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Did you hear that Toonami is showing the HD version of Outlaw Star in a few weeks? I'm mad about this, bro! I've seen Outlaw Star already. I saw it on weekday Toonami back in the day, I watched it on the original Adult Swim, it's not THAT good. It's like above average, but not amazing. Why do these f---ers keep trying to revive dead in the water material like Dragon Ball? DB Super sucks. I have premium cable and decide to take advantage of it by watching the only anime segment on television and they insist on playing played out BS time and time again. I dig the new Lupin because I've never seen it before, but stop it with the "HD remaster" crap of things I've already seen. This is like when video game develops release remasters of old games that I played one or two video game generations earlier. You think I'm spending my money on that CRAP? I'm stealing it if anything! Yeah, screw this, this is BS, is the cartoon industry really that bad that you have nothing better to show than a remaster of a 90s anime instead of getting something brand new, FOR ADULTS AND NOT LITTLE BABY ASS KIDS, that might actually appease me?  :it:

  On 8/3/2017 at 6:30 PM, KINOelegy said:

db super is ass



Seriously, I watched the first ten episodes thinking that maybe a coherent plot would develop and it was straight up, try hard, garbage. BLAH


Even Hellsing Ultimate. Although good, obviously I watched the original Hellsing on Encore, Ultimate's better, but marginally. Get some new damn material is all I'm saying.


this is an outrage sir!  Outlaw Star is one of the most underrated and overlooked anime in existence, and hasn't aired on TV in its entirety ever I don't think.  Why, if I didn't know any better I would think you posted such a thing just to get someone like me to take offense!






was that okay?



did i do it right?

  On 8/3/2017 at 6:35 PM, poof said:

You're 36. You're no longer the demographic move on. Maybe ask Packard what to do



I'm not 36, quit lying on me, I hate when people make me out to be old when I'm a kid too and I try to work with these youngesters



Oh yeah and Toonami's full of liars too, they said they would never again show anything from before this decade, and look at this. They just want to live in the past, they're not built for the scientific future, they'll be driving Honda Civics when I'm f---ing speeding away in a space cruiser with nine or ten hot blondes showering me with kisses


Why does it even matter? You can get the series on Blu Ray and get the full experience. The Toonami version will censor out anime tiddies anyways, so you might as well cough $50 since you can watch it on your PS4.


I would never spend $50 on Outlaw Star. $50+ means buying the very best and most protected anime by store security. Under 50 bucks... well... draw your own conclusions as to how I would acquire them.

  On 8/3/2017 at 7:33 PM, Kang Edward IV said:

Go torrent it then. The BD rip has already been uploaded and you can find it floating around out there if you look hard enough.


I have a deep DVD and Blu-Ray collection. I've never torrented before either. If I want Outlaw Star, I'll get it. But do I want it?


Outlaw Star was actually #1 on my list once I became more of an anime fan.


Also I think Toonami has always wanted Outlaw Star.  It was - either the highest rated show of the stunt night, or one of the highest rated shows on the stunt night.  It did really really well.


But that was 2012 too, and it was a stunt.  So no guarantees it'll do well in the middle of Summer in the 2:30am timeslot or wherever they're putting it.


On top of all that, Outlaw Star is one of those shows Toonami has unfinished business with, as originally they couldn't air all the episodes due mostly to nudity issues.


So this will be the first time Toonami or Adult Swim either one has aired all the episodes of Outlaw Star. 


so it's really a no-brainer for Toonami in all of those ways.  It was partially responsible for the block's relaunch on Adult Swim, got good ratings, hasn't aired for a long time, has never been aired in its entirety, so that unfinished business factor.  And the programmers are fans as I understand it.  As well as Outlaw Star being consistently one of the most requested shows since the block relaunched.


So there are very few reasons not to run it actually, unless it was cost prohibitive, and my guess is the reason they're airing it now is that it became available budgetarily (IE it was no longer crazy expensive to license).





First of all, no, they aren't going to air something that appeals to you because there are laws against pedophile hentai on basic cable. Download that garbage on your own and get caught on a spider list.


Secondly, not that any of this will register with you, some times things are part of package deals. There is x in the budget and that budget can actually get stretched to afford more things if a certain amount of a company's library is purchased for airing at a time. It also builds a working relationship with said companies which means more deals and future first choices. It's not a matter of going to the store and picking up a DVD. You want that, you go do that. Meanwhile, they are going to try getting what they can and pushing for things that they couldn't have before. Deal with it.


And finally, they aren't going to listen to some diaper baby whose main complaint tends to be they don't like something because they already saw it. Boo hoo. There's one at every public event and panel discussion and even the other trolls are getting bored with it.


Enough attention?  :|

  On 8/3/2017 at 7:45 PM, GunStarHero said:

Bruh, Outlaw Star sucks.


I'd say slightly above average, but I never understood why people love it so much. To me it's just another show. Played out in the past and old= Would not care to see it again, and would prefer that my premium cable dollars go toward new, never before seen anime as opposed to HD remasters and Dragon Ball XPWITSOS Part 9. The heck is wrong with these guys?

  On 8/3/2017 at 9:31 PM, katt_goddess said:

First of all, no, they aren't going to air something that appeals to you because there are laws against pedophile hentai on basic cable. Download that garbage on your own and get caught on a spider list.


Secondly, not that any of this will register with you, some times things are part of package deals. There is x in the budget and that budget can actually get stretched to afford more things if a certain amount of a company's library is purchased for airing at a time. It also builds a working relationship with said companies which means more deals and future first choices. It's not a matter of going to the store and picking up a DVD. You want that, you go do that. Meanwhile, they are going to try getting what they can and pushing for things that they couldn't have before. Deal with it.


And finally, they aren't going to listen to some diaper baby whose main complaint tends to be they don't like something because they already saw it. Boo hoo. There's one at every public event and panel discussion and even the other trolls are getting bored with it.


Enough attention?  :|


Antiquated and misguided

  On 8/3/2017 at 9:50 PM, Zenigundam? said:

I'd say slightly above average, but I never understood why people love it so much. To me it's just another show. Played out in the past and old= Would not care to see it again, and would prefer that my premium cable dollars go toward new, never before seen anime as opposed to HD remasters and Dragon Ball XPWITSOS Part 9. The heck is wrong with these guys?


Bruh, Outlaw Star is the pinnacle of animated excrement.

I don't even know how people watch that garbage, my dude. 


My understanding of the Outlaw Star craze is that some people just see pretty colors on the screen and equate them with excellence. I personally need substance.... depth... I need cartoons to challenge me because I challenge myself all the time. That doesn't mean that they have to be overly sophisticated, in fact, I'm a simple guy who prefers simple things, but at the same time I need something that sucks me into a black hole and makes me think about limitless possibilities if it makes any sense to the rest of you.

  On 8/3/2017 at 11:48 PM, Zenigundam? said:

but at the same time I need something that sucks me into a black hole and makes me think about limitless possibilities if it makes any sense to the rest of you.


You wanna get with fuggs?


Hell yea, bruh. Forget about all BS about finding your purpose in life/creation, sucking it up and becoming a man, facing your fears head on, never allowing failure you to hold you down and instead be used as a tool to achieve success. Much less coming to terms with your own limitations/strength and finally leaving your home and complacency behind to experience all that is around you. Get that trash out of here. Get me something cerebral.

  On 8/3/2017 at 11:55 PM, GunStarHero said:

Hell yea, bruh. Forget about all BS about finding your purpose in life/creation, sucking it up and becoming a man, facing your fears head on, never allowing failure you to hold you down and instead be used as a tool to achieve success. Much less coming to terms with your own limitations/strength and finally leaving your home and complacency behind to experience all that is around you. Get that trash out of here. Get me something cerebral.



Yeah exactly, those lessons are overstated, but um... I just remembered that your avatar is a character from Outlaw Star. :|


  On 8/3/2017 at 11:59 PM, Zenigundam? said:


Yeah exactly, those lessons are overstated, but um... I just remembered that your avatar is a character from Outlaw Star. :|


What, now I'm not allowed to have shitty taste in anime?


Yeah I guess, beats most of the anime on there, not Lupin though. Lupin's really one of the best, underappreciated anime series when you think about it. From time to time I'll watch the movies over and over again or watch random episodes in my collection.

  On 8/3/2017 at 9:31 PM, katt_goddess said:

First of all, no, they aren't going to air something that appeals to you because there are laws against pedophile hentai on basic cable.

There's actually no laws against airing pornographic material on cable television. It's just that the network would lose all of its advertisers.


Still ironic considering the kikes who run cable networks are actually pedophiles themselves.

  On 8/4/2017 at 12:19 AM, Kang Edward IV said:

There's actually no laws against airing pornographic material on cable television. It's just that the network would lose all of its advertisers.


Still ironic considering the kikes who run cable networks are actually pedophiles themselves.


Wtf lol you're crazy

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