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NaBarney last won the day on February 12 2018

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Monster Mutant

Monster Mutant (22/22)



  1. Lmao you ogrely fake fucking mod cunt

  2. Just dropping by to wish you a happy bday, randomscanocardboard!

    Good to see that you are still poking around On Here, sometimes.

  3. I watched someone play it and I hate how there's just pokemon bumbling around out in the open now and you just walk up to them. That is probably as close as I will ever get to playing any of the switch pokemon games. With its giant cakes and etc.
  4. Maybe I can use my sway among the staff by promising to knock off the fake moderator stuff if they agree to change the barrier of entry back to at least triple digits. That's right, I would be willing to sacrifice my position as top moderator and step down from that vaunted role just to get DF back to being private again. Ball is in the admin's court. If they choose to take it and go home all I can say is I better not ever hear any more complaining from the lesser mods about my moderating style.
  5. Or was it....356585 Edit - it was https://web.archive.org/web/20150911024827/http://boards.adultswim.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/356585
  6. My man! Fucked fast tracked!
  7. No, you sound fearsome and like you know something I don't. I'm not falling for whatever this is.
  8. You just started posting here, it took me over a decade to become a mod. I'm not saying I'm going to make you that long, there is a fast track I can put you on but you're going to have to put in the work Cum Mountain
  9. Chill. That's an official warning from me, a Real mod
  10. Let me help you help me help get these mods reprimanded so that I may rise in status among the staff
  11. High definition piss bubbles
  12. This isn't about you, this is about me undermining my volunteer coworkers. If you can't help me with that then happy posting
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