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About moonmaster3

  • Birthday 04/27/1990

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  1. literally same as it is here! but iirc ppl just called me Moon or moonmaster lol
  2. reminded me that Perfect Hair Forever existed, and was one of my favorite [as] shows
  3. oh i remember you! i think we posted a bunch in IB
  4. might not have been you, but i do remember they had Fullmetal in their name. i liked playing l4d2 with them
  5. Action Other Anime Babbler IBer
  6. ur fwend
  7. I started thousands of thread, especially in IB where I'd just post song lyrics as thread topics and spam them as fast as I could on the 30 sec cooldown lol
  8. My first online community was a silly Hamtaro forum called HamHam Kingdom on invisionfree. Anyway, I still remember seeing the bumper, which had a post displayed from one of the users back in '05. I'd seen several bumpers about the ASMB prior, but that night a new episode of ATHF aired. It was the Mooninite episode where they played the game Moon Master. It's the origin of my namesake, and Moonmaster and Moonmaster2 were taken so i settled with Moonmaster3. I still use Moon in my screennames all over the place, usually it's just Moonie or Sailor Moonie now. A lot of great memories of the ASMB of old. And I can't forget the AIM groups, they were fun. I also had my first online relationship in the ASMB, with a user that went by FMA_and_T_fan_147. And I've always wondered whatever happened to them. And then there was Fullmetal_Pirate, and I won't get in to that lol. ASMB will always and forever have a special place in my heart. Much love - Moonie
  9. yooo thank you for the birthday wishes!! 🥰
  10. i forgot this place existed???? there's still names i recognize too, but i doubt people remember moi. anyways this is my post for the next 5 years or somn
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VgX7hkfgtQ
  12. oh i guess we have watched TTGL, just seperately. i remember watching Black Lagoon on [as] ages ago, but i never finished it much like every other naime i start on my own lol Lain is one of his favorite, and i forgot to add it on the To Watch list, same with Paranoia Agent which is one of my favs and ofc we've seen Bebop, i for one grew up on it in my teen years. it's too much of a classic imo
  13. here's what i'm currently watching with my boyfriend Currently Watching; LWA, Violet Evergarden To Watch; Guilty Crown, Noein, Spice and Wolf, Nichijou, Katanagatari, Haibane Renmei, Wolf's Rain Anime we've finished; DAHLING in the Franxx, Konosuba, all of Monogatari up to Owari II, Kill la Kill, Kakegurui and XX, Death Parade, Goblin Slayer, FLCL, Ergo Proxy, Tokyo Ghoul and Root A, Dragon Maid, Zombieland Saga, Hellsing Ultimate so taking an suggestions for us to watch together!
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