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ill never understand the point of just-started-posting-on-4chan tier antagonism

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I have either gotten used to the way 4chan posts or it's not as bad as it was a few years ago.  Seriously a few years ago everything was shit. That anime you like was shit, the game was shit except for the tread where op said how great the game was followed by every anon yelling at op for posting that gay shit again, That comic/cartoon is shit etc.  I think Darksouls is what trigged /v/ into being the we hate videogames board for a while. Thankfully they have gotten better. /a/ was obsessed with moe and lesbian moe shows forever and now actually has at least half the treads are about non moe trash shows, /co/ is still hit or miss usually it's just waifu cheesecake threads and rage about Korra being a lesbian and ruining avatar.  Other than that you get a gravity falls thread once in a blue moon of someone pretending that they just watched the show for the first time, but picking a topic that has been done to death namely Mabel was an asshole and alex is a hack.




They are legion, they don't forgive, and they don't forget.... unless a choice rate my dick thread comes around.... then hackerman takes a break a rates his brethrens dick like a good ol boy.




The point is to talk about bullshit, argue about who's right and who's wrong for no specific reason about no specific thing, swap porn, try to fuck with people because they're an edgelord memester with mad hax skillz, and make others feel as shitty as they do.


It had its place in time, but honestly the whole "anonymous" crap got all the basement dwellers all rock hard and everyone thought they could be a "hacker" after that movie came out.


That was when the entire place erupted in just, what I imagine Jeffchaos's head is like on any given day.


Haven't posted in there, but sometimes I read /a/ to watch people tear eachother apart over what is and isn't shit.


Summer 4chan is the worst though, as is Summer Reddit.

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