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True. Viper was saying buddy is double his age too. Equally stupid. Idk what these fools' deal is. Like being in your 20s is even something to brag about.

to be fair i thought she was mid 40's

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True. Viper was saying buddy is double his age too. Equally stupid. Idk what these fools' deal is. Like being in your 20s is even something to brag about.


lol they think they so young


Really didn't think a vanity search would bring me to a Phillies thread tonight, but whatever.


How do you vanity search? The search is broken and I can't even get Google to do right most the time.



its all perspective.. when i was 17 i thought this 26 year old lady was the biggest loser for being on the same message board as me. *shrug*


i looked at a list of young dead celebrities and most of them were famous by 25... but then you have people who werent famous until after their 40s like morgan freeman. age is just a number


Oh, nah she just looks really rough

i figured that "ok she's like 46, that's not 52 but it's not THAT far off" because of all of the threads and pictures i've seen. it surprises me that someone only 10 years older than me looks that much worse for wear and is 1000X worse with technology.


i figured that "ok she's like 46, that's not 52 but it's not THAT far off" because of all of the threads and pictures i've seen. it surprises me that someone only 10 years older than me looks that much worse for wear and is 1000X worse with technology.


i have no idea what pics you saw... i dont even have frown lines or hints of any wrinkles unless your just blind or dumb


i do not look rough.. most people think im in my early 20s or even younger.. i get carded buying cigarettes.. which pisses me off


I was trained to sell cigarettes at that $8 an hour job I had for a couple weeks this year.


They told me to card everyone who looks under 50.


So, they'll probably stop IDing you soon.


I was trained to sell cigarettes at that $8 an hour job I had for a couple weeks this year.


They told me to card everyone who looks under 50.


So, they'll probably stop IDing you soon.



imma black chick.. gonna look 25 and under forreeverrrr


lies. ive seen some horrible tits on a fetish sites ...mine are big but still holding up and dont have those sag lines.. yet lol

those girls probably aren't spring chickens either


Your obese daughter is proof of that. Not even 10 and already looks amorphous and of ambiguous age.


proof of what? you look like your moms about to take you on a special outing for a training bra :D


or you did in those 20 year old pics on your facebook


Oh, I forgot that didn't work......I just always say that when I see my name pop up somewhere.  Believe it or not, I'm actually not that vain that I search for myself here......It's just me selling the ego of my persona.


i have no idea what pics you saw... i dont even have frown lines or hints of any wrinkles unless your just blind or dumb


They all saw this one when you were bragging on your nappy ass hair.



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