Godzilla: why are you not at school
kagome: because there is no school today Dad
Inuyasha: plus she is in her 30s and she has a teenage daughter
Godzilla: that's not true
Kagome: what year do you think it is
Godzilla:it is 1996
kagome: no it's 2025
kagome's mom: great my husband is going crazy
Godzilla: no it's 2025 I'm just messing with you
kagome's mom: you go to work is there a Godzilla film being made
Godzilla: no
kagome's mom: write one i am getting sick of you hanging around the house
Godzilla: there is kinda union issue I am not a member of Wirter's union
kagome's mom: still write one
Morha: I am home what for dinner never mind going to Mcdonald's Mom and Dad you want something texts me she runs to McDonalds
Godzilla: who was that
Kagome's mom: that was your granddaughter and write a movie or novel or destroy Tokyo god knows jsdf need the training
Godzilla: I am an actor plus destroyed tokyo why I am from here plus famous
Morha: walks back in grandpa there general out and wants you to destroy the city they need training done but there no money for they want you to go on a monster Rampage so they can get some training they need in something that's called a loophole
Kagome's Mom: haha
King Ghidorah and Rodan full shows up wanting Godzilla to help them destroy the city and fight but Godzilla says no