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So do we know yet if the ED will be "Walk Like An Egyptian" by The Bangles?


I guess it doesn't matter, because it doesn't play until Episode 3. No way to know from the Episode 1 preview that played at the SDCC panel!


Oh crap. I almost missed out of Jojo because I thought it started a half hour later. Yikes!!


Glad you're here!!


The hashtag remains "#JoJosBizarreAdventure"!


The year is 1983...


Whoa!! Go back to those three cups of half filled coffee. That's serious plot development you just glossed over.




At Comic Con, during the Toonami panel, they screened this very ep, dubbed, for the panel audience!  I got to see it too, during the livestream!! Yep, they didn't cut it out, the were allowed to record it!




At Comic Con, during the Toonami panel, they screened this very ep, dubbed, for the panel audience!  I got to see it too, during the livestream!! Yep, they didn't cut it out, the were allowed to record it!


The app stream did cut away though.  :barf:  :(



Your new Jojo seems like more of a delinquent than the previous two! 




Get any worse and Dio will become the protagonist.

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