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Everything posted by Sketch

  1. At this point I could take it or leave it. I hear the adaptation isn’t all that great. I just want to see Toonami air something I haven’t watched besides their spotty originals.
  2. They love Rumiko Takahashi, they love “classic” anime. So yeah… I’m thinking they do.
  3. It’s anyone’s guess as to how willing AMC is to let Toonami lease Sentai licensed anime. DeMarco claims Sentai getting bought out by AMC hasn’t made things any different but as we all know, he sits on a throne of lies. I’m mostly kidding but… It more likely comes down to a lack of money and partly due to a lack of interest. But I legitimately can’t imagine they aren’t interested in airing Urusei Yatsura so why they haven’t is likely enough a cost issue.
  4. They have no intention of cutting an hour. 3 hours is the length they want the block to be. It could come to that if the network wills it but for now they’ll do whatever it takes to stay 3 hours long. They’re not even that desperate right now because if they were then they would fill 1:30-3am with reruns MAWS and Unicorn along with MHA. They’d rather use double premieres to maintain 5 premieres and have total flexibility to change one or both out any given week.
  5. That about settles it. Either they run Uzumaki as a marathon, it replaces Shoegaze and airs partially out of October or it’s not airing in October at all. They’re being pretty generous by continuing double Shippuden when they have less than a year worth of episodes left. They could just shorten the block or add a rerun. But that’s about all that can be said for this being a positive development. I don’t think they’ll do once a week reruns of either Grunge or Shoegaze and save both for marathons in November or December.
  6. AS Canada has nothing about Uzumaki airing in October despite simultaneous broadcasts of Grunge and Shoegaze. So that means the subbed airing isn’t gonna happen in Canada and/or they won’t show the subbed version in October on Toonami. Or they don’t have listings for the whole month yet and a marathon premiere on October 28th could still happen. Though now I feel like doing that on October 21st makes more sense. For the 28th they can run HCC and show Uzumaki a 2nd time or replay Grunge and/or Shoegaze.
  7. I appreciate that they won't mess with Naota and Mamimi without Tsurumaki at the helm but that all the more makes every additional story into filler of no consequence because arguably none of this shit is canon to the original. Sure they attempted to explore N.O. and a bit about Medical Mechanica in Progressive and Alternative but by the end of Grunge and Shoegaze they are unlikely to have informed the viewers of anything interesting about any of the lore or concepts. Making this all that much more pointless. It's fine to use FLCL as a framing device and expand that universe but you actually have to do something with it besides imply that in some versions of this multiverse there are rock people and the rich and important people leave the planet.
  8. Haruko was blasted to another universe at the end of Alt. It’s not her and though the intonation is similar at points, I’m pretty sure this girl isn’t being voiced by Kari Wahlgren. I’m excited for “boring adult” Kana. I wanted to see that for Naota but that story is best left untold unless Tsurumaki is involved. Quite an oversight not to post this on Facebook but seeing Adult Swim’s Twitter promote Toonami is always appreciated.
  9. Even most of Toonami’s originals are squarely TV-14 and are most appropriately marketed to teenagers. HCC is the exception but it really was only gory in one episode. Ninja Kamui might push TV-MA but it won’t be Chainsaw Man level violent. And I’m not saying something has to be TV-MA to target adults but Fena and the FLCLs aren’t seinin or josei and Shenmue and Black Lotus are only targeting adults because adults are the only people who are interested in those old franchises. Maybe Lazarus can break the curse but it’s probably not gonna push content barriers. Anyway, Shoegaze looks very watchable and having Kana return is great. I was wondering why Haruko wasn’t shown in the previews and now we know it’s because she’s not in it. Makes sense given she was blasted out of that universe at the end of Alt. They are really treating it like an after thought though. They should have spaced them out so Shoegaze had some time to drum up interest. Maybe they thought the season with Haruko was the easier sell but not when that’s the one in an underwhelming CGI style.
  10. I suppose if they were intending to run Uzumaki once a week then they it would make more sense to start it on September 30th and save Shoegaze for November. Perhaps that’s what makes you all the more certain subbed Uzumaki will only air as a marathon for Halloween weekend. But they could still very likely start Uzumaki subbed airing once a week on October 7th next to Shoegaze.
  11. Caitlin Glass, Zeno Robinson and several other VAs are Christians and seemingly nobody in their field shuns them for it. There are some people who don’t like how Vic tries to convert fans to Christianity but I don’t believe for a second that any reputable actor would have beef with Vic for being religious. Jamie Marchi has less prominent roles under her belt but Chris Sabat and Monica Rial being jealous of Vic seems pretty absurd. They’re constantly working and have more beloved roles in their repertoire than Vic does, especially Sabat. Schemmel I can see trashing Vic (he has) but Schemmel is also the kind of douche who picks fights with other voices of Goku.
  12. Marc Thompson. He was Casey Jones in 2003 TMNT, Duke Devlin in YGO, Chazz Princeton in YGO GX, Kid Muscle in Ultimate Muscle and lots of other characters in 4Kids and NYAV Post shows. Seems like he’s doing a Rocky Balboa impression here for the Rockian. Heh.
  13. It’s written in Japan by Tetsuhiro Ikeda https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=202423 The script was then adapted for English by Stephanie Sheh. She’s not known to punch up scripts or deviate from the Japanese translation. This stuff isn’t hard to find, it’s literally in the credits. And if DeMarco flat out said it was written by Tetsuhiro Ikeda or even “someone in Japan” people would still say he’s lying or half truthing.
  14. The first season did all the heavy lifting with great action animation, an interesting enough premise, an excellent score, a gripping dramatic pull and plenty of brutal deaths. Though some people who didn’t love the first season did like the turn toward politics in season 3. It could have been even bigger if they didn’t take 4 years to do a 2nd season but it managed to keep its hooks into people via the manga and the eventual anime seasons.
  15. Let’s be real. Approximately 200,000 people watched episode 1 live and within the same day. That’s likely where the bulk of its viewership is rather than Max or piracy. It also aired on Adult Swim Canada but I doubt it pulled in even as much as the US airing. Potentially less than 500,000 people alive in the whole world have given even a single thought to FLCL: Grunge and that’s including everyone who worked on it in any capacity. There’s certainly less exposed anime any given season but not ones tied to a beloved series. I would not say it’s underpromoted per say but hardly anyone has noticed it and among those who have the ratio of positive to negative reception leans negative.
  16. Probably depends on if they have something for a headliner after Grunge ends. If they run Uzumaki just in October then they need something else by mid October or at least by November. They could stall that to mid November if they don’t strictly adhere to limiting Uzumaki to October. The dub has at least started production so I think it will be ready before the end of October for a drop on HBO Max and/or a marathon on October 28th. So I think they could actually do the opposite of your suggestion and run it subbed week to week in October and marathon the dub after the final subbed episode on October 28th. And while I initially thought they might just marathon Housing Complex C after Uzumaki on October 28th. They’re so short on shows that I could see them toss HCC on for all of October. Even if they just go back to double One Piece in November. FLCL Grunge 7th & 14th / New Show 21st & 28th Uzumaki Subbed HCC or One Piece One Piece Shippuden MHA
  17. A marathon premiere for subbed Uzumaki? I suppose they could do that then run each dub episode once a week in November but I doubt it. Or did you mean start Uzumaki on 10/07 and finish it on 10/28 at the top of a marathon? That’s probably what they will do to air it all in October but given Rick & Morty will air on October 29th they might actually just run a normal or normalish Toonami the night prior. And if they’re willing to run a Uzumaki premiere on October 28th then they might actually start Uzumaki on October 21st so it doesn’t overlap with Grunge. They don’t have to finish it in October per say. It’s probably airing subbed first but SAG-AFTRA database lists Uzumaki now so the dub could be ready soon.
  18. Well if that is the case then you should at least give them kudos for having faith that One Piece live action would be a hit. They did after all make that schedule decision before the live action show even dropped. The post was on August 17th. But LAOP succeeding probably didn’t have anything to do with that schedule decision. They simply have no other options besides reruns and they took three weeks off of One Piece so a couple weeks of doubles make up for that.
  19. I didn’t personally think you would but on the topic of signs, there were plenty with Roiland and Vic. It’s not at all hard to believe conventions and higher ups at FUNimation prior to Sony valued Vic’s pull enough to let him remain a broken step on the staircase that many young women had to learn to avoid. A good many people were complicit to his behavior either willingly or begrudgingly because he drew a big crowd. The bottom line is more important than protecting unknowing fans. They would also think “surely he couldn’t do anything so heinous that we’ll get sued so whatever happens we’ll be fine”.
  20. I’m sure you know they meant if girls accused DeMarco of sexual harassment you’d believe them but aren’t you a funny one?
  21. As far as I know, Scott Freeman tucked his tail between his legs and disappeared. I’m talking about creeps who got outted but tried to get back in the game.
  22. Get John K and Roiland to collaborate on a series starring Vic. It’s the only series they ever get to work on.
  23. Well at least this can be held as some evidence he still should have been fired because ever since he was deemed innocent in court people have been believing he didn’t ever do anything heinous and should be reinstated.
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