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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. ? @Insipid That one I don't get the Republicans are supposed to be anti-lgbtq but of course conservatism economically and militarily knows no identity
  2. i miss that time
  3. You're right I'm wrong how the hell I screw up my most famous Message Board quote
  4. Thank you I will look at my local liquor stores in my area my area I mean 20-30 minutes away but I will look for him
  5. i will look it's not a light year is it I don't like Light beer I actually prefer to darker the better or beer
  6. So I'm doing grammar better or I mean I am using better grammar
  7. Is there anywhere I can get it in my area I live in a small freaking town
  8. Heavy have any good beer
  9. I'm the one that says it I'm pretty sure I know how I said it noob
  10. The last day I get to see election ads until 2 years midterms yay but yes no more election ads I'm getting sick and tired of it every time I watch something on YouTube, Roku ,TV or radio( well I hear theme on the radio) you need to know I hate election ads To quote me let's party
  11. i need to try that
  12. i need to sleep
  13. is normal for them to sleep better on the floor than on their bed?
  14. my top 5 movie franchises 1. Godzilla (toho) franchise 2. Ghostbusters 3. Star Wars 4. Indiana Jones ending at the Last Crusade 5. Star Trek film Franchises/Jurassic Park film franchise
  15. i am think today was Godzilla birthday well cool
  16. Yes this is the closest thing for my screen name being Cannon okay let me have this win
  17. why are you doing this because other people don't view you as an adult? don't
  18. killing my self
  19. no way? @[classic swim]
  20. in my dream, I was going to do the unthinkable but a man who was like a father and no longer on mortal plain existence broke down my front door and stopped me!
  21. no star trek lower decks
  22. That I the image that I have used is actually from a real episode that one that dropped today so I mean I'm happy I mean it doesn't really line up the story it's just oh wow that looks like proton packs Star Trek Style
  23. cool shut up it is Halloween let me have this
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