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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. @naraku360 are you a masticist do you like being on my shit list or something look I associate being beaten with pain both physical and emotional pain i was extremely bullied when I was a kid and I don't want someone I love beating the shit out of me or someone I'm going to fuck being the shit out of me. I called that fucking torture
  2. @Lynnrael May I dare to pose i have a few ideas in no discerning order. one advocate for own country a lot of arguments I hear from at least the grassroots level level of these reactionaries as you calm state I waste government tax dollars because I was on disability and worked at the same time or I was on food stamps or whatever government program not contributing to society which I wanted to do and I still did. two take lessons from other marginalize groups Maybe Maybe us standing up for our rights I noticed a lot of neurodivergence people are either a political or either indecisive about how they're treated. three There's people like Chris chan That give us neurodivergent a bad name We needto police our own ranks. 4 we need to shed blood for our own country and I don't mean the one I propose I mean to United States there's units like the 442 combat team the infamous red tail fighter squadron aka Tuskegee Airmen and the 54th massive Massachusetts infantry regiment Which is depicted in the Civil War era film Glory. five We need to go into Congress I start advocating to our elected officials personally.six remind ourselves that eugenics is still a thing and we need to stand up against it. Seven find our allies in the neurotypical populationfrom religious communities toto science fiction fandoms and work with them and they work with us 8 and the final one Remind the people on the right there are people on the right that are neuro divergent and cognitively disabled who are also conservative
  3. i'm planning to do it back to back in March goes ghostBuster's frozen Empire and and King Kong new empireodzilla versus Kong 2 new Empire or what something like that let me stupid like that
  4. I hope you're right but I sincerely been told by people I know if Trump doesn't win there's going to be another Civil War or he goes to prison there's going to be another civil war yes I'm dealing with people who are more extreme than the average reasonable human being but that group is growing and is a threat I don't feel That needs to exist. And us getting special education thing the whole system of special education needs reformed. Also Nerotypical children needs to be educated about children with special needs as part of their 12-year or 13-year education if you want to count kindergarten as part of the school experience.
  5. There's talk in people on the right that's stated they want another Civil War. Okay if they don't like people like me I'm a target
  6. he Actually wasn't bad when it wasn't good.
  7. It was very popular in conservative circles Once again we're heading there's another Civil War and the real losers are going to be the neuraldivergent and cognitively disabled people
  8. Yes if I'm useless they will kill me Once again Eugenics is on a comeback. Well they can't kill us if if we're not part of their nationUnless they want to invade
  9. Do I have to remind you of the failure that is Germany's Weimar republic I am seeing a lot more ableist and militant people in this world especially in my area now few weeks ago be on my friends with smoking pot and one of them said you know asking me what side I would be on on the next civil war more or less I had to lie and I have to why every day to say I'm voting for Trump. fuck that
  10. @Raptorpat if memory service you Pat have a political science degree what do you think of what I'm saying
  11. Which is extremely rare on the other examples I can think of is Star Treks series from Next Generation onward ending about Enterprise I don't think Discovery had its whole cast carry over from its start same way it was strange new worlds I'm not sure about lower decksAnd I do think some characters got dropped during picards run
  12. yes but if Biden doesn't get staying our office and Trump wins we're fucking doom(Cognitively disabled / neurodivergent) That's why I'm writing a letter tonight to President Biden requesting to give up my citizenship and she finally open negotiations with the US federal government and other governments which technically before I Couldn't because of the Logan act. So i am doing this for my own sake as much as my " people" for the past few years on the right there's been talk of Civil War now a nuclear arm nation going into Civil War is actually very fucking scary for the whole world i wonder why look at the nuclear part if you really sincerely need an answer but my point is we're fucking doomed People like me are fucking doomed so I'm cutting the snake off the head and that's going to formally request. some kind of negotiation groups to start our own nation If anyone wants to join me can. A lot of us neurodivergence are actually on the in political right. At least in my area.
  13. @[classic swim] now people bitch at us for taking their money with you and somewhat capable of doing something but we're so incapable we can't advance and produce meaningful fruitful lives for ourselves unless we all are higher up on economic letter we're doomed to poverty and doomed to be second class citizens if not third class citizens. That mentioned many of us are shunned either officially or unofficially from our own religious communities. We from my perspective have no sense of community for ourselves. And also from my perspective feel like swimming constantly in the sea of disapproval and unwantedness. Best way I can say this I want my fucking freedom. Now I'm not going to say you know as any other protected group has suffered prejudice yes eddie everyone from the Jewish people ,African Americans, asians, Hispanics , military veterans ,other religious groups, And you name it you know I mean like I said I forgot to mention Native Americans but there's so many groups that suffered prejudice Yes but this is something for That scares me No later than the 1970s they were still euthanizing people with certain cognitive disabilities based on eugenics beliefs You tell me this is not something to fight for your fucking nuts. @[classic swim] my friend I'm not trying to be offensive i'm trying to fight for freedom
  14. @[classic swim] i'm sorry but this is a touchy subject for me
  15. it's just me or am more of anime fashion than to actually produce show
  16. @Lynnrael what you think about this
  17. yes American political right which is generally 99% of the people are around me in the in the area I live in
  18. @scoobdog Tom McDonald is a white conservative rapper He did the a joint release Just a few weeks ago with Ben Shapiro called facts. The humor is not satire the humor is sarcasm. yes I encountered a lot of people seem a lot of them more stupider than well cognitively disabled person. My plan to combat this is nothing. on this website I have made no qualms of stating I am neurodivergent person the believing we should have our own country. Frankly I that's the only thing I have because I'm sick and tired of fighting people on the left and right there's ableism on the left also as much as on the right it's in different forms. Trying to tell me how to live my life because of my problems or more accurately how my brain functions. without realizing I have wants and dreams of my own Try to be successful is impossible and trust me that's my number one issue in my life Now it's only going to get worse from now on . They say love our nation it or leave it well I do love this nation( i mean more than the government by the way) but my nation doesn't love me back. So i just say fuck it start our own
  19. @mthor Yes but there is jobs for us to do nationally security related. The problem is the argument I see a lot we can't contribute to national defense We shouldn't be in the nation or get benefits from our country/ government. I'm not saying I need to be going in the combat armed but you know put me on a cargo ship and as part of the crew or something or put me In a room for stack of images from a spy satellite and tell me a figure out what's going on Yeah that could be a job done for autistic person or a person like me. Yes it's a bit but it's but it's also a dog whistle
  20. @[classic swim] wtf okay I really want to start that country idea of mine now
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