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the tumblr meltdown over this is to imminent that I can taste it

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the Gamegrumps are releaseing a "Gay" dating sim called "Dream Daddy" and everyone on tumblr is drooling over it




they're going to lose their fucking minds with anger when they buy the game and realize it's just a game made up of Homophobic jokes


disclaimer that I am NOT faulting the Grumps because I expect homophobic humor from them and I overlook it because I have no reason to believe Arin and Danny are themselves actually homophobic


but if anyone honestly thinks Dream Daddy isn't gonna be full of gay jokes and racist jokes they're just complete idiots



edit: nutshelling the events that transpired


they delayed the game for an additional week to alter some aspects of the story and gameplay, namely, that none of the dads were gay originally(they were all Bi and had slept with women to father their kids), now at the very least, your player character can actually be gay

  • 2 weeks later...

today is the day this game was supposed to release, and it hasn't yet


the game's creators even issued an apology just a few minuets ago and insist that the game is still coming out, but that they "want to tweak a few things to make sure the game is perfect"





this Game never even existed, it was all a troll :|


aaaaaaaand the deadline came and went, it's now the day AFTER the game's launch and they basically re-posted the same excuse ("we're just doing some final tweaks and touches to make the game perfect and it'll be out soon")


so........yeah.......it's looking like the game is a scam S:


What if it's really good?

then I'll have to eat my words


It's just that there's both evidence for it being good


and an equal amount of evidence of it being a huge joke that was just maid to milk money out of fujoshis


and they've delayed the game's release twice now


Typical fujoshis

another thing that bugs me is that some people keep telling me the people making the game are actually Gay


but they never mention any of the actual supposedly gay people making the game By name, they keep only mentioning the Gamegrumps and their team by name, who are as far as I know not gay (since Arin denies it constantly and all I know about Danny is that he claims he "converted" a lesbian couple once)


edit: having spoken to one of the main people making the claim that  the team making the game are gay

they basically admitted they have no proof and have been given no proof that the claim that anyone who worked on the game is actually gay is true


edit: Ding-Dong of Oneyplays (another gaming show filmed in the same offices as Gamegrumps but not 100% connected to GG) has voiced his personal opinion of the game, and it is not good, he says what he's seen of the game and the people behind it that the game is very much meant to pander to fujoshis and other straight people who fetishize gay men rather than being something gay men would actually enjoy playing themselves, he says he feels the game is based more on a cutesy stereotyped idea of what gay men are supposed to be like, rather than what a gay parent would actually be like, he goes on to say that he's sure the Gamegrumps only funded and took part in the game because they wanted brownie points and money and not because they actually have any respect for gay people, an Opinion he claims Julian (another member of the Oneyplays team who happens to actually be a gay man himself)shares


so it looks pretty bad at this point


Wonder what this game could've been if JonTron was still a Game Grump.


"Choose Your Daddy!"


[Chooses the black one]


"You traitor! Traitoring up your race! Racing that trait! Traiting that race! RACE TRAI-"


the game's been Delayed for an unspecified ammount of time for "bug fixing"


Vernon Shaw issued an apology


lol, tumblr is always on meltdown >:D

for the most part


I just find it amusing that they actually think a sparkly pink Dating sim full of Daddy Kink jokes made entirely by straight people is a great and wonderous gift to the Gay community


for the most part


I just find it amusing that they actually think a sparkly pink Dating sim full of Daddy Kink jokes made entirely by straight people is a great and wonderous gift to the Gay community

Would it be ok if it were made by gay people with all the same jokes?


Just askin' but what you're describing sounds terrible >:D


Doesn't take a lot of heat to melt a snowflake.


tumblr isn't that bad, they got cute animal gifs. 

I do stay away from the ultra left wing bullshit though cuz it sounds like, smells like and tastes an awful lot like ultra right wing bullshit to me


Would it be ok if it were made by gay people with all the same jokes?


Just askin' but what you're describing sounds terrible >:D

if show's like glee and riverdale are anything to go by, not neccesarily


Gay writers can and do regularly write shit equally as homophobic as the stuff straight writers write


more weird news


every character is Bisexual


that isn't inherently bad, but it paints a very closed minded view of Gay parents that every single character's offspring is the result of them having voluntarily fucked a woman


apparently the player can't even be gay, the game forces you to have once been married to a woman even though it gives you the option to list your daughter as having been adopted


I think that the term used to be (maybe it still is) "beard." I know guys my age who got married and had kids, then came out when the climate loosened up a little. It didn't used to be uncommon., and it wasn't because they were bi, it was because they were trying to fulfill society's expectations.


I think that the term used to be (maybe it still is) "beard." I know guys my age who got married and had kids, then came out when the climate loosened up a little. It didn't used to be uncommon., and it wasn't because they were bi, it was because they were trying to fulfill society's expectations.

that's true, it could just be a beard situation


but the implications make it seem more like they're just all Bi guys


Considering how many things can and often are modded by others, could this just be one of those situations where the idea was to release the game one way and let the modding commence to see where it goes if it goes anywhere at all?


That said, there are other dating games out there that don't seem to care about pigeonholing people if that's really your thing [i prefer hunting for the Triforce or stomping goombas flat myself :D ]. I can't remember the name of it exactly but I do remember that it used to be one of the games played / reviewed on 'Lunchtime Games' on the [as] streams. The idea is that you run a dating service and try to match people up. And the guest book consisted of straight, bi and gay without any reservations about things.


Considering how many things can and often are modded by others, could this just be one of those situations where the idea was to release the game one way and let the modding commence to see where it goes if it goes anywhere at all?


That said, there are other dating games out there that don't seem to care about pigeonholing people if that's really your thing [i prefer hunting for the Triforce or stomping goombas flat myself :D ]. I can't remember the name of it exactly but I do remember that it used to be one of the games played / reviewed on 'Lunchtime Games' on the [as] streams. The idea is that you run a dating service and try to match people up. And the guest book consisted of straight, bi and gay without any reservations about things.

frankly the dating sim "Coming out on top" seems a lot better than this game ever did


especially now, based on what's been leaked about this game


the game has been released and several things have now been changed from the initial preview release (for the better)


originally ALL the dads were believed to be Bi, even your player, as no matter what options you chose it said your ex was a woman (whether she carried the baby or adopted it) but TWO things have been changed


1. that your player character can be a Trans man and YOU can be the one who carried the Baby, and

2. that your ex partner can be a man


I.e. your player character can actually be Gay now


two of the characters are impossible to actually romance, officially due to bugs, but both seem completely deliberate



Joseph, the narrative implies he's closeted and in a loveless beard marriage, however, no matter what you do he chooses to stay with his wife and Robert says you're disgusting for having tried to break up Joseph's marriage





Robert, his "good" ending consists of him telling you he just wants to be friends


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