So...I know this is for Winter, but seeing as there was no Fall thread due to the move I'll ask this here:
Best op/ed of the Fall Season anyone?
For my money Poco's Udon World's got the best ed. Full Version:
The op ain't bad either mind you, but that ed! 8 times now I've heard the tv version and all 8 times made me tear up. So damn emotional!
Flip Flappers has a good ed too:
The animation itself stands out the most. The girls holding hands skipping at the 50 second mark's my favorite part.
3-gatsu's ending is quite emotional too:
<iframe frameborder="0" width="480" height="270" src="//" allowfullscreen></iframe><br /><a href="
target="_blank">Sangatsu no Lion ED</a> <i>by <a href="
Not quite on Poco's level for me, but having both back2back on Saturdays makes for quite the punch.
There are other good ones, Keijo!!!!!!!! comes to mind, but I've posted enough. Ditto op. Feels like in general we have a larger amount of good ones than the Summer had. So...anyone else?