OSC Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 "So is that why you have your hand on her ass?" She didn't seem to mind.
Zenigundam Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 I've never seen this show. I joined Adult Swim in Feburary of 2004. After it was done with its airing (if it ever aired on AS). So, this will be fun. It aired when AS was only on weekends back in the day, but it was featured on weekday Toonami before then and a lot of people love it. I like it, but it's not in my top 30 anime. These first couple of episodes are the peak of the series imo. Also, this is total garbage that an "HD remaster" isn't formatted fullscreen for my HD TV.
Daos Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 It aired when AS was only on weekends back in the day, but it was featured on weekday Toonami before then and a lot of people love it. I like it, but it's not in my top 30 anime. These first couple of episodes are the peak of the series imo. Also, this is total garbage that an "HD remaster" isn't formatted fullscreen for my HD TV. Gotta hit that stretch option bro!
Gyaos Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 Lol, that generic scream! This is so 90's it's killing me, in the good sense!
OSC Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 From tractors to relationships. That's quite the variety.
Zenigundam Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 Gotta hit that stretch option bro! Wouldn't that make it disproportionate?
mochi Posted August 20, 2017 Author Posted August 20, 2017 Lol, that generic scream! This is so 90's it's killing me, in the good sense!
ben0119 Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 Eh? No Toonami intro? Nice OP. Those are some weird but unique spaceship designs. Nice space combat too. I assume this will all make more sense later. Cyborg? Didn't expect that! I'd say these 2 make a pretty good team. Lulz pay for the repairs then blow the rest on women and booze. Whoa man when you say part ways you make it sound permanent! This must be the girl from the spaceship those bad dudes were after.
Gyaos Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 That transition though. *GUNSHOT* EXT. BAR - NIGHT
OwlChemist81 Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 It aired when AS was only on weekends back in the day, but it was featured on weekday Toonami before then and a lot of people love it. I like it, but it's not in my top 30 anime. These first couple of episodes are the peak of the series imo. Also, this is total garbage that an "HD remaster" isn't formatted fullscreen for my HD TV. They HAVE to do that if it wasn't originally in widescreen! There's nothing wrong with pillarboxing. The only viable alternatives are a zoomed-in screen, which cuts off the top and bottom, and "Stretch-O-Vision". Other than somehow creating new animation outside the original frame, THERE IS NO OTHER WAY!!! >
OSC Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 "Let's get out of here." He says as they're driving.
AnimationFan14 Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 Give me a number 3 or you will find a number 2 in my pants
Gyaos Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 Well, that was quite the ending for a first episode! Sad part is that this show is a blur to me, so I don't remember much about it at all.
OwlChemist81 Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 THANK YOU, Funimation!! THANK YOU, Toonami!! Uhhh, I already am home! I wouldn't trust me to drive right now...because I'm tired!
Zenigundam Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 They HAVE to do that if it wasn't originally in widescreen! There's nothing wrong with pillarboxing. The only viable alternatives are a zoomed-in screen, which cuts off the top and bottom, and "Stretch-O-Vision". Other than somehow creating new animation outside the original frame, THERE IS NO OTHER WAY!!! > Then they should have just shown the original SD version. It's really annoying to have it only take up 80% of the screen just for brighter colors and crisper outlines. 7/10 for episode 1.
ben0119 Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 I wish I knew what "800" meant in this currency and economy. Nice hover car. And it's a classic apparently? Those are some weird fuckers. Some kind of ninja pirates? Tao Magic? Gene's got quite the arsenal. But that caster thing seems to have finally done the job. LOL that mask. Mission Impossible style. A girl in a box? To be continued. Well hell. Weird ED. And it uses stills with a completely different art style than the show. Anyway, good first impression and first episode! I'm definitely interested in learning more about this world and what's going to happen next.
OwlChemist81 Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 Then they should have just shown the original SD version. It's really annoying to have it only take up 80% of the screen just for brighter colors and crisper outlines. 7/10 for episode 1. What? You DO realize the original SD version would ALSO be pillarboxed, right?? Might as well have better resolution, but unless you want the show stretched or for the top and bottom to be cut off, there IS no other option besides drawing new animation for the pillarboxes, which may be possible for older shows but was NOT done for Outlaw Star! So keeping it SD would fix none of that. TVs were largely still square in the late '90s and have just recently been wider, and rectangular, mainly because theatrical movies were forced to lose the sides when they aired on TV, and because of that, it evolved that TVs be elongated just as theatrical movies are. Of course, the unfortunate side-effect is that older shows don't quite fit the new TV width, which is why we have pillarboxing.
Zenigundam Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 This is ridiculous. I always figured that the reason for the "pillarbox" was just because of laziness by companies and/or TV networks not formatting the shows for HDTVs. So things that were fullscreen on projection TVs but can't be formatted for HDTVs have to be pillarboxed like this is what you're saying. This is ridiculously dumb. Then what I'm wondering is how DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters goes fullscreen just fine on an HDTV.
OwlChemist81 Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 My best guess is that we get DBZ Kai Final Chapters in 16:9 widescreen, because that's how it was done in Japan. Now HOW it was cut into that I'm not sure. It could be that the top and bottom of the screen were edited out in the transition of DBZ to DBZ KFC, because that would certainly qualify as a "directors cut." But I have no idea if that really is the case. Still, it's not stretched significantly, so I suppose so?
ameakooo Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 This is ridiculous. I always figured that the reason for the "pillarbox" was just because of laziness by companies and/or TV networks not formatting the shows for HDTVs. So things that were fullscreen on projection TVs but can't be formatted for HDTVs have to be pillarboxed like this is what you're saying. This is ridiculously dumb. Then what I'm wondering is how DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters goes fullscreen just fine on an HDTV. the final chapters was produced like that over in japan land which is why it's 16:9 here as well. i for one am glad they didn't do a shitty upscale for this show because most of the time they look like shit. see: o.g naruto and inuyasha when they were still on the air.
The1gairon Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 K let's do this! I love Gene as a main character. He GIVES no fucks! ... I'm pretty sure this is Episode 1 here? They're starting with a cold opening that's in the middle of the action, followed by the opening theme sequence. Watching this makes me remember how badass this show is, and it makes me sad that it has to air so late in the night! "Where's Gene? uuuuuuuh he's nowhere around here! He must be that kid with the voice of Spike from My Little Pony!" Gene is like those space action heroes without any of the angst. Love it. ... oh right, AND he actually has sex! Do we ever find out what Hawking's deal is with Gene in Episode 1? I forget if he's his little brother or a handover from someone? Oh yeah those robots were creepy. I never seen a robot movie like that at the time. Hawking can DRIVE?? How old is he?? Checked TVtropes for the English dub cast. Sadly, I haven't heard of any of them from other shows with the exception of Mary Elizabeth McGwyn since this dub is old. Which also means I doubt they're on Twitter to congratulate them again. I'm sure more actors i know if will appear down the line. ... this dub is FANTASTIC for its time though. AGH!! Can't get used to the gunshot transitions!!! So she needs him as a bodyguard ........ in relation to a girl in a suitcase?? It can't be human since it would be dead by now!!
The1gairon Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 THANK YOU, Funimation!! THANK YOU, Toonami!! Uhhh, I already am home! I wouldn't trust me to drive right now...because I'm tired! RIP Luuv.
The1gairon Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 "So is that why you have your hand on her ass?" She didn't seem to mind. Being that this is Gene, I'm sure no woman would mind.
OwlChemist81 Posted August 20, 2017 Posted August 20, 2017 the final chapters was produced like that over in japan land which is why it's 16:9 here as well. i for one am glad they didn't do a shitty upscale for this show because most of the time they look like shit. see: o.g naruto and inuyasha when they were still on the air. You mean when they stretch the screen from 4:3 to 16:9 and circular objects become ovals? Is THAT what they did with O.G. Naruto and InuYasha?? Because I really don't remember. Although lately I've been thinking HD InuYasha might be a potential future direction this block goes in, if we didn't already have it back in 2012-13. Maybe if it came back to replace AOT S2 in October or Lupin or Outlaw Star in 2018 this time they would do it right and pillarbox it? I suppose it also could regain its old graveyard slots and be an "expansion show". But yeah, I DO also remember what they used to do to FMA:B which was letterboxing it although it was already 16:9 which was beyond ridiculous, and then some shows even got the dreaded "DOUBLE-letterbox" which left only like 60% of the screen active and squished the content to hell! Thank goodness THOSE days are over, even if they tended to get higher ratings!
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