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Everything posted by molarbear

  1. *scratch that Let me just get a whole new set of organs from the neck down I feel like a fresh restart would be beneficial
  2. Alright... Let me know when they can grow me a new liver
  3. Does anyone currently own one? I was looking at buying one for my Dad for his B-day before Tariffs got everything all shitfucked price wise I have found some on Amazon in the $150-500 range and I'm leaning towards the lower end because I'm back in school and broke
  4. Happy late Birthmas!
  5. I was getting an earful a min ago cat talk.mp4
  6. *Allegedly in cahoots with the Mothman and four Chupacabras for running a Herbalife ponzi scheme involving goose poop
  7. Does she stand at the door, and meow in threes while chasing mice with all the glee?
  8. It's how they maintain views when they don't have answers 9/11 was way worse They aired the same footage all day, and then after that it almost became race for the networks to see who could find the most gruesome footage they had scanned over in the heat of the moment and focus on all that. Thus, the endless days of the News showing people jumping out of the towers at close up views, and then all the cell phone calls and messages to loved ones they could get their hands on. I know to some it feels right, and to others it provides comfort in times of confusion and chaos; which is totally fine. I just feel like after they break a story and get the details out they could just move on until more comes out, it just feels they're exploiting someone's final moments.
  9. I want the record to show I was the original creator of the plan to expand Guantanamo 5 years ago I figured it would be a perfect place to send all the Jan 6th peeps and the elected officials that supported them ....but here we are in this universe, where pornhub has instead blocked access to my state
  10. It's actually very common. They own a lot of land to fly over, which is where they practice bombing and such. Pilots still need to get experience flying in commercial air space and using commercial airports. There is a special on youtube, let me try to find it real quick where they go in the cockpit with pilots taking trainees in jets from Nevada to refuel at LAX and San Francisco just to get them time in high traffic areas. *I cannot find it any longer That being said, I still get shocked by these incidents. I know everyone wants to point fingers, but I feel like when two large aircraft collide, everyone is a little at fault. Granted, in this case a black hawk is going to be very hard to see at night, but in the other instances of near misses we've been having on runways, how do the pilots not see these large objects in their paths? I know there's a lot going on in the cockpit button wise and comms wise, but when you have multiple lives in the cabin behind you depending on you to get them to their location, your head should be on a damn swivel.
  11. I have two on going theories about this The most prominent being genetics. Most people in my family do not start looking old until their late 60's. Some start losing hair color in their late teens, but for the most all the aging we do is internal. Knees don't have a good record, I think my Dad and all his siblings/ parents have/had knee replacements/some type of repair surgeries at some point. Heart and liver disease run rampant, so I have to keep a close eye on that stuff. The second theory which is way more out there, has zero shreds of evidence, but is more fun to believe; I think the government experiments using different drugs on newborns every year. I have had this discussion with other people I graduated with. We all look young, but the class that graduated the year before us make us all look like dwarfs. This could also be the result of being a couple hours down stream from a superfund cleanup site called Pitcher where they mined zinc and lead for years and now toxic spilloff rolls off the overburden piles https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picher,_Oklahoma
  12. Happy Birthmas Oda! I didn't see the thread until now
  13. My Dad got screwed out of his too They took out a VA loan for a house, then sold it (one of those take over the loan sales) They had a little water filter under the sink for my brother because he was born with some stomach issues, they told her they were going to take it when they moved. If she wanted another one, she would need to buy it, but my dad would install it for her for free. Apparently the lady did not like that about 2 months in and just stopped making payments, without telling anyone. My Dad just got a call from the VA one day that the bank had sold his house for a huge loss and he owed them for it. My Great Uncle at time (WWII vet) was luckily really good friends with some people at the local VA. He got my Dad a meeting with some higher up people who finally heard his case of how "If anyone had bothered to notify him, he would have gladly taken back over payments on the house." They forgave his loan, but he had to sacrifice ever using his GI Bill, which, when he signed up in the 70's was only about 10 grand, I think? So, he actually kind of deal.
  14. 11:00/2:00 American Dad!: Threat Levels* 11:30/2:30 Family Guy: Ready, Willing and Disabled 12:00/3:00 Robot Chicken: Junk in the Trunk 12:15/3:15 Tom Goes to the Mayor: Calcucorn 12:30/3:30 Fullmetal Alchemist: Her Reason 1:00/4:00 Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: Stand Alone Complex 1:30/4:30 The Venture Bros.: Dia de los Dangerous 5:00 Lupin the 3rd Part II: The Sleight Before Christmas 5:30 Case Closed: The Moonlight Sonata Murder Case, Part 1 I do believe this was the lineup from the night I graduated HS.... in 2005
  15. https://youtu.be/cAtoQs57HFg?t=5 Just this but as bright as the freaking sun x20, picture Tien doing a solar flare in front of me right as you glance And if I'm being completely honest, that man's ass is more toned at 50ish than mine ever will be
  16. Wait, was Phillies real? I thought that was someone's alt? What did they get permabanned for?
  17. I'm not sure why, tbh. I didn't bother clicking on most her threads based on the titles (not my forte') but, they generally seemed to be her talking about the military person she found that weekend, her kid/tortoise (the tortoise updates were kind of funny), or some random off the shit stuff. It was more or less the stumbling into a random thread to see an argument, then her vajayjay would be posted, or some form of her nude, or she'd throw a hail mary and share screenshots of some conversation she had with a board member with their full number shown. Look, I'm not going to sit here on some pretend throne and claim I'm the most stable, functioning person on these forums. I'm fairly positive the majority of us have something wrong or loose in some way, shape, or form, but; got damn, if I ever go off on tangents like that, ban the shit out of me. That's not me trying to be mean to fuggz, I'm being serious. good luck finding the ban button after seeing a nude of my glowing ass, suckers XD
  18. As a person who was never personally attacked by, or bothered by fuggz (one of the muppets in the balcony, if you will) I have always felt this skit perfectly summed up fuggz when she played the race card I want to make it abundantly clear though, I generally linger(ed) in IB/General, so there is a shit ton of stuff that used to happen in pod 6 and rants that I know nothing about
  19. FTFY you forgot the tail
  20. Ghosts of the past my overall completion rate is still below the minimum they want. I have 2 charts that show my completion status from first 4 semesters 19 years ago vs the last decade which are night and day Every time they pop me with this stuff I just send that, a photo of my GPA, and a short letter I have to rewrite about four times because I always say heavily sarcastic and mean things at first XD It wouldn't have bothered me if they had notified me literally anytime before the semester started
  21. Will try, but I'm still in school. My budget is like, 4 paper clips and a lint ball until Financial Aid comes in... assuming they listen to my appeal. Then, it's like 4 cents and a lint ball
  22. Which one of you did this?
  24. I realized my workout stuff looked very.... "Heaven's Gate" like today That's when it hit me find or make a giant, soft, purple snuggie fit for fall with a marsupial pouch (much like a hoodie) that I can then carry ripped dvds inside of that contain videos of friend's dogs doing tricks Go as the member of Heaven's Gate Cult that stay behind to keep the website running
  25. Is the reason some menus spell it "catsup"
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