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ine was pretty fun., my friend's birthday is the same night so we all went out to eat and then to the bar......


After that things got cloudy


9pm ish- arrive at the bar


10:45 ish- People keep buying shots


11:30 ish- I find out my friend's boyfriend is named Carl for the 14th time and immediately start making Walking Dead jokes


12:20 ish- I keep asking when the countdown to midnight is going to happen


12:25 ish- ask the bartender if she wants to build a pillow fort with me, she interprets this as a sexual innuendo and shoots me down (for some reason they had a shit ton of mini pillows in a basket on the bar, I was referencing those) 


????- Walking to my Brother's house, birthday boy just starts walking off in a random direction saying "I know the way",  he then pukes in the road. 


I can't Karaoke, I had an angelic voice as a child


once puberty hit it destroyed it.


I'd like to post a clip of the Simpsons where Homer is a little kid singing in church like an angel, Abe saying he's gonna make him rich, and then during the performance Homer goes through puberty and all is ruined. But I don't even know what keywords to search for on youtube. But I doubt the clip is even there anyway, so whatever.


I'd like to post a clip of the Simpsons where Homer is a little kid singing in church like an angel, Abe saying he's gonna make him rich, and then during the performance Homer goes through puberty and all is ruined. But I don't even know what keywords to search for on youtube. But I doubt the clip is even there anyway, so whatever.


I typed in "homer hits puberty"



so far, from what i've been able to piece together about that night, only one thing is clear.............I was an asshole ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Got drunk and went dancing by the club's entrance for free. No need to pay the $20 cover charge when the only thing seperating the sidewalk and their dancefloor is a waist-high fence. Saw a guy get knocked the fuck out three times for trying to start a fight with bouncers and people in line.


It was great. Went out and did karaoke, watched a bunch of my friends drink copious amounts of booze, and my buddy proposed to his lady in front of the whole bar and I recorded it. It was exhausting, but a lot of fun.


It was great. Went out and did karaoke, watched a bunch of my friends drink copious amounts of booze, and my buddy proposed to his lady in front of the whole bar and I recorded it. It was exhausting, but a lot of fun.






She said yes, right? >_>


so far, from what i've been able to piece together about that night, only one thing is clear.............I was an asshole ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Bruh, with that prostitute phone you gotta be


Keep that pimp hand strong


Got drunk and went dancing by the club's entrance for free. No need to pay the $20 cover charge when the only thing seperating the sidewalk and their dancefloor is a waist-high fence. Saw a guy get knocked the fuck out three times for trying to start a fight with bouncers and people in line.


That's not a bad strategy at all. 


The only flaw I saw was dancing near a fence, probably ok if you're actually able to dance but I see that and think " 1 step, 2 step......and I'm now impaled by a piece of fence."


I'm a terrible dancer


It was great. Went out and did karaoke, watched a bunch of my friends drink copious amounts of booze, and my buddy proposed to his lady in front of the whole bar and I recorded it. It was exhausting, but a lot of fun.


That's cool.


I'm assuming she said yes since you didn't mention any awkwardness to the night. 


Picked it up on Steam and have been playing with a Gamecube controller.  I'm trying to get Aerith up to 99 before the end of disc one.

Or at the very least get her last limit break. 


EDIT:  And I just got the last limit.  I had no idea I could take the buggy across the ocean.

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