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It's seafood night so what'll it be.


Seared cod, basalmic rice, salad


Fried catfish, french fries, mac n cheese


Shrimp boil with red taters.


Headed home and I'm starving....you guys have about 40 minutes

Guest Zintar

Fried catfish, french fries, mac n cheese  :420:


Ok, the Cod wins but I might not actually cook until like 10pm......I'm gonna toss some eggrolls in the oven and go to sleep......Driving fucking kills my motivation to do anything once I get here.


Well it was intended to be yet another jab at your generally unhealthy diet but I guess I see what you mean


Salt and vinegar chips aren't exactly a smart food.......Going hungry isn't exactly optimal either, but it's cool if you want to deride my diet.  Here's last nights midnight meal since I didn't eat all day yesterday.




Giant quarter inch pork chop, slightly pink and a salad with no dressing but a gang of cheese and croutons.......WHAT IS HE DOING?

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