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Everything posted by Sketch

  1. To be fair that would only last 3 months before half would be reruns and then 3 months later the other half would be too. They would have to start licensing more anime directly or would soon have the same supply problems Toonami has if CR won’t play ball. And I don’t see them spending a lot of money to do this.
  2. Robots are arguably the best first opponent for the man of steel to show just how strong he is when he doesn’t pull his punches or doesn’t yet have the best control of his powers. Plus I’m sure it’s fun to design them and then have them torn apart or blown up. So far this is a fun show. It’s good to know it won’t end at 10 episodes but prospects for it getting more than 20-26 aren’t great at WBD unless it does surprisingly well. And since the 2nd batch is already being animated, there’s no reason to expect the show will be adjusted to better fit Adult Swim. But hey at least they aren’t omitting the words “kill” or “die” even if they aren’t using guns with bullets.
  3. If this was a linear block with anime on FX or even FXX it would be something but just slapping a sub-brand on their adult animation section seems pretty needless. It’s nice to see Hulu making effort to drum up interest in their sizable animation selection though. But it’s such a tease. Just imagine a 4 hour block on TV. This would eat Adult Swim/Toonami’s lunch every week 10:00 - Family Guy 10:30 - New Futurama 11:00 - New Solar Opposites 11:30 - New Archer 12:00 - ZOM 100 12:30 - Bleach: TYBW 01:00 - Heavenly Delusion 01:30 - Summertime Rendering
  4. I take Erica’s example as her saying “if you see this sort of thing please report it” because she can’t spend all day tracking down every possible exploitation of her vocal performances. Might have been better not to link to a specific example but I think the point was to show how real it sounded and to get many people to report that video as well. If she was the only one to report it or she only told a select few in private to report it then it potentially would not get taken down. Likewise had she asked the video maker privately to remove the video there’s no guarantee they would do so. Either way, she definitely didn’t tell people to harass the video maker and she absolutely didn’t deserve the shit storm she got from making that tweet. I don’t think she’s leaving acting over this but fuck all those assholes who attacked her. I mean how would you like it if someone trained an AI to sound like you and used that to quote a tirade from Uncle Ruckus or spoke in great detail of having sex with a child or something? Who would be comfortable with that?
  5. Let me rephrase that. They’re not airing FLCL classic before 9 or 10. Alternative and Progressive could though, if that’s what you mean.
  6. They aren’t airing FLCL and it’s fanservice at 6pm my dude
  7. Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) and Booster Gold The Question Green Lantern Corps Flash family series A solo Wonder Woman series And if all of that is too tall an order then a new Justice League animated series written for older viewers than isn’t edgelord garbage And if that’s not happening then continue Young Justice and tell Greg Weisman to actually finish the main plots set up in season 1 But for the record I am very happy about a new Superman cartoon, it just probably shouldn’t be premiering on Adult Swim
  8. It does Dr Stone more harm than good though. One Piece and Shippuden should be fine but I agree it would be more convenient. I also think they should have just lied and said the show was Dr. Stone
  9. I’d like to see them try. The man isn’t a scrawny twerp. It would take some effort to jump him successfully.
  10. Such a generic title. Do they think it’s clever because it’s generic? It’s not. I was NOT ready for bishounen Joker (no not the guy from Persona 5) and I can’t help but notice his resemblance to Jared Leto. Get Troy Baker to voice him please. The writer of Re:ZERO though? That could be amazing. But seriously WBD needs to chill out on the excessive use of Harley, The Joker and the whole dang Suicide Squad. If it’s not a definitively a Batman thing they’re making then it’s almost always Batman adjacent.
  11. Massive nothingburger! I was expecting so little but despite naming it in the panel description they didn’t show anything.
  12. Last week I had a feeling they wouldn't be able to wrap things up sufficiently in one episode and yeah... basically that. I do think what happened in the episode was overall fine for setting up the next chapter but it leaves the whole season feeling undercooked and lacking in substance. I was kinda bored through most of it. The Elf Kingdom episode was probably the best storyline and it managed to mix some serious stakes with some levity. Having those decedents pop up to assist Emma was pretty fun. They're such dorks but the guy can certainly hold his own in a fight. Had this been structured as just one season then I'd have liked this episode to have been the penultimate one because it does show how Emma has grown as a character. Then the final episode would be big showdown with the evil. Their combined form was rad. My opinion might drastically change if a second season happens and it uses what they have setup for some interesting situations and more character growth.
  13. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh I love FLCL but this friggin sucks. Just move up One Piece so I can go to sleep by 10:30 PST for my 7:30am 10 hour work shift. I’m going to bed after Dr. Stone, sorry One Piece. The one positive is it’s not Food Wars Fifth Plate, Unicorn or Primal season 2 again but Summer has been largely a waste and it doesn’t look to be improving before September. Can they TRY not to look like they can nothing about this extended lull period? I’m so tired in so many ways.
  14. Updates on FLCLs, Uzumaki and Ninja Kamui are a given, maybe the WB x WIT anime that’s rumored to be a DC heroes isekai and maybe some yet to be announced originals for 2024. And they’ll have a slot or two to fill soon after so maybe they’ll announce an acquisition coming soon but I expect mostly updates on original series. They’ve been real quiet about all of them this year. And yeah they’ll probably only show a preview of Uzumaki at AX and wait till that panel to give the release date/window. I also don’t expect Toonami to be mentioned as the broadcaster for the WB x WIT project at AX and if it’s coming then Toonami will announce it at the Festival. Though it would be so like Toonami to spend a panel regurgitating news from a recent panel from one of their partners.
  15. Kinda interesting premise but it could go very very badly.
  16. Nah nah nah nah. The one good thing (for Toonami and Adult Swim) about the vest man is he still thinks linear cable is the best place to premiere television shows. But contrary to that he won’t let them invest in much scripted content for linear channels.
  17. Ooooooph that Food Wars drop was no joke. One Piece managed to gain on it but the damage was done and Shippuden dropped below100k because of it. https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-saturday-6-24-2023-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html I suppose that's the real difference between an encore of an original airing days prior and an immediate rerun of an anime that just ended on the block. One is annoying because it's not new to us unless we intentionally ignore the prior airings and Max upload but to some viewers its new material. The other isn't new to anyone who watched it on Toonami and has no business airing anywhere but the back of the block if at all. If they have any intention of re-airing more of Food Wars it has to be at the ass-end of the block. You could argue it only hurts One Piece and Shippuden and reruns of MHA but that's half the block and the last thing the long runners need is more reason not to keep watching them. There's no reason to sabotage half the block to keep Food Wars earlier as a place holder. Just because they were able to get away with that nonsense with Primal a couple of weeks doesn't mean it's sensible to attempt it with Food Wars. Now's a real good time to bring back double One Piece if they still have nothing to slot in but I gotta believe they have SOMETHING else for July. I just hope they say what it is soon. It's about time to announce the July 15th schedule but they can and potentially will put that off until after the 4th of July. I'm only moderately hopeful they'll post it to Facebook by Friday.
  18. The ID animations are probably very affordable but they have had a lot of them made recently.
  19. Had Miguzi continued, I suppose it might have aired future Pokemon seasons, Beyblade, Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds, Tenkai Knights and various other toyetic anime that CN aired along with future Ben 10 seasons/series. I suppose if they no longer felt it should be on weekday afternoons that it could have moved to Saturday mornings where they ended up airing most action cartoons between 2011 and 2013.
  20. And they say the new season is supposed to air this Fall and the only way they’re pulling that off is having someone dub over Roiland or keeping Roiland one more season. The animation has to be done soon.
  21. Now I know nobody in charge watched Space Jam a New Legacy because that’s the plot of the movie. Can’t say I blame them though. Surely they at least watched a Matrix movie.
  22. Well that wouldn’t make sense… Nami peaces out and steals the Merry to return to Kokoyashi Village during Baratie which leads to the guys going after her and taking down Arlong.
  23. Sure doesn’t look like it’s one of the most expensive TV series ever filmed. Looks rather cheap honestly. Despite the hand crafted boats and sets, every shot looks fake. The creature CGI is rough but so far Luffy’s stretching looks about as real as it can. Very authentic costuming, perhaps to a fault. The few bits of dialogue we got did amuse me and I can feel the enthusiasm from the cast both on and off the screen. With a decent script it could be enjoyable. I’ll give it a shot.
  24. Funny thing… this is coming from the same character designer and animation studio as My Adventures with Superman, the character designer created LAST MAN too.
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