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Everything posted by Sketch

  1. In that case he did at least have a super low hanging fruit joke name whereas this time they're like "yup Hugh Jackman lives in this universe, the real guy not some slightly off-brand version"
  2. This is the first actual celebrity being used as themself IIRC and I think it’s also the first time they used a character from another IP flat out with The Predator. It just felt lazy. The two things mildly amusing to me both involved Gene. When his riding mower slowly headed toward the car because they wouldn’t let him stop it (this was ruined by the random bike rider crashing into the car as well) and the fast food guy taking the best friend combo away from Gene and being annoyed that he lied.
  3. The voices were fine but I don’t think I laughed even once. It wasn’t a funny episode.
  4. I will buy IGPX a third time
  5. Yes I suppose if they did intend to get an extra airing out of that Titan special then DST is the best night to do it besides whenever they can run both specials the same night (and you just know they will do that once). They can start whatever rerun they might have the following week in November.
  6. Well would you look at that... Crunchyroll finally made a FAST Channel. Though it's not on PlutoTV or TubiTV (neither is HiDive but I digress). The big deal is that it's coming to Amazon FreeVee next week but beyond that it will be on Roku Channel, LG Channels and Vizio WatchFree+. It's at least on Roku and LG right now. https://www.crunchyroll.com/news/announcements/2023/10/11/crunchyroll-launches-24-7-anime-channel-in-the-us The list of shows promised to air there includes more recent series like Sugar Apple Fairy Tale, Ranking of Kings, Moriarty the Patriot, Arifrueta, To Your Eternity, and Horimiya along with older series like Psycho-Pass and ASA alumni Code Geass. That's what's listed in the PR at least but there's several more shows that are already on the channel including Ningen Fushin, Requieum of the Rose King, Plunderer, Angels of Death, Bofuri, Harukana Receive and Soul Eater. Code Geass hasn't been shown yet and to my knowledge neither have Psycho-Pass, Ranking of Kings, Moriarty the Patriot, To Your Eternity or Horimiya. Several other series are being regularly promoted on the channel during breaks including Yu Yu Hakusho, Log Horizon, Welcome to Demon School Iruma-Kun, A Couple of Cookoos, Radiant and Eureka 7 AO. Seriously E7 AO, not the original... just... why? I was going to berate them for launching in October without many thematically appropriate anime but they are at least airing Soul Eater and Angels of Death right now and probably will start Iruma-kun soon. They also run promos for Attack on Titan: The Final Season and Jujutsu Kaisen but those specifically plug the CR app and it's massive library. It's unlikely they'll be showing either. You'd think they'd promote Spy x Family, Demon Slayer and Chainsaw Man at bare minimum but so far none have had promos. I'm not that impressed with the scheduling so far because with that huge library at their disposal it's a waste to only show a handful of series per day in 4 episode chunks that repeat a few times. I tuned in much of yesterday and saw bits of Ningen Fushin, Angels of Death, Sugar Apple Fairy Tale and Requiem of the Rose King and most of the four episodes aired for Arifrueta, Plunderer and Bofuri. I checked a few times and know that Bofuri and Requiem of the Rose King have aired at least 3 times in the past 24 hours, possibly 4. And have seen everything but Ningen Fushin show up at least twice and it was the first four episodes every time any show aired. It's honestly a lot better for variety sake than the way HiDive's FAST will straight up marathon a show for 10+ episodes but it also means it will take a while to get through even a 12 episode show if they keep repeating the same 4 episodes. It's also rather odd that they are already airing several shows they didn't mention in the press release while not airing several shows that were in the press release. Of all things to leave out of the PR... Soul Eater and Yu Yu Hakusho? Those would surely catch some interest. Currently there's 3-4 ads breaks per episodes usually right after the OP, 1 at the eyecatch, 1 shortly before the episode ends and sometimes an additional spot. Annoyingly the additional one can pop up so close to another break that you literally have a few minutes of episode before another break happens. They fill that space with their "we'll be right back" bumps for 30 seconds to 2 minutes, their custom promos and some 3rd party ads (there wasn't any on day 1 but they started today). In a way it's a better version of Neon Alley that doesn't cost any money to watch but the presentation is pretty bland even if they make amusing nods to many anime tropes in their "we'll be back" bumps. They put good effort into at least some of the promos while others feel really flat but given they've made about a dozen or so promos for the first batch I suppose they can't all be winners. The AoT promo and the Radiant promo are probably the best ones and use good music selections. The JJK one feels so generic and the Code Geass one feels like they don't know what show they're promoting. Actually the two slightly different E7 AO promos sell the show to me rather well. Someone really went to bat for that polarizing sequel. They made three Yu Yu Hakusho promos already, two focused on the first arc with a longer and shorter version and one focusing on the Dark Tournament. That's neat. Anyway... this is a thing now and while it might not actually make shows more difficult for Toonami to license it could very well close off a much larger portion of the CR backlog. Now anything CR doesn't value too highly can be used as additional content for their FAST channel. That can surely affect prices and perceived value for any of their titles that are currently underutilized. https://x.com/Sketch1984/status/1712588226811310434?s=20
  7. For real though this doesn't look like it has any business airing on Adult Swim, even more so than any prior Dragon Ball series. Looks can be deceiving I suppose... Granted they're airing kids shows on AS regularly these days but most of them are CN originals they can show for free. It certainly would feel odd next to Lazarus or NInja Kamui but then again so would One Piece much less My Adventures with Superman or Unicorn: Warriors Eternal. At any rate, seeing the Super manga fanboys seethe gives me life.
  8. That's my guess as well. Sure would be nice if it would premiere on Toonami and encore on another day but of course they can't even give us that much.
  9. Till now it was still up in the air but this article says it will not be exclusive to Max. Its nowhere on the schedule in October so far so its anyone’s guess how many weeks behind the Max release the Adult Swim broadcasts will be. But regardless, it’s nice to know it won’t be exclusive to Max. Not a peep about Toonami anywhere in the article though which doesn’t give me high expectations that the Adult Swim premieres will be on Toonami.
  10. The luck is that CR actually is doing a same day dub for it this time. If it was even two weeks behind then chances are we weren’t gonna get part 2 on Toonami till December or January. But this Gizmodo article says Scavengers Reign will air on Adult Swim (something that was previously left TBD) so that could end up as the lead in November instead. Scavengers, Dr. Stone, OP x 2, Shippuden and a rerun as we await to see if those other acquisitions they’re trying to get come to fruition and Uzumaki continues to be delayed.
  11. We might have lucked out here. Dr. Stone is getting a same day dub and it’s up now so it’s not unrealistic to think it could start on Toonami in 4 weeks on November 4th. That will suffice to fill midnight for a few months.
  12. Hell yeah she could! I got my parents to watch the first 2 episodes and they like it. My folks are in their 60s. My father saw a bit of the anime and didn’t like it but genuinely likes this version. My mother picked up on Shanks using some kind of power on the sea king and thinking it was a Devil Fruit power. I told her it wasn’t one and it was more a power of will thing that won’t get explained for a while. I’m so excited to share my favorite fictional story with them.
  13. Oh right ACME Night is now part of AS so they’re straight up airing live action movies just about every week now. It has finally come to that. We truly have been conditioned to believe any serious live action thing on AS is gonna be satire by the end but now that’s not always the case. And this time it was a massive mistake by master control.
  14. They didn’t even marathon HCC and opted for double Naruto one week and triple MHA the other. The contract for MHA season 6 might be up in November despite it not starting till December last year. I’m pretty annoyed One Piece is off two weeks again but I’m not worried that they’re pulling it. They might even try it at midnight. Pretty shitty for Shippuden to air two new episodes in the back half of a night that’s mostly reruns. Instead I would have done 4 MHA on Oct 21st and HCC on Oct 28th. I do not have high hopes for November.
  15. And somehow it’s even worse than this prediction
  16. Hear me out. Whoopi as Dan Dan. Yeah they might not get to Marineford but since Ace is introduced in Alabasta we might get some glimpses into Luffy's childhood with Dan Dan. But hey I'm good with Crocus instead.
  17. Whoopi is one of us. Ya love to see it.
  18. Most of the anime offerings on PlutoTV channels are subbed besides Yu-Gi-Oh but RetroCrush has some old dubs. Crunchyroll should really make a FAST channel with their massive backlog. HiDive has one.
  19. Ninja Kamui will be 13 episodes according to DeMarco.
  20. It looks alright from the preview. I have faith in the director but the script? Gosh I hope it doesn't suck.
  21. Eh... MHA last December though. And they could have gotten it even sooner if not for CR dicking around. Sure they could dick around with Dr. Stone but I don't think holidays will keep Toonami for starting it in December if it's ready to air.
  22. Yu Yu isn’t a Netflix US production though. I don’t expect it will get much more hype than the Bleach movie or the latest FMA film. I hope it turns out decently though. Lazarus is Toonami’s best chance so far to produce something worth while. For their sake it better be good.
  23. To his credit… I don’t dislike this as much as some Star Wars and Marvel stuff. Cartoon wise it was easily more tolerable than any 3 episodes of most Marvel cartoons besides What If in the past decade.
  24. Adult Swim is on 13 hours a freak’n day now. The least they can do is keep on 3 hours of action/anime a week. 2 hours would look like they don’t even care anymore even if it was all premieres. Some dedicated viewers appreciate cozy reruns to end the night. Hell, I give them permission to include Futurama and Venture Bros. on Toonami so they’d be on at a watchable time and get some fun bumpers. But only if no reruns in their anime or action catalog can stay above 99k at 2am.
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