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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. @Insipid what dose have to do with my work?
  2. Fascist in the Republican Party where's that party going to
  3. With more votes than any other Republican in history in 1864 the Democrats abstained in the south I think so Lincoln basically won by a landside
  4. Where are the issues it's been only a minute or two of the debate and no issues are being just discussed does talking past each other
  5. I got pissed and a lot of people noticed that I overheard people talk shit about me one's acting more of toxic and Yes this is a female and the other one's dose agree with her so he's not the other end of it and all this happened Monday so I think the meeting is going to happen tomorrow or in the coming days and I don't want this to backfire but I other people are saying that you know shit it's been getting toxic at work anyways. The weird thing if any of you guys are familiar with how airplanes are maintained for every hour of flight time there are like 12 hours of Maintenance or something like that depending on the type of aircraft that's how working at a meat processing plant is for every hour process and there's like at least two more hours cleaning roughly that's how I figure it. And yes I am looking for a different job but more for economic benefit not for a change of environment I need to find a bigger paycheck which is not necessarily a good or bad thing. It basically what I'm saying is some people just ungrateful.
  6. yes i think so
  7. good job i forgot he was in Dr. Strange love
  8. rest in pace sir you did great work
  9. how did the Steelers pull off that I am surprised at one point I thought they were going to lose how are we are good at winning low scoring games I don't know but we need to learn win at high scoring games
  10. i am from OHIO i check him out
  11. Okay who in the hell decided the Steelers have a field goal based offense yeah we had the best field goal kicker in the league that's just fucking idiotic
  12. my family are steelers fans plus last season after one point sucked
  13. go pittsbugh i am from ohio i bleed black and gold
  14. as norther i do like this humor south similar to midwest in someway or my part anyways
  15. @Insipid good it's the Pandora's box thing and some you can unsee also although this is equivalent of bumping into Cthulhu at the supermarket. For me so thanks you made my night
  16. @Insipid Sound tempting but frankly but sounds like it's kind of like opening Pandora's box
  17. Not the response I want but yeah the truth is subjective
  18. so do you
  19. fucking why?
  20. to be technical the Catholic Church views anit-euthanasia as a pro-life thing but as for the sterilization thing myself I'm not really sure but they probably are against it but I could be wrong. My immediate family is not anti-Catholic although we are Evangelical presidents but a few of my aunts and uncles and the extended family are because of their Evangelical views and highly enough we have I have a great aunt so it's their aunt who is a convert to Catholicism
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