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LeBron James' stats in the Finals

Codename: Jackass

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The lack of parity in today's NBA is disturbing.


Eh people say this a lot but what are they actually complaining about though? The Cavs "won" three #1 draft picks in four years which had like a .01% chance of happening, then added LeBron James when he bolted from his capped out old man Miami team which easily could've played in 0 Finals total had they been in the western conference. So should LeBron not have been allowed to join a team that had been horrible for years once it had enough good draft picks to possibly become good again, or what?


Golden State drafted and developed all of its stars, added modest free agent Iguodala, went to the Finals twice, broke the all-time best season record, all with home grown talent and a roster assembled the right way, then got to sign Durant thanks to a freak once in a lifetime cap increase that everyone knew was coming for years and will probably never happen again.


It's messed up that the East is so rotten that whatever team has LeBron on it gets a free pass to the Finals, but there's a lot of great teams and players in the West. The Spurs have been great for two decades for reasons that have nothing to do with parity, the Clippers have three all star players and win 50 games every year, the Rockets have one all star and have had more success than most other teams the last few years, the Grizzlies make the playoffs every season against all odds. What's the parity problem? It sounds like people are just mad that Golden State drafted outstanding offensive and defensive players and was smart enough to utilize them correctly in order to beat the rest of the league for several years, then got to add Durant. Which IS broken, but not in a "something needs to be done to prevent this from happening again" way. Even if Durant didn't join the warriors last season they still would've been favorites to win the title.

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The lack of parity in today's NBA is disturbing.


I think the only people who care are the ones who are invested in a specific team....I just watch the NBA because they're playing basketball and I like basketball...


I'll cheer for a side to make things fun, but really don't care much who wins

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