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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. Do you know what that means you know what that means that can contemporary music radio station or popular mix radiostation in your town will play nothing but Christmas music for hopefully a month if you're not unlucky 2 months
  2. I wouldn't watch it myself because when I'm not a horror guy but it would be an intriguing idea I mea Holodeck malfunctions aren't unknown phenomena in the Star Trek universe.
  3. thank you
  4. I think that is too dark hello mean it is Halloween season so it's kind of dark to begin with both figuratively and literally
  5. I think I just destroyed a part of my childhood by picking up a story I thought about a story that the holiday Holodeck on the Enterprise malfunctioned and the Smurfs became self-aware and skinned the Looney Tunes alive to the Snorks the Wuzzles in the Care Bears although I think the Care Bears also gain sentience and attack the Sailor Scouts they are bears after all caring or not I went want to be around him if they were real
  6. I am simultaneously afraid and Confused one I'm allergic to bee stings too why the butt?
  7. ok that dose sound like fun @Insipid
  8. not bad not the wackiness of my style but not bad Story featuring that family dynamic
  9. I don't know this one is unpopular or not but it's too early for Christmas decorations to be put out on Town squares and also Thanksgiving is better than Christmas and Halloween combined and too early for Christmas ads and commercials and beer definitely beer and too early to start complaining about snow
  10. I literally just had to Google this how's it sounds it probably happened when I was a child five states awayI don't know who he is never met the man
  11. I need to get cheered up I am not in a good mood right now and looks like how shit is going to be I can't be for a while so I need cheered up I'm going to get myself in a good mood instead of expecting Good Moods to happen
  12. ? i don't know don't care
  13. i would go with Russian and Chinese knowing those two might get good-paying government job
  14. ok cool
  15. On Pluto's right, there's a topless woman at Disney World flooded. Not to mention why they would be tourists at Disney World. during a hurricane, I don't think Disney's lawyers would allow that They would just say yep I advise you to shut down the park so you don't get sued.
  16. 5minutes Sitting at the window and then being told to park for someplace else to wait for my food
  17. No the drive-thru just sucks now at Mickey D's every time every time I wait 5 minutes for my food extra time it's ridiculous
  18. it was in a walk-in freezer I can't believe this but I live someplace that can get very cold maybe naked in some places very cold like a walk-in freezer for example is stupid I hi hypothermia will set in quickly so you're telling me that was my chance I'd rather not die of hypothermia because I was horny
  19. ? mcgangbang I worked at McDonald's in high school trust me that term has some weird meanings when you accidentally walk into a freezer and seeing something that's highly inappropriate for the workplace
  20. @Insipid I don't recommend the drive-thru
  21. yes i do
  22. yes it is good i had for dinner
  23. wow i am surprise
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