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Everything posted by BUU8800

  1. Prison School 234 Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko! 469 Yamada and the Seven Witches 232 EDIT: Just finished rereading World Trigger Volume 2(Ch. 8 - 16) in print form.
  2. As if the most hyped anime of 2015 needed it. ;D
  3. Nobunaga no Shinobi 8
  4. Did they really? That's hilariously douchey.
  5. Akari's tits are certainly glorious as hostess, but Momo is too adorable to not be the best, and I ship Hina with Rei so really I always loved all three.
  6. Forgot to remake this after the move. Here's one:
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuRJx3xagLE
  8. Kimetsu no Yaiba 39 Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko! 468 EDIT: Just finished rereading World Trigger Volume 1(Ch. 1 - 7) in print form.
  9. The Keijo!!!!!!!! manga has tons of nipples. It even has a giant anthropomorphized nipple with arms and legs and a face at one point. I kid you not. Anime has censored them so far.
  10. It's a lovely banner.
  11. Everyone play the Bleach quiz I made in the quiz section.
  12. Yeah, it was subtle but I noticed it. Didn't think he cut him clean in half though. Thought maybe his guts would spill out.
  13. Nope, just know there's usually a clash in my house on instant vs "real" mashed potatoes, with me leading the instant faction. Not so much in more recent years though.
  14. Not so much that as I always look forward to them. I actually prefer instant too which is blasphemous I know.
  15. Naw, never really thought to and never use it anyway.
  16. That's the 4th or 5th. I mean, I can watch them now, but I can't exaggerate how terrified I was. My siblings would exploit this to mess with me too, occasionally when I was being douchey, usually just for shits and giggles. I distinctly remember them putting him as my desktop background circa 2005 when I didn't know how to change it for instance.
  17. Looking forward to the mashed potatoes.
  18. A Nightmare on Elm Street, the Englund Krueger design terrified me until I was 15 or 16 so I really couldn't watch any of them, even 6. Even now I get a bit startled if I see it without warning in a youtube video or something.
  19. Made 2 more this morning if you can accept them, maybe? Please and thanks!
  20. Kelly vs Puppet Ash was fun. Real Ash pulled a Piccolo vs Garlic Jr. Pablo...well it was foreshadowed I guess, huh? Also, break next week.
  21. Ash vs Evil Dead Season 2, 8 The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 92 - 95
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