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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. Fast food on my way to or away from my anger management class
  2. One it's not me two it's other people I know who don't understand the situation in the same way as I do and I do think that federal government can be stronger when we have fucking aircraftcarriers and nuclear missiles
  3. i am but I don't want to be a target on my back
  4. How much time is does it take to take you a letter to the president
  5. yes unfortunately I do think some some elderly with adult children do get treated like that unfortunately
  6. Good point
  7. No I'm talking about my anger issues and depression @scoobdog and not just my neuroDiversity Yes I i am treated bad in both parts because people don't understand how I think differently can be a benefit. Frankly That's why I made a post about a guy complaining about medley handicapped or disabled people working in certain government jobs yesterdayFucking asshole
  8. I'm sick and tired of being shunned for what I have course I'm not going to like my mental illnesses that caused me to be shunned by my society. I work with people that shun me treat me badly because of my mental health issues I am convinced of that I always have an always will suffer that
  9. true i get that
  10. No because other people aren't going to take you seriously at all if you're something other than what they expect for example i'm not taking seriously all the time because I'm neurodivergent in my real life
  11. ? Okay do I have a question Why would someone do a only fans account if it's of sexual content if they want to be taken seriously in anything else
  12. Honestly I've been hearing a lot of talk lately from a lot of people. If a certain someone Trump is not elected again or is the Republican candidate they will rebel against the federal government in Civil War and I was quite literally was told this to my face as a idol disguised threat If I voted for Someone else which frankly it's my opinion as a voter vote whoever I feel is right. Honestly I'm dealing with a lot more people who are disguised fascist than anything else and I am using that term loosely like everyone else does technically there is a strict definition of fascism for everyone forgets i miss using it for anyone who is in authority abusing their power.
  13. Open my sexuality which is heterosexuality is none of no one's business except me and whoever I sleep with
  14. Like the 1960s and 1970s all over again with political bullshit ain't it frankly look I understand we need to make a stand at times and I will be on my own issues. Yes there's a lot of things being called precious the Victimizer often plays the victim
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