGOT COUNT: 15, I think? Even when drugged up, Batman still kicks ass. CARDINAL GRAB MY PECS. It only takes a single explosion to collapse the entire structure. THROWING SCYTHE BULLET TIME. Fresh air at last! Ain't got no time for bat sex, he's gotta fly.

What is it about Australia that makes their giant parties so ridiculously fatal without the involvement of the local fauna?

WORKING THROUGH PAIN - You fool, you're no match for even a gravely injured Batman! And gravely injured he is. Thank god for the Batutility belt, am I right? Ah yes, the unseen arc where Bruce Wayne was a street doctor. They're too poor for anesthesia. I'm guessing this was a time before the Batgrappling hook. Elsewhere in memoryland, Bruce Wayne in India. 1500 rupees say they won't train him 'cause he's white. Hmm, so it's a matter of facetiousness, then. "What made them change their minds?" "My skin color, probably." ALFRED CAN YOU HEAR MEEEE. He's managing it, yeah, but are you doing it the right way. The virgin walking on hot coals vs. the chad standing on them. Become apathetic to pain, Bruce. Here I was expecting commentary on race, only to get a backstory rooted in sexism instead. If someone threw a stone at me, I'd throw it back; they'd never see it coming. You gotta love the contrast between reds and blues. Guns, guns everywhere. Never bring a knife to a fistfight against the Bruce Wayne. This departure was coming way sooner than he was hoping it would. "You shouldn't thank me, Bruce." But he's thanking you anyway, so there. PARAPHRASED QUOTE FROM MY DAD: "I was being sarcastic, you stupid bitch." :D TOO MANY GUNS. Nice of you to join us, Alfred. This ending is a little too sudden and obtuse for my liking.

DEADSHOT - You can't have a real piece of Batman media without a flashback to his parents getting shot. Only the fanciest of workout rooms will do for Master Wayne. "The guns you ordered, sir." When it comes to guns, it's all about the aesthetic. He who has all the guns rules the world, which is why the Democrats are so gung-ho about gun control. Okay, that was a masterfully executed assassination scene. Wait so that kill didn't take place in Gotham? Always take the time to appreciate a woman in a bikini, just don't touch. I remember seeing Deadshot once in a "guess the character" thread on ANN; I hadn't watched this short then, so I didn't recognize him without the facial decorations. Take that, wasp. I do like the little cross-references between each short. His head's too big for their standard issue protective helmets. Snipers can be anywhere, even the places you wouldn't expect them to be. And if the target ain't moving, he's more than happy to do the moving himself. "Hard to believe he'd try to fire from a 60 mile an hour train." And yet he would, because he's Deadshot, beeotch. Whoa, spoilers! Oh shit, decoy train! Batman's gloves are also bulletproof. The kid guns are comin' off now. "My Batarangs!" Damn, Batman's having poor luck when it comes to not getting injured this movie. "No suit is bulletproof at close range." I like that quote, I'm keepin' it. Whup, there goes your fancy arm-mounted gun. Batman won't kill you - goes against his code of conduct - but he will punch you out hard enough that you wish he killed you instead. Just as Lucius suspected, that Marshall guy is shady as hell. I like the pictures of his parents over the fireplace. This may very well be the closest he's come to defeating guns as a concept. The Batsignal calls once again, and with that, it's over.

All in all, great anthology, though I think Crossfire could've been longer and Working Through Pain could've had a more straightforward conclusion. 9.5/10, finally glad I could wrap this one up like a present from the Joker.

[happy batday, birthman]

Edited by PokeNirvash
It was Renee Montoya who slept with Barbara Keane, not Anna Ramirez.
Posted (edited)

Class is back in session. For those of you who are still going to school, that is.

12:00 - Dragon Ball Super #82 - Goku Must Pay! The Warrior of Justice Top Barges In!! - TV-14V

12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #31 - Green Day Tea and Oasis Sanctuary, Part 2 - TV-MALV
1:00 - Assassination Classroom #1 - Assassination Time - TV-14LV

1:30 - Black Clover #129 - The Devil Megicula - TV-PG

2:00 - Fire Force #16 - We Are Family - TV-14LV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #308 - Crescent Moon Night - TV-PGV
3:00 - Samurai Jack #57 - XCVI - TV-PGV


Edited by PokeNirvash

I've never been happier to be out of school than during plague times.

Jojo- Previously, Bruno is a goddamn zombie. These guys still make me so uncomfortable. Lucky for him he can't feel pain anymore. How long before Mista shoots himself? Make Daddy proud, boys. Aw fuck he's gone. NO MY BABIES. Whelp, Mista's dead again. Number 5 is precious and I love him. I got a real bad feeling about this. OH GOD WHAT THE FUCK. I don't like this. He would definitely have a boner right now if he hadn't chopped off his own dick. Number 5 to the rescue! This could be going better. Oh thank god you made him shut up. You better behead him to make sure he's dead. No don't show him mercy, kill it with fire right now. Goddammit this is why you don't monologue! Don't fuck with Giorno. MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA. Holy shit that was awesome. You probably shouldn't pick up that phone. I hate Mole Gimp so much. Uh hey Bruno you okay there? POLNAREFF?!

Ass Class- I just assume this is how classes start in schools now. Squid Sensei is kind of adorable and I want to hug him. Owww. "No discharging guns in the classroom" would be a great rule to have. Okay I love this teacher. Goddammit somebody blew up the moon. Yeah this seems like a great plan. :D I am 100% on board with all of this. I could go for some Chinese. Sorry Aizawa, I may have a new favorite teacher. Wait that's a boy? Grow a pair and kill the genocidal alien. You should maybe get rid of the missle before it blows up the kids. I'm sure I've read that poem before. It's only the first episode you're not going to kill him now. BOMB. Aww, he's a nice genocidial alien. Oh that can't be a good thing. Well that's terrifying. :D "I ain't afraid of no squid" is a fantastic line. Awww Squid Sensei is the best. The plot, it thickens. :D "This is totally balls!" could have come straight out of Jojo.

Clover- Previously, big titty sea witch attacks Asta and is automatically best character. Okay I want a giant pillow like that. I like that this series assumes its audience is so stupid they need a diagram to figure out hte numbers 0-9. That looks painful. Y'all realize that this is exactly how your own Wizard King acts, right? Okay the Heart Kingdom is infinitely better than the Clover Kingdom. At first I thought the queen was alright but nope, she's just another unfunny one-dimensional joke. I miss you, Captain Sexy. For the love of god get this man more fiber. More unfunny shenanigans, go! No, let them fight the devil now and get murdered. Please just timeskip through the next six months so I don't have to watch this. They're just going out of their way to make Yami less attractive and I hate them for it. Time to root for the devil again! Meanwhile Charmy, not giving a single fuck. Dimestore Hisoka has a point. I hope most of you die.

Fire Force- Show I will never respect a man with a name like Raffles. Date me, Vulcan. Aw shit the Klan's here. Shinra kinda sucks. DONKEY DICK, GO! This is the best scene in the entire show. RIP donkey dick, you were too good for this world. Take off your shirt and tell us more, Vulcan. Again, open offer to be your girlfriend whenever you wanna take me up on that. I'll probably get him killed but at least I won't betray him! CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG.

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