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ep title: the Beautiful Assasin


get ready to meet the shows coolest character IMO


oh and also

what Gay characters looked like in anime before it became standard to make them look horrible




thanks a lot Eichiro Oda S:



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Outlaw Star is basically Cowboy Bebop if Cowboy Bebop took place in Middle Earth, I told you guys this going into the show ::]::


Gotta' love how everyone is screaming, and then there's the ship's computer with its monotone voice, and Melfina with her calm voice.


Did they just say "West Virginia Space port?" If so, I call bullshit.


We just developed cars in this area. We won't be capable of space travel for another 1,000 years.


Something tells me this guy is supposed to be gay.Or a pedophile.

and apparently people respons to gay people by pointing guns in their face 1000's of years in the future :|

guess Fred Luo's no pedophile, after all. though, if you think about it, the stuff he just said  to little Jim is the same kind of thing men say to littl girls all the time.... :barf:

I did warn you S:

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