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and then I got lost. DragonCon was a blast, and hey my first time meeting one of y'all. I didn't say much to her at the Venture Brothers booth because as soon as we started talking, a line formed behind me. I was thinking 'Awww, I should have asked to meet her for lunch', but then I got lost while trying to eat out on my own and was thankful I didn't do that. I swear to God I was Ryoga in another life. The server at a different restaurant(the one directly across the street from the hotel I was hanging at) burst out laughing when I told her how lost I got, and yes I do actually live in Georgia. Anyhoo, here are pics. Give me some mercy because the large crowds only give you 1-2 seconds of open space before someone walks directly in front of the camera. 



This made me so happy and so sad at the same time.



He asked if I wanted him to put down the beer, but for some reason it just seemed to suit him.



She got swarmed like a second after I took this pic.



This was just a really funny image to me, and why I love going to DragonCon.



I'm so annoyed at this pic, but I was on an escalator.



The guy dressed up as Lauren from Angel is killin' it


His makeup and horns were so perfect that looking at him was like instant joy and then a gut punch. *Sigh* The guy in the pic next to 'Lorne' started up a conversation about how Whedon handled that character, but when I gathered up the courage to join in, the cosplayer was practically dragged away by other eager people.


His makeup and horns were so perfect that looking at him was like instant joy and then a gut punch. *Sigh* The guy in the pic next to 'Lorne' started up a conversation about how Whedon handled that character, but when I gathered up the courage to join in, the cosplayer was practically dragged away by other eager people.


why the gut punch...what happened to the character?


Son of a bitch, I'm sick  :'( .


well you went to a huge festival with an immune system that leaks like a sieve....waddya expect  :robotD




That's awesome! I think I might save up for a DragonCon trip next year... lots of my friends had gone and had a blast.


Also you like like my cousin except your hair is bleached  >:D


Haha, I'm not the dude. I included him in the pic because he was as excited as I was. DragonCon is a ton of fun because it caters to about every type of nerd that you can think of. I would make a mental note to stay out of throwing range of any of the Marriott balconies though because assholes.


well you went to a huge festival with an immune system that leaks like a sieve....waddya expect  :robotD


My third year of evading Con Crud.  :D  :( I knew I would be defeated this year after being stuck with a bunch of coughers in the Sailor Moon voice actresses' panel.


My third year of evading Con Crud.  :D  :( I knew I would be defeated this year after being stuck with a bunch of coughers in the Sailor Moon voice actresses' panel.


recovery is part of the experience  :D






And in living up to my reputation of not showing my face, I didn't show my face. :D Woot woot! Con mask activate! :D That shit only officially came off on Monday when everyone left is too tired to remember their own names, let alone some random booth hag.


Not to sound mean but I'm kinda glad you 'got lost' because I was worried that you had been chased away from the table by the crowds and had either decided to deliberately stay away or had returned at a point where I was off getting lost myself.  :o The crowds were on and off all weekend at the booth, even Ken, James and Mark only had a few minutes that they could spare there before having to take off for their own stuff once more.


Glad you had funs. The pics are hilarious - the Myers one is my new favorite, I feel like it should be a poster sold in the Dragon Shop. :D


And, Air Born for the win! The only 'germ' I caught while there is a Hepatitis plushie to add to my collection. :D A voice lower than Dr. the Mrs. Monarch's doesn't count as a germ.  :P



Good job providing pics.....Most people here just say they went but apperently don't care enough to share the experience.  I really wanna do EVO next year and if she doesn't hate me by then, I'ma ball out with Gunstar


And in living up to my reputation of not showing my face, I didn't show my face. :D Woot woot! Con mask activate! :D That shit only officially came off on Monday when everyone left is too tired to remember their own names, let alone some random booth hag.


Not to sound mean but I'm kinda glad you 'got lost' because I was worried that you had been chased away from the table by the crowds and had either decided to deliberately stay away or had returned at a point where I was off getting lost myself.  :o The crowds were on and off all weekend at the booth, even Ken, James and Mark only had a few minutes that they could spare there before having to take off for their own stuff once more.


Glad you had funs. The pics are hilarious - the Myers one is my new favorite, I feel like it should be a poster sold in the Dragon Shop. :D


And, Air Born for the win! The only 'germ' I caught while there is a Hepatitis plushie to add to my collection. :D A voice lower than Dr. the Mrs. Monarch's doesn't count as a germ.  :P


My intentions were I would see you later, but I had to keep resting my ankle inside the Westin(Bless them for those lounge chairs), and only made it back to the Hyatt at 8 something. I don't know what huge panel let out on your level then, but when I got off the escalator, I immediately stepped onto the escalator leading back up because the crowds were suffocating. After that I went to the Marriott's little party floor where all the people were dancing for an hour, limped back to the Westin, and just waited until traffic died down enough for my ride to come. I didn't get to do another day because my ankle was done for, and I really didn't need to knowing how much money I spend in America's Mart  :D.


Good job providing pics.....Most people here just say they went but apperently don't care enough to share the experience.  I really wanna do EVO next year and if she doesn't hate me by then, I'ma ball out with Gunstar


Do it and make sure to take pics and vids because it sounds like y'all would be a hoot together.


Good job providing pics.....Most people here just say they went but apperently don't care enough to share the experience.  I really wanna do EVO next year and if she doesn't hate me by then, I'ma ball out with Gunstar


I absolutely welcome company. Was kinda awkward just existing by myself in that sea of 10,000 people. Also I will provide my services as hype man as needed and/or assisting all heckling.


My intentions were I would see you later, but I had to keep resting my ankle inside the Westin(Bless them for those lounge chairs), and only made it back to the Hyatt at 8 something. I don't know what huge panel let out on your level then, but when I got off the escalator, I immediately stepped onto the escalator leading back up because the crowds were suffocating. After that I went to the Marriott's little party floor where all the people were dancing for an hour, limped back to the Westin, and just waited until traffic died down enough for my ride to come. I didn't get to do another day because my ankle was done for, and I really didn't need to knowing how much money I spend in America's Mart  :D.


Ouchie on the ankle. :( Hope it's just a general sprain or something little and not something serious.


The booth was closed by 8p and I would have been at a Gonzaroo by then anyway. I think the Art Show would have been let out by then, there was a break between film marathons in the deeper levels of the Hyatt to allow basement dwellers to go get real food before disappearing into another film hole, and there was also apparently a majorly popular band playing there around then as well - according to the table manager, it was the biggest crowd they'd ever seen for a concert held in that area ever.  So I'm thinking you hit the Hyatt during a pure hellstorm of weirdos leaving all at once. :D


The Pulse is always insane. Was He-Man there still busting a move when you were there? I think he's part of the carpet at this point - he's always there everytime I stop through. :D


What happens in the America's Mart stays in the America's Mart. <.< >.>


Ouchie on the ankle. :( Hope it's just a general sprain or something little and not something serious.


The booth was closed by 8p and I would have been at a Gonzaroo by then anyway. I think the Art Show would have been let out by then, there was a break between film marathons in the deeper levels of the Hyatt to allow basement dwellers to go get real food before disappearing into another film hole, and there was also apparently a majorly popular band playing there around then as well - according to the table manager, it was the biggest crowd they'd ever seen for a concert held in that area ever.  So I'm thinking you hit the Hyatt during a pure hellstorm of weirdos leaving all at once. :D


The Pulse is always insane. Was He-Man there still busting a move when you were there? I think he's part of the carpet at this point - he's always there everytime I stop through. :D


What happens in the America's Mart stays in the America's Mart. <.< >.>


I fucked up my ankle some years ago, and it might be getting arthritic. It'll be a while before I can get it checked out.


That was the biggest crowd I have ever seen down there, and just in my very brief visit I could tell that people were getting stressed out and pissy.


I didn't see a He-Man, but I did see a breakdancing Vegeta, a Pimp Gandalf(I think), and a black Starfire with gorgeous big red Diana Ross hair getting their groove on.


No, what stays in America's Mart is my money!


I wish I still lived in Miami, I would always go to DragonCon.

Too bad I live in the Lone Star State. I have to settle for Akon


I heard San Japan was ok. Bunch of my friends go every year. It's in San Antonio.


I heard San Japan was ok. Bunch of my friends go every year. It's in San Antonio.

San Japan is OK. Depends on the year. Some years, they have a lot of VO talent, panels, vendors, and things to do. Some years, it's a barren con. It just depends on what the talent is doing that year. It's mostly because they date they choose. They always want to do it on/around Labor Day weekend, which is just not a great idea, overall. Especially in the VA/VO world, because it's vacation time for them.
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