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It's in a completely different field than what I do now but it may be a good change. Plus when I asked about pay, they said it can vary depending on if you get paid salary or by commission, but they said generally the starting salary is about 40-50k, which would be amazing.


Only thing is I forgot to get a card from the manager that I interviewed with so I can't send him a thank you e-mail. I do have an e-mail from the lady who was at the front desk, who I guess is also the HR person (small company). It's just "HR@companyname" but I assume the company is small enough that she is the entire HR department. Should I send an e-mail to that address saying "It was nice to meet you and Mr. Hiring Manager guy" or since I can't e-mail him directly just forget about sending one? Looked on their site and can't find his direct e-mail.


Yes you should do that! I hope you get it :catsmile!!


Thanks. They said today was just round 1 and I'll hear back by Friday if they want to bring me in for round 2.


I just worry that I'm wrong in assuming it's a 1 person HR department and someone I never met will read it <_<


Where you working?? The barn??  :D :D :D :D :D


No it's for a sales consulting firm that started not too long ago. They're in the process of expanding.


Also my previous job had a 2 person HR department because it was also a smaller company.


Did you offer sexual favors? That seals the deal.


No but when I came in and was filling out paper work the front desk/HR lady asked me what my favorite movie was and when I said the title the manager heard me and said he agreed.


Thanks. They said today was just round 1 and I'll hear back by Friday if they want to bring me in for round 2.


I just worry that I'm wrong in assuming it's a 1 person HR department and someone I never met will read it <_<


Even if that is the case it's not that bad!


does the company have a web page. because usually you can find a list of persons there? maybe?


i've also listened to 'if you want to reach mr x...press 1' until i remember the name, and go that route.


They have a website and I remember the guy's name, just don't see a direct e-mail for him there.


I talked to the HR lady a bit too, and the office is super tiny so I figure if I just send her an e-mail saying it was nice to talk with both of them, she'll let him know about it.


No it's not.


But hey on that subject do u wanna buy some knives.

i had one interview with one of those places. i actually was supposed to have a second interview, but after waiting around there for an hour i just left


i had one interview with one of those places. i actually was supposed to have a second interview, but after waiting around there for an hour i just left


They contacted me about an interview one summer when I was desperate for a job.


Did some research on them. Decided I wasn't THAT desperate and didn't go to an interview.


They contacted me about an interview one summer when I was desperate for a job.


Did some research on them. Decided I wasn't THAT desperate and didn't go to an interview.

i googled them but they had no information on them online. so first interview i thought they were legit because it didn't seem like one. second interview that never happened it was obvious which is partially why i left


i googled them but they had no information on them online. so first interview i thought they were legit because it didn't seem like one. second interview that never happened it was obvious which is partially why i left


This place had tons of info with half of the people saying it's a scam and half saying it's not. But even the ones saying it's not a scam I could tell it was a MLM.


This place had tons of info with half of the people saying it's a scam and half saying it's not. But even the ones saying it's not a scam I could tell it was a MLM.

well the first time it seemed like a normal sales job, having recently come from retail it wasn't too far out of my realm of comfort. then the second meeting was supposed to be a group interview that started at 9. they wanted us to shadow a dude for 8 hours without pay and watch him "sell". they then had this big GO US thing. it was like 10 and 8 other people were there. we were still sitting in the office and didn't go anywhere. i finally left at 10:15 after the receptionist rudely told me that they'd get to us after asking if this was going to happen or not.


well the first time it seemed like a normal sales job, having recently come from retail it wasn't too far out of my realm of comfort. then the second meeting was supposed to be a group interview that started at 9. they wanted us to shadow a dude for 8 hours without pay and watch him "sell". they then had this big GO US thing. it was like 10 and 8 other people were there. we were still sitting in the office and didn't go anywhere. i finally left at 10:15 after the receptionist rudely told me that they'd get to us after asking if this was going to happen or not.


Wait they said at this interview that the second round of interviewing would include shadowing someone before they make a final job offer and I wasn't 100% sure how to feel about that is that super sketch.


Wait they said at this interview that the second round of interviewing would include shadowing someone before they make a final job offer and I wasn't 100% sure how to feel about that is that super sketch.

that seems shady especially since they said it's salary OR commission. that's dependent upon position not level or person. what position was the interview for


that seems shady especially since they said it's salary OR commission. that's dependent upon position not level or person. what position was the interview for


It's for a sales consulting firm. They said the pay varies depending on what company you're consulting for.


It's for a sales consulting firm. They said the pay varies depending on what company you're consulting for.


eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh. thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat doesn't make me feel better


the position i had mentioned before was also technically called a sales consulting position


Well there's a difference between being "technically" sales consulting and actually being sales consulting. They say they're not telemarketing or anything like that idk.


Well there's a difference between being "technically" sales consulting and actually being sales consulting. They say they're not telemarketing or anything like that idk.

if they want you to recruit people bolt the fuck out


if they want you to recruit people bolt the fuck out


People as in other people to work for them? Yeah no, it's nothing like that. The company doesn't even make their own product or anything. They just partner with telecommunications companies and then have their workers act as a liaison between the company and the customer. Not 100% sure what all that entails but I guess that's why they have us shadow someone else first.

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