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Everything posted by BUU8800

  1. BUU8800


    Well in any case I'd say this is the winner, good job man.
  2. BUU8800


    Oh....ohhhhhhh! Fuck yeah, much better! ;D
  3. BUU8800


    Looks the same to me, joking were you? :-\
  4. BUU8800


    New skin? Anyway to make it less...4x3?
  5. Lupin III: Part II 125 Lupin III: Part II 126 3-gatsu no Lion 6 Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari 6
  6. Lupin III: Part II 124
  7. Flying Witch 30
  8. Lupin III: Part II 121 Lupin III: Part II 122 Lupin III: Part II 123
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_rk5rp499Q
  10. Lupin III: Part II 120 Drifters 6
  11. chocolate covered chicken.
  12. what he said
  13. what he said
  14. I vehemently disagree, but eh, opinions and tastes and whatnot.
  15. was not advocating.
  16. Yeah that...seemed like a bad idea, reading the premise was enough for me.
  17. Well it was anime-only yes, but....eh.
  18. Lupin III: Part II 118 Lupin III: Part II 119
  19. True enough.
  20. Zero faith at this point.
  21. Republicans will control the House until at least 2020 so unless he comes out Day 1 as a closet liberal or something it won't happen. In his first term anyway, dunno if he'll get re-elected. I hope not, but this country elected W. in 2004 so it wouldn't shock me.
  22. Naw, Krillin's wife wasn't killed by wedding envelope glue.
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