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Everything posted by BUU8800

  1. This, but the line between parody and reference is kinda blurry. Binbogami Ga definitely references several series for comedic effect, DBZ and Fist of the North Star come to mind, so is it parody or just comedic reference?
  2. The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 96 - 100
  3. Okusama ga Seitokaichou!+! 9
  4. Golden Kamuy
  5. Golden Kamuy 77
  6. Regarding Gundam: It's probably not good that Caco or whatever the hell her name was was the first death that actually made me feel somewhat bad in the entire series is it? I dunno, she was being so cruelly manipulated by blonde Hitsugaya and so blindly adored him it made me sad. Mikazuki on the other hand was an obnoxious douche rushing in as he did. I get that it was justified as she killed Biscuit and they wanted revenge, but everything about Biscuit's death was idiotic anyway. Somehow both insanely telegraphed AND anticlimactic at the same time. Even leaving behind 2 adorable loli sisters I still felt nothing from it. All the other major deaths so far were similarly ineffective. Heel-face turn Secretary's was dragged out waaaay too much, while other guy's little brother was easily avoidable from what little I remember of it. And...that's been it so far right? Regarding this drunk on revenge thing I do hope they go the Star Wars route of it fucking them over. No one in Tekkeden or whatever seems particularly sympathetic to me at this point. Jamieson Price voiced black guy's still cool, but the rest I either have no opinion on or actively dislike. Unless that non-Kudelia blonde girl who voiced Miss Kaoru counts, she's fine I guess. Now I wish the Kenshin anime finished the manga. :'( Oh well, just 2 episodes left. Oh, pimp guy and his harem are still cool too I guess.
  7. Man just looking at that and remembering the vile piece of shit it became in 2016's real depressing. :'(
  8. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 6 Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 23 Hunter x Hunter (2011) 29
  9. Amano Megumi is Full of Gaps!
  10. Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko! 473 Amano Megumi is Full of Gaps! 12 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen 44
  11. How could Buu forget the Naruto special?
  12. Dragon Ball Super 68 One Piece 766
  13. Ancient Magus' Bride 34
  14. Just you and Buu. :'(
  15. BUU8800

    Ho ho...

    Slowbro! That is all. :l
  16. Regalia: The Three Sacred Stars 13(END) Final Thoughts: Girlish Number 8 Long Riders! 6 3-gatsu no Lion 8 ON BREAK :'( Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari 8
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