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🍑Side Piece McSlutty Tits

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Everything posted by 🍑Side Piece McSlutty Tits

  1. i literally just googled it ok well i used a website, too.. but anyone can use the website .. its public info
  2. they posted ENOUGH for me to GOOGLE.. just like YOU did... so if YOU stop the GOOGLING .. I will stop the GOOGLING LOL
  3. and YOU googling my job and posting job reviews of where I work isnt stalking me? and midnite posting about my job and threatening to get me fired isnt stalking me either??? ????
  4. its b asically just boomers crying. we arent re-populating at the replacement rates needed to keep boomers in retirement. fuuuuuuuck them. thats what they get.
  5. LOL morals and standards anyway, then you dont do it anymore either.. if i post something insignficant about what i got or did, dont say shhhhhit
  6. birth rates are plummeting girl dont u listen to the news
  7. i fail to see how that would raise the birthrate. seems to me this person is another incel daydreaming between masturbation sessions
  8. i didnt say *my* call center.. but some of them do pay that ... if not more... especially tech support i personally would have to move to a state that has a tech support call center
  9. im not trying to be better than her. she is the one that is always talking about how she makes all this money and its not even THAT much.. call centers here pay more than what she makes. the point is, its really not that much. u can make the same money sitting on your ass posting on UEMB all day. LOL
  10. i dont belive they regular make u work overtime and regulary pay you overtime but ok
  11. ugh .see.. u didnt say that. ok u make more. . do they pay you over time tho? for working more than 40 hours?
  12. does anyone remember this show? it was a lady and a man and they went around collecting objects that were cursed by Satan i remember staying up late just to watch this show. It was SOOO good!
  13. whats that weird structure on the left of your house? a green house?
  14. my car is paid for. im not going back and forth with you today.
  15. wow. thats amazing. yah this guy was hanging out with a bad crowd and brandishing his money like a fool. i hope he'll learn better.
  16. its a family home that belongs to my brother thats paid for but ive paid more taxes on it than him. you dont k,now anything about me either. and stillme posted how much she makes ..soo shuuuuut riiiight uppppp
  17. he had it in cash. i told him that was dumb. he said he liked having it in his pocket. bet he'll never do that again!
  18. its not an insult. just facts. have some faith LOL
  19. awww shit! shes awful but i think she has a good heart deep down
  20. which is what about what stillme makes before taxes LMAO
  21. sleeping thru it is def unusual for me. i must have been dead tired. i went to sleep around 3 am sunday nite and around 1am monday nite lol omg getting up at 3 am must be so hard! are you off work before noon tho?
  22. I cant remember any one of these episodes. gotta rewatch one day.
  23. I had a nail every few months Havent had one since i asked the crackhead to fix it and he got frustrated and couldn't do it Crackhead also walks around doing handiwork and HAS NAILS IN HIS POCKET he also rides a bike everywhere and doesn't have a license And hes always hitting on me. So i def think he was feeling some kind of way due to being constantly rejected. Hes a crackhead and doesn't sleep so he walks around the neighborhood all nite...most definitely has seen me sneaking white guys in late at nite 🤣 So i def think he was doing it.
      • 2
      • D'oh
  24. I guess missed sleep does catch up with you fuck it just going to be late
  25. I have a disability lol so I get a whole lotta time off for dr. Visits or just if I dun wanna go lol
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