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Lord of the Munge Façade
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Everything posted by SwimModSponges

  1. https://nypost.com/2022/11/04/south-dakota-senate-candidate-joel-koskan-charged-with-felony-child-abuse/ Remember when Walker got caught paying for his mistresses abortion, having secret kids, and horrible domestic abuse? And he's still winning? Yeah
  2. Remember how russian soldiers went door to door with guns telling people to vote to become part of russia? Gotta love election security. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/nov/04/voter-intimidation-midterm-elections-arizona
  3. Seniors 65+ have already cast 8x the votes than 18-29ers.
  4. Im going to disagree with you there- you can harness the effects of the uncanny valley to create pornography more surreal and disturbingly erotic than anything that currently exists IRL. For real, i went through and made new ladyparts for the diverse alien species of the Mass Effect games because all of the rule34 out there uses the exact same human anatomy and it just ruins my immersion man.
  5. "High school isnt for everyone, thats why McDonald's is excited to announce its new Mcprenticeships! Get real-world experience in the most in-demand field, get out of going to school, and enjoy a free meal on us every day! Qualifying Mcprentices can even enroll in our McCareer Path: after four years of service take advantage of our reduced-cost GED program and someday you could become a manager!"
  6. I wouldn't necessarily consider it "industry" but I have been making just all kinds of crazy looking ladyparts on crAIyon.
  7. Dude simulates biological evolution via AI. Pretty doope.
  8. Wanna play another game, option D? Where are you going to be on the "day of the rope"? It's not a multiple choice question because you know the answer. We all do.
  9. Just wait, in December (I want to say 5th) the supreme court will decide that if the state government disagrees with the voters of the state they can pick their own electors instead. Essentially making Trump's first coup-plan entirely legal. I want to say Harper v. Moore, but I could have honestly just pulled those names out of my ass, I don't recall for sure.
  10. Was it Mussolini who said something about the crazy thing about democracy is that it comes packaged with the very tools to dismantle it? Convince enough people to vote away their rights, and there you go.
  11. So like... did anyone want to see my collection of alien vaginas? Because I worked pretty hard on it and am very proud.
  12. Wisconsin used to be a beacon of progressivism. Our state motto is "Forward", and we have a tradition of conservation and ethical land management going back to the 1800s. Y'all think im exaggerating how crazy shit is up here. Im not. There are militias and they will kill people.
  13. Tangentially related- https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3pezm/scientists-increasingly-cant-explain-how-ai-works
  14. ... what? The baddies would be your run of the mill post-apocalyptic cannibals they always are, only now theyd have the creepy "weeping angel" thing going on too. Fr, you don't go into jingo's futboll thread and ask him how his pepe is doing, do you?
  15. How is that not the point of all this? Its actively getting worse. There are armed groups taking pictures of people's license plates at the polls. Attempted assassinations of political leaders is a continuing progression of the very oppression people currently face. A massive progression. People are getting habituated to political murder. This will lead to "the day of the rope." Throughout history it always has.
  16. Boy howdy does Netflix love their post-apocalyptic shows. Zombie apocalypse? Been done to death (har har). Yellowstone volcanoe exploding + vampires? Yep they made that. Giant monsters all of a sudden for some reason? It was a movie, not a show, but the point stands. Nuclear apocalypse that kills all the adults leaving only high-schoolers? Yep they made that one too. You know what they haven't done yet though? A TimeStopocalypse. Imagine your cast of characters wakes up one morning to silence, no traffic, no birds chirping, nothing. They go outside and its all still there, just completely frozen in time. So now they gotta do the whole survival thing, trying to figure out how everything got froze, why they're still fine... there could be bad guys who are really good at standing still and blending into the crowds of frozen people and only move when you're not looking... you know, the usual. I mean I probably wouldn't watch the show myself because it'd just be a twist on the same basic premise they've done a thousand times already, but im sure somebody out there would dig it.
  17. Its everyone's democracy which is at peril.
  18. Party affiliation does not matter- when a group commits/refuses to condemn/celebrates political violence, democracy as a whole is in peril.
  19. Im not sure if you're minimizing this because of the fact that the politician who was attacked was running for state legislature instead of federal, or if im just reading this wrong, but yes. Another democratic politician was just the target of attempted assassination. Not good. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/obama-warns-more-people-are-going-get-hurt-if-political-climate-persists-2022-11-02/
  20. https://www.erienewsnow.com/story/47607719/candidate-running-for-state-house-seat-attacked-in-fayette-county-home
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