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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. Tried Dead By Daylight .... that's not for me
  2. I don't like snails/slugs ... really hate them Also thought they dissolved all the way when you threw salt on them ... they do not
  3. I accidentally stole a shower curtain liner from Walmart today ...
  4. Peeled into a Kroger parkinglot near where they were doing the city fireworks show
  5. Better a squirrel suicide ... than a human one ...? I guess ...? Maybe ... er probably?
  6. I think they make you clench your calves and cheeks so maybe that's the allure. As a tall woman with a history of easily sprained ankles, I like to firmly stay on the ground. You may catch me in a wedge but that's it and then Imma have converse in the car
  7. Went to pick up my kid from my mom's house so I'm hot, sweaty, and dirty now ... Go inside to get him and my mom is looking hella guilty and nervous so I'm like ... TF are y'all doing? So he comes beboping down the hallway asking me can he take his new balloon home so I'm like ... sure whatever before I saw the balloon. Balloon says "You rock DAD" Me internally: Are you fucking kidding me right now?? You could've been in a drain at Planned Parenthood
  8. Management just sent an invite to a mandatory 5pm to 6:30pm meeting for next week. 1. You GOT to be kidding me. 2. I clicked no because the button is available
  9. Nah but when I say cooter, I'm talking about a vagina XD
  10. After all this time, nothing has changed
  11. I just yank the stem off. Eat them with cereal, peanutbutter, in shakes, in pudding ...alone Like em a little green
  12. Basket. Put the item/stuff/ shit in the basket. We argued about this before
  13. Probably gonna stay in the house unless there's somewhere local to take the spawn to see fireworks
  14. Everybody can't make money from feet pics
  15. Guess he wanted to put cake in bukkake I guess ...?
  16. Almost expected there to be a squirrel at the very top
  17. Yeah I have a nice roommate spider in the corner of my patio door. As long as we keep out of each other's way, we're cool.
  18. Of course you've lost interest now after expecting me to be the spokesperson of the black experience and unassuming what I know and do not know But yes continue be uninterested/apathetic/bored and not learn or try to do better.
  19. I don't have a vendetta, the thread is about understanding marriage and there doesn't seem to be a point to it besides patriarchal motives of control and maintaining gender roles Why did you decide to ask me this specifically and assume I am uninformed about other cultures exactly?
  20. Because they're raised to be like that
  21. I'm tired of being kind
  22. Shit ... maybe I just don't like men .... or maybe it's just the oppression ... hard to tell
  23. Captain Cold is lame AF but that bitch still show up every chance he gets knowing full well The Flash is going to whoop his ass every single time. Incompetence stops no one
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