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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. *ghostrek sighs* that is so screwing up Evangelical with fundamentalist theology there and it's hard to explain if you're unless you're one or the other but I was raised Evangelical not fundamentalist there is a difference it's this nuanced @Insipid
  2. Also it's kind of weird that I thought Daffy Duck and Donald Duck were related when I was a kid?
  3. I'm watching The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and that was pretty edgy stuff for 1960s almost like it was a Proto Adult Swim cartoon
  4. Can't Trump propose a law or something stating you know film companies producing media in the United States get like a 50% tax break across the board or something if they produce a film in the United States and I mean across the board I mean state County local city and federal taxes including in California and wherever location shots are filmed something to think about or where animated for animated films @Raptorpat Here's another one Banning American actors filming in American franchises or franchises created by American and foreign countries I like Star Trek is filmed up in Canada now but it was created by American and owned by an American company currently little
  5. To Hollywood why were those three next to them most likely giving a bunch of money to him but an ambassador to Hollywood or a special ambassador to Hollywood why are we setting up diplomatic relations to places within the United States Hollywood is within the United States geographically speaking more accurate name would be special ambassador to the entertainment industry. What's next Trump appoints someone to be ambassador to the church of Latter-day Saints of Jesus Christ AKA Mormons or ambassador to Watch Towers Society AKA Jehovah's Witnesses. Or ambassador to t Amish even maybe ambassador to the United Federations of Planets. Okay I have a strong feeling that a Ghostrek administration would be a lot more sane than this and that frightens me considering I'm Ghostrek
  6. ?
  7. hey dude
  8. Been a while seeing how that everyone's doing
  9. You're right but sometimes I hear bits and pieces of something and make me think that they are
  10. @katt_goddess unfortunately, I work with at least two of those types of rabbits I'm being metaphorical I mean their conspiracy nut jobs and both of them are have history of drug abuse or are currently drug users
  11. @katt_goddess, okay they're using the term reset but it seems to me more like starting again something like Earth abides if you know that novel. Literally, they want Society to collapse too the stone Age, something similar to the Bronze Age collapse if you know your ancient history. And they think eventually people are going to be cannibalistic to each other and they think they're going to not rebuilt Society but more like a Mad Max type of situation and I'm using the pop culture references and the historical references as references they are not using this terminology
  12. @stilgar I would like to know if I'm not getting any straight answers . it some end-of-the-world conspiracy theory thing
  13. But a lot of people I know are preparing themselves for it your point of kind of dangerous points of getting ready and it's supposed to be 3 years from now
  14. i vote for kick him out of the neurodivergent community
  15. I am actually working on a stand a bit
  16. Sometimes, Japanese passive-aggressiveness contributes to great science fiction icons like Gojira. However, I have heard that Japanese people can be quite passive-aggressive. @Insipid But you you're the expert on that not me
  17. what? ex-sister law was dual citizen her mother was from Quebec do not like disabled people. and was rude that politeness things a bunch of bullshit plus I you guys forget I used to work around the traveling and I haven't counted a lot of rude Canadians they are still very much polite they're not rude because they're not being polite they're rude for not following the rules of etiquette but they state what they think and it sometimes is offensive to just do it in a very polite way in context of English not American Southern politeness I'm also not saying all Canadians either I am met a few that are nice just don't want a union with them politically
  18. i do not want a political union with Canada I have encountered a lot of them being smug they have sometimes said something like America has two political parties and both of them are conservative. And that politeness at times, which Canadians are known for, is occasionally passive-aggressive. And I don't think that's something I need to deal with from my fellow citizens or at least more than normal if Canada joins the Union that is the United States of America.I do not want a political union with Canada. I have encountered many Canadians who come across as smug; they sometimes claim that America has two political parties, both of which are conservative. Additionally, while Canadians are often known for their politeness, this can occasionally come off as passive-aggressive. I don’t want to deal with that from my fellow citizens, especially if Canada joins the United States. Furthermore, if Canada becomes part of America, what happens to the monarchy? Canada is technically a constitutional monarchy. @scoobdog @Insipid @1pooh4u
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZpJ3gar9DQ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_German_coup_d'état_plot WTF? really
  20. i say like let them be part of the UK instead of the USA
  21. is this for real? why?
  22. yes but engine i was using ? the new on night cafe is better
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