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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. Jesus Christ that scary this not the nice Canada we all know OMG
  2. Stargate SG1 had a limited amount of money at one point I heard the producers said I wish we had Doctor Who money or Star Trek money which both of those TV programs been known to have a shoe string budget that's because the network hated them. So is it their fault for hiring Wayne Brady they had a crap budget then star trek Enterprise which had budget cuts worse than well there was PBS cooking shows having higher budgets than them and yes I'm a little bit over exaggerating but still that idea is they had less money than the freaking Star Trek series on production Co currently with them and they had budget cuts although this is from it later season but still
  3. ?
  4. yes i know that
  5. it hard to say I personally have tough feet so I mean my feet have been blistered over a few times may I suggest a decent insole and comfortable and popular fitting but where and obviously no high heels or wedges if female Cowboy and work boots obviously not useful either
  6. My neck of the woods kind of I never been to Cedar Point but I used to walk about 7 miles a day give and take at the job I used to do I'm comfortable Footwear is always key @Blackrose321
  7. the thread is called post on a popular opinions it doesn't have to be mine
  8. Constipation is not as bad as people say at least not for a little while
  9. well I am 39 but no my brother is over 40 and the profession he's have he on a swing shift all the time so he gets sleep left and right And for myself, I can sleep anywhere and everywhere no matter sunlight or not
  10. @Vamped guns: anyone who wants to own a weapon that carries 30 rounds or more magazines must register for the draft and do times in the National Guard or ReserveS. Abortion: is too complicated for anyone to answer if I want to live. Minimum wage: I would like to invoke it needs to be higher but without the cost of items not going up we live in a capitalist societies so trying to figure out the fentanyl crisis: I would dare to say I would go to the UN and say time to make the War on Drugs a World War because it's not just the American issue
  11. och got shot through the heart i am sorry forgive me? i am sorry
  12. Not every pun or joke lands it's just a fact of life I'm sorry and it's kind of a bad joke and isn't bad taste but I have been in that psychological spot just for the record
  13. what park is it? @Blackrose321 yes there is a way to walk a lot
  14. Why am I watching the anime Grenadier the Beautiful Warrior? That's what I'm asking a lot in my head how in the heck did she hide bullets in her cleavage? And why no one has metal detectors
  15. IT"'S YOUR LIFE he might have beeen saying
  16. ? I don't know. a Futurama reference is pretty cool there
  17. All the mods on this website if I'm wrong I'm wrong That or a very powerful cabal of Star Trek fans that I'm not a part of but I want to be
  18. I don't know of any oh okay well I don't eat dogs and cats considering I own one and she's adorable when she's not mad
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