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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. isnt all your weekends to yourself ?
  2. is this an old lady bag??? @discolemonade @katt_goddess @scoobdog https://www.midnightvelvet.com/p/ginger-coco-handbag-by-marc-chantal-745806.html?cgid=handbags#sz=30&start=91 also, i hate yall!!
  3. agent: my customer called me and told me they got a bill for a bunch of money.WHY are they getting a bill when they pay monthly out of their bank account?? me: ok .. lemme research *researches* Me: sir, YOU called may of 2017 and put them on semi annual billing in preparation for a 1035 exchange that never happened and they havent paid since. agent: uuuhh .. ok thanks.. lemme call them back
  4. and i remember a ... rabbit?
  5. i slightly remember this thing.. didnt it keep killing people it wasnt supposed to?-
  6. 8 was fun.. .my fav part is building my characteres up where they could defeat the trex in the training center with a few hits LOL
  7. what part?? its been decades since i played it
  8. how can you get bored while you jump a speeding train, cross dress, and battle superhuman experimental foes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. *rollseyes* girl, just enjoy your day...
  10. but they are letting you in
  11. can i come or am i too old to go ?
  12. wait.. .what is bowies natural hair color?
  13. So oogly nerdy guys. Got it.
  14. If its not 9 or bigger we dont need to see it. I laugh at the lil 4 inchers. Sorry. But yeah no woman sits and thinks about dicks to get hot...they think about being held close...being touched...or kiss...maybe being plowed yah...but we dont picture dicks in our minds eye and get excited.
  15. *routine..yes once we get her on a routine its extremely hard to break her out of it. She has a certain bath time and checka her phone and wont start her bath even one minute early without endless begging on my part lol *shes extremely hands on and very productive. She makes clay figures by hand or draws
  16. You were in my dream earlier this week and thats all im gunna say. But i will say i fantasize abt u finally visiting A LOT
  17. Well shit by this logic why did i stop talking to MH? He made me insanely happy LOL (Oh yeah the crushing guilty and knowledge that hed never be mine) Nevermind!
  18. I love that no woman is turned on by seeing a penis TAKE NOTE FELLAS
  19. Do mah kid's
  20. Ok vela i will definitely get on that sometime next week cuz the car wipes i just found were bone dry 🤣
  21. Ive been the one hes been cheating with since before he even started dating her and i haven't told her because i know itd come back to me. So do it if her friendship doesnt mean much because most likely shell know you outed her.
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