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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. it is past 10:00 p.m. Do you know where your self is
  2. I'm not saying how smart he is he doesn't seem like there not the smartest potato in the toolshed
  3. trusting? I was taught not to trust anyone including myself.
  4. I'm thinking about going to bed and going to sleep I'm hoping I don't have any more weird dreams like I have been
  5. If both presidential candidates get abducted by aliens at the same time
  6. @Insipid goes against my code of Honor but I'm letting you suffer
  7. @Insipid I was trying to let you save face.
  8. the pronoun they used for food? god dam my English sucks
  9. @Insipid i am sorry
  10. i was interpreting as some thing darker then meant?
  11. how are they ?
  12. They're not too bad for it they are I mean I won't go out of my way to go to one
  13. my friend told me in person he did not tell me his source
  14. I say do it his dad had something to do with the apartheid government anyways? I mean it's generational karma in a way and that respect and he's not Dutch Elon Musk is not Dutch he's a Boer from South Africa which was were the Boers a Dutch German and French mix mainly Dutch though of the early descendants of the early Settlers of South Africa which their version of Dutch is called Africans anyways.
  15. she married i can't moral code thing?
  16. ? ok can you explain what traditions they have with tires in South Africa @Insipid
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