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🍑Side Piece McSlutty Tits

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Everything posted by 🍑Side Piece McSlutty Tits

  1. My "office" is 5 feet away from my bed. Just admit u got it good. But I understand..cant do that around here..they ban u for appreciating your life
  2. Or people with no self esteem who accuse you of bragging when u r merely talking about yer normal day to day life
  3. I knew it. The mansion has an office! 😛
  4. Messing around on fb i saw this man post that he had no friends. So i told him he could talk to me. Basically ended up discovering he was homeless because his "friends" stole $7000 from him. He said he wanted to die. He said could never trust another person. All this happened right after I was crying in my car abt how I felt God was working in my coworkers life by helping her land THE PERFECT job... Its just uncanny i met this man on fb and this happened right after the coworker thing. I don't know if i can successfully get this man back on his feet. But i think i at least changed the horrible perspective he had on everything cuz he lost all his money. He felt God was punishing him ...cursed him...because he made a mistake. I basically told him he had the ability to have $7000 at once...that is a blessing not a curse LOL And booyyy it was refreshing to talk to a man that wasn't just trying to get in my pants!!!
  5. Does anyone know anything about velosters? They look bad ass and seem affordable. Thats why 2nd answer.
  6. Hardly any trick or treaters came to the door last year...and fuck i just realized..i forgot to get candy, too Im just looking forward to Thanksgiving and relaxing with time off and getting a bedroom set on black Friday..im over Halloween which used to be my favorite holiday...by now id have Manson on repeat...havent even done that
  7. Im not dressing up this year. I should tho cuz im extra sexy these days...i just dont have the energy. I have my vampire teeth somewhere from last year but the idea of using them again after they sat for a year seems gross and i didnt think to buy new ones. I guess i could get a witch hat from work and the vampire shirt i wore can double as a witch shirt....but nah fuck it. We are going to a huge halloween party for kids..i dont have the patience for trick or treating..even a trunk o treat Mind u this all is probably the depression talking LOL but Halloween has been a chore now that i have a kid who i gotta make sure has a good time but is safe...which is hard going door to door with how crazy shit is these days..and then most people dont even give out candy like that anymore...its depressing. Last year we saw a movie and stayed in and made slime even tho i dressed up.
  8. Look whos never been to red lobster or know enuff abt seafood to know they give u lemons for seafood because its extra delicious Yah but crab salad with lemon is even better
  9. Do any of you eat or know what liver pudding is?
  10. Never here always late
  11. Haha theres people here who if they knew how to fuck a manatee they would cuz no human would give them any action LMAO
  12. LOL its too late for this shit. Im out.
  13. I think i need an even higher dose. Theres always a lot going on in my head...analyzing and seeing holes in the other persons side...ive spent entire days arguing with conservatives until they just get pissed and mass report me. One of them said i should be a lawyer and Im fucking considering it LOL
  14. Whoa My bad. I dont kno why i thought yall were close. I can be really oblivious to board going ons lol
  15. Lmao Typical I gotta start taking screenshots of this shit. Its hilarious.
  16. Why not help him? I thought yall were friends .... Do u have friends here?
  17. im not twisting anything...maybe stop doing underhanded shit you dont wanna admit to LOL Or do it to a dummy next time cuz im not the one
  18. LOL I be having all kinds of long distance sex with guys from here. They just dont join into the drama threads here.
  19. No you did it to the buddyroe post and unrelated general posts. So they were a bunch of buddyroe posts? Nope they were completely unrelated I knew u were gonna lie abt it LMAO
  20. No they were not. A thread dies, i post another one. Nothing wrong with that except when i do it. Probably cuz i wouldn't fuck anyone from here.
  21. Mob rule. Theres no rule against posting a lot of different topics. Spam is purposeful repeated lposts or plus ones. You and the person spite reporting both need to calm the fuck down.
  22. I can do the whole store but youd probably ban me for posting too much lol And people who make good money come in 15 mins before we close..thats the only reason theyd get followed like that. They need to fucking check out before the registers auto shutdown and the lights auto turn off If thats even my store. I stalk people to help them find their shit and leave but no one told me to do that
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