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Its gonna snow!


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I actually really like the snow.  Its always so pretty and I love having a fire and watching it snow. 



I do not blame you for not going out in it though.  That just sucks.


i think it would be different if i enjoyed winter sports. snowboarding was a total fail for me >.<


sometimes if it gets sunny out, i will go out in my snowshoes at the state park because it certainly is pretty and i miss the parks. i hate the cold though, so, ya know >.>

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i think it would be different if i enjoyed winter sports. snowboarding was a total fail for me >.<


sometimes if it gets sunny out, i will go out in my snowshoes at the state park because it certainly is pretty and i miss the parks. i hate the cold though, so, ya know >.>

The cold is the worst part of snow.    But its not so bad when you can hide inside and bundle up. 


Im kinda good at snowboarding though so that helps with my like of snow <.<

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The cold is the worst part of snow.    But its not so bad when you can hide inside and bundle up. 


Im kinda good at snowboarding though so that helps with my like of snow <.<


i'm terribru. see now, i don't pick up those kinds of things quickly and i just get angry when i get hurt. after a couple winters of trying i said fuck it. it certainly didn't help that i only found out AFTER the first season that i should ride goofy footed v.v


if i don't find a decent new occupation by next winter though, i'll be finding one and moving to Denver since thats where my second largest support group and friends live. cuz errrrrrrbody from Michigan moves there... no joke. and also, i've been offered potential jobs making almost double what i do now for zero experience... just cuz of knowing the right people. so if that ever happens, i'll have to tough through it and figure that shit out because i'll be lonely af for half the year. lol.


in general tho.... EETS TOO COOOOOOOLD! haha

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No snow for me yet. I did snow a while back, I took some pics, maybe later I'll post em.


I don't really like too much snow though, if there was a way to have it snow on everything but roads and sidewalks that would be ideal.


I do like the cold though.


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