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Everything posted by LoLJackass

  1. I too am over this week.
  2. I fucking hate Cardi B....Like I can't think of a more annoying celebrity than her except maybe Gilbert Gottfried.
  3. Figure this is as good a place as any to dump this....I'm not sure what the plan actually was but this has been cracking me up
  4. Oh, my duelist ID is 852-352-349. Since all my friends besides Panda are randos, I forget if that's how he found me or if it was my name.
  5. Well once you get so far into it, you can basically steal deck recipes and also there are a lot of prebuilt decks you can just buy from the store.....But still, a lot are lacking in the spell/trap area and it took me a while to figure out which packs actually had the traps i wanted. I want to recreate my Magician deck from 2004ish, but I realize now I forgot what was actually in it. Right now I play a lot of Silent Swordsman decks, but I have a Redeyes deck where i can just resurrect it, or power it up on command that I use for ranked. I think the best thing is that you don't run into millions of Exodia shitlords like you did back in the day....I guess because pot of greed is banned.
  6. Nabs has a character he plays that hands out money
  7. Since it's only considered black because of it's fur, do cats see tabbys and be like "LOL, fucking gingers" (and yes, I know all tabbys aren't orange)
  8. One time his sack and I went to TGIFridays and it ate a whole order of buffalo wings without even offering me any....And I was paying. Fuck that dude's sack
  9. I legit don't understand how. Last time I ate at BK was maybe June-ish, and they had a 2 for $6 on whoppers, grilled or fried chicken, and some other sandwich you could mix and match. And they even had a $3.99 meal that I would get the kids on taekwondo day because we didn't have time to stop at home...For a meal you split, I almost feel like they had to charge you double.
  10. Making shrimp and basil pasta
  11. As much as I hate to say it.....Eh, I kinda do too.
  12. So is BATHL now being returned into the community lexicon?
  13. I'm Not sure what's happening here, but GM Rogue.
  14. Apparently being aloof and not very talkative will gravitate people to you....I have no fucking idea how this happens
  15. LoLJackass

    GN IB

    GN IB
  16. Who tf wants velcro? I thought I made it obvious I want fitted shoes. There is no reason for these to exist.
  17. For that matter, shoes that require shoelaces. I have no idea why an article of clothing requires several feet of string to operate. There are fitted hats, hell....There are several forms of shoes that do not require laces.....Why do they still have a place in life. I'm baked and bored
  18. Well, that knocks me out....I'm not actually a collector, but those are something I would actually pass down
  19. Ok, let's try something else.....I was asking how much hypothetically would you sell them for. Actually...That's a dumb question. Unless gifted them, there is no real way I would possess them
  20. Just finished with all after school activities, and set the kids up for bed.....So now I'm your problem.
  21. I didn't even think to look there....Is it full episodes or clips
  22. Not googling that....I'll kindly wait for context.
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