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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. i am not married
  2. what girl friend? Let me check my social media Nope I don't have one.
  3. @Doom Metal Alchemist You ask us you ask me we were more or less in an like crap by William Street's / Time Warner.
  4. I heard they tried to blame us for the bomb incident in 2007.
  5. One why would I be into jungle. Two I would be heavily fucking armed.
  6. Yeah, I keep on pulling off shit like this if you're out the years yes. Plus blaming us the fans for that little fake bomb incident in Boston. Yes yes we are the internet trolls air quotes. Fucking morons. Blame us for their fucking idiocy! You know how much stupid shit they did does to think they think they could gotten away with God damn it! Rant over
  7. just fallen asleep without realizing it
  8. I've been staying up way too later then normal and when I do have a moment of black and sit down and relax I've just blackout i think it's mostly stress-related
  9. I don't know whWell that's not true I do know why I've been falling I've been blocking out at for 12:00 in the morning most nights and waking up like an 5 hour or latery?
  10. first off sorry for your lost I i also lost a loved one in 2021 Well, I'm not posting about North Korea every two weeks That's a great thing. Also I am doing okay and I'm in a bit of a slump myself but hey I'm digging my ass out of it
  11. ace com 4,5,and zero Plus the World War II middle of honors and the original Call of Duty's
  12. I think DC has already did a story like that
  13. Technically that's only the original versions of the characters newer incarnations chains due to plot development and character development are still protected under copyright
  14. Is it normal to see a bunch of kids gluing golf tees into their heads?
  15. That's the best way I can describe it without putting profanity i felt several years now that people like me should have a neurodivergent nation of our own that seemed very unrealistic and impractical and it is but it's my opinion
  16. @mthor i was scared in the dream
  17. @GuyBeardmane i sad Gold has that yellow piece of metal that is economically valuable
  18. A few weeks ago I had a dream that somehow I was in these underground passages and found a giant underground temple and I don't mean any relic from the Middle Ages or ancient times I mean it was still an active place of worship for whatever religion it had gold statues, electric lights, modern walls memory served it would seem kind of cold building like it had really strong air conditioning or bad heating one of those two. It was freaky because everyone in my group except me is just checking the place out and was like holy shit I was thinking we need to get out of here It's an underground template I bet you nothing good happens here. Should I be scared in my dream and what does this mean?
  19. So make it short here You just said people don't like to circumstances their lives they either blame the government or some other group that they don't like( either disability, race religion ,or whatever)
  20. @Lynnrael i am i am willing to help improve the lives of other neurodivergent people in this country and around the world but I don't know how to
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