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🍑Side Piece McSlutty Tits

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Everything posted by 🍑Side Piece McSlutty Tits

  1. Yah not even trying to do anything right. Just wants to bully and fight people. He needs serious help.
  2. I made a big mistake 🤣🤣
  3. No satan created bed bugs
  4. I made bbq grass fed burgers for my lunch tomorrow Cannot fucking wait!
  5. Youd move mine but alas a white male posted this so it can stay
  6. Ill be intermittent fasting during the holidays...crying in advance
  7. It's your birthday, bitch!
  8. Actually has a good dream abt getting married. Fanciest wedding ever with cool aunts, mom, and lots of small children. Then it turned into basically an ad telling me what a great business thatd be...providing amazing stylish weddings Man i dreamt like 5 different things last nite..all great..barely have stress dreams these days
  9. People thinking like this and fearing the birth rate is the entire premise of handmaids tale
  10. U think he’d let someone have it if he didn’t want them to?
  11. I love how people who have the least to contribute here and in life complain the most
  12. This means you gain your powers, bitch.
  13. Well u had no idea I was old so there. but if yer immune system is that good it won’t bother u much...at least not nearly as bad as dying would
  14. @Rogue_Raptorpat leave my pics on my shit alone. I fixed my cover photo.
  15. I haven’t in 28 years if not more....my 1st cat was still alive and nurseD me back to health but you have to understand that people your age died from it a couple of years ago. Just get the free shot.
  16. Famous last words
  17. huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge needle too so gonna go get your flu shot??;)
  18. well go over and say hi!!
  19. you are not one of us
  20. its the only really scary movie i havent seen (the remake)
  21. misaka those pumpkins are the shit i have no idea how to carve pumpkins and ours always looks horrible. madison didnt say anything about doing one this year.
  22. its not a rant. where's the Boo Hoo folder?
  23. since ya took yer love away :*(
  24. philly cheesesteak at the mall crab salad from subway tuna from subway whooper from burger king five guys cheeseburger sonics cheeseburger
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