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Any small child that's amazing at singing or dancing

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Or anything, for that matter, I'd be willing to bet money that they're that good because their parents push them way too hard. I guarantee you, those kids are not happy in their home lives. Or maybe they seem happy enough, but when they grow up, they'll realize how shitty their parents were, treating them like a meal ticket instead of a child.


No one is just naturally incredible at anything when they're eight.  :|


Just because your parents hate you, AND FOR GOOD REASON, don't project this shit on talented children. Scrub.

Parent. Not parents. One of them escaped before the shit show.

It's funny I became such a good reader, because a school librarian once barred me from checking out a book when I was in elementary, making me read in front of her to "prove" I was skilled enough to comprehend it. Of course I failed, and of course I go on into higher education for a relevant/related degree.


Long story short, perhaps show spite instead of forcing kids to do what you want. Revenge is a better motivator I guess maybe.


It's funny I became such a good reader, because a school librarian once barred me from checking out a book when I was in elementary, making me read in front of her to "prove" I was skilled enough to comprehend it. Of course I failed, and of course I go on into higher education for a relevant/related degree.


Long story short, perhaps show spite instead of forcing kids to do what you want. Revenge is a better motivator I guess maybe.

It definitely can be. Revenge is the entire reason Donald Trump ran for and won the Presidency.

I disagree that a child can't be remarkably talented at age eight.


Some people are just inherently gifted, with or without parental influence.

I think kids can be born with the capacity to learn a lot quicker than others. And if they're really passionate about music, then sure, a little kid can probably turn himself or herself into a decent singer or instrument player, relative to other kids their age. But when I hear a seven year old girl singing like a pitched up Whitney Houston, the only thing I can glean from that is that her parents are putting a huge amount of pressure on her because they have dollar signs in their eyes.

I wonder how these parents push their kids so hard. My daughter takes singing lessons and when i tried to get her to sing a harder song...alicia keys....she did one bar then said it was too hard and refused to sing it again. I educate her that singers can make a lot of money..even took her to best buy and let her check out all this cool expensive stuff...telling her shed be able to buy it all...you think she went home and practiced? Nah. Played with shopkins and my little pony for hours.


idk my parents couldn't care less about school as long as i got good grades, they never really pushed me at reading or anything aside from "get good grades" but i managed to get pretty far ahead of the rest of the kids in my grade on my own. was always below average at every other subject though.

they never really pushed me at soccer either, but i got decent enough at that too.



I think kids can be born with the capacity to learn a lot quicker than others. And if they're really passionate about music, then sure, a little kid can probably turn himself or herself into a decent singer or instrument player, relative to other kids their age. But when I hear a seven year old girl singing like a pitched up Whitney Houston, the only thing I can glean from that is that her parents are putting a huge amount of pressure on her because they have dollar signs in their eyes.


That isn't always the case. Some kids are born gifted and after learning just the basic concept of a skill, they can rock at it as early as 7 or 8. I've seen this with sports, art, music, etc.


Soooooo, you're pissed that no one pushed you to be good at anything?

Actually, I'm stoked that my mom never tried to live vicariously through me. I'm glad I wasn't one of those poor kids.

I wish my parents would have done that for me. You know, SUPPORTING me in my endeavors.


My sister is a supposed musical prodigy but she wasn't pushed into it. Things happened organically as she was growing up and developed an affinity for music. She wanted to sing and play piano and her father supported her. Much as I despise my family, they did not force her into music. At worst she has to go to practice after school. Boo hoo.


In band there were kids who parents MADE them play an instrument. They werent miserable...just had no passion. Now id LOVE for madison to be in band but im not gonna force her. My mom noticed she liked to sing and therefore got her into lessons...so we just support what she already likes to do.


Now i did get her a paint set when she was 4 but her loving it and learning to draw was all her.

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