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Everything posted by Vela

  1. You know what I think.
  2. And what's more...I'll have You know.
  3. Thanks Nabs.
  4. 🤸‍♀️🐙⏮️
  5. How did you know?!😂
  6. 😍
  7. Dude, if I couldn't read before... ...actually, maybe that would help.
  8. omg I've lost the ability to read...and think for myself apparently...IMMA KINESTHETIC LEARNER somebody just tell me what to do when the time comes. You want me to put the red triangle in the red triangle space? I'm your man.
  9. Don't worry, your secret's safe with...everyone on the internet. Why does this remind me of some stupid pop up about mansions from the other day. Oh! I remember...I was thinking of you and Gemini living together as hermits and then I remembered Jennifer Lopez who split her giant-ass mansion in half and lived with her ex but...never had to see him. Sorry, that was just another useless node!
  10. I don't know what you people are so afraid of... "sexy sonic butt cake"... wtf is even... ...okay well...there's not even cake involved here... anyway HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MOCHI!
  11. Aaaaaaand there it is. Answer to my question. Moving along now.
  12. It was either because you're sick (and still haven't called the doctor ((or did, haven't stalked lurked been on long enough to know)) or because...well...hermits. Lol, the stereotypical hermit doesn't live with other people.
  13. Gas?...is it gas related?...I bet it's gas related.
  14. We need a sympathy option in the likes Whenever I see someone with watery eyes I get watery eyes.
  15. 😄 They definitely seem more amused to see each other rather than excited.
  16. Build up, break down.
  17. @atomicinumatt The flower moon was so beautiful and round and an odd peachy color and hanging low enough to reach up and touch For the rest of you... THIS ONE LIGHTS UP!!! And for you two... okayIgotback2sleepnow
  18. 1950's Tooth Paste Advertisement ... at least that's all I could see when I took this pic so I cropped it. Teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeth.
  19. I aint no tinker bell. Them orca ninjas, ma!
  20. Orca's gotta eat. Personally I liked hearing them communicate rather than listening to a narrator.
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