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Everything posted by Skiles

  1. Not with that attitude, young lady.
  2. It's not up to you or anyone else to decide if my own personal hygiene is "lacking." It's my body.
  3. No, I never said that. I said I don't think I should be hygiene-shamed into bathing if I don't want to bathe.
  4. More like CROPS! hahahahahahaha
  5. I'm in the market for ass squids as we speak.
  6. EXACTLY! I'm not getting a God damn Squidward tattoo to impress people, I'm getting it to make people wonder what kind of weirdo would get that tattoo.
  7. More like, "No more!" Hahahahaha, man, I'm really funny.
  8. Don't you get it? The name is so much better! With a picture, you just see it, and you're like, "Oh, that's weird." But if it's the name, in really nice cursive that you have to look at for a few seconds to realize what it says, it's way better.
  9. Not even a picture of Squidward. Just the name "Squidward," in cursive, on my lower back.
  10. Now that's some good wordplay.
  11. Skiles

    kids suck

    I can remedy that.
  12. More like Horton hears a FUCKING BITCH
  13. Probably not, if it sucks like FFVII does.
  14. WHY?
  15. That's cool. I never really got into that show. It always felt to me like it was trying really, really hard to seem random or weird, whereas I always thought there were plenty of other shows that pulled it off without trying too hard. But hey, good for them. When shows stay on, people stay employed. So hooray!
  16. Harambe.
  17. All superb? Are we just throwing Jonny Quest, The Flintstones and Scooby-Doo into the "superb" bin now? C'mon, man. We gotta have standards as a society.
  18. I'll always have Pokemon gen 1 and Spyro 1. I'm always willing to try something new, but if I don't like it right away, I'm done with it immediately. I'm probably at least halfway through my life already. Time is precious.
  19. Aw, geez man, c'mon...
  20. I disagree. Literally, I disagree that it's your favorite.
  21. I don't have time to form educated and thought-out opinions. If I'm bad at it, it's bad. If I'm good at it, it's good.
  22. I died like ten minutes in. S:
  24. A life insurance policy taken out on me?
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