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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. What he dies in 5 minutes and he's still can't shoot for shit
  2. may God have mercy on my soul @[classic swim]
  3. i try to play as many prompts there that is but I think simpler to prompts easier you get the artwork to get out
  4. @SwimOdin what
  5. check this art out https://creator.nightcafe.studio/creation/08qmg1dsS89OMXMOZDRX
  6. every goddamn light in the house was on
  7. I'm fully aware that Schrödinger's cat is simultaneously dead and alive
  8. Well I thought my cat was missing but nope she was in the house the whole time in me and my mom couldn't finder And we checked everywhere in outsideBut she was in the house and we looked top the bottom. So literally my cat was in the house but wasn't in the house I mean it's pretty Similar to Schrödinger's cat She was simultaneously in the house but not.
  9. Well the American Civil War is called the Brothers War for a reason luigi be being a dirty johnny Reb
  10. I don't know if you people at my job treat me like shit and I don't know why I mean but I try my best and I still fail. I feel like I can't progress into a professional life or have any type of meaningful personal life with this type of problem
  11. I don't know why I was created with this type of problem but it fucking sucks
  12. Of course this is a 1990s show so I am reading between the lines @[classic swim] i'm not saying that's not 100% true and yes they are the one they're the mads they're you know mad scientists that's not very good ones. Who's going to torture a person by making them watch bad movies
  13. it's not very hard to understand really or are you just messing with me again
  14. after watching several the old Joel episodes they came off as a very dysfunctional gay couple but very loving one though
  15. i seen mst3k ? Favorite episode just Jack Frost, invasion USA, santa Claus Congress the Martians, and the diabolic movie which is technically there last episode of the original run
  16. We have a narcissist in between lowering peons and high management where I work and he's getting away of a lot of bullshit
  17. it been a long day
  18. you know what i mean
  19. You got a thumbs up for a ghost in the shell standalone complex reference
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