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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. most likely hers is hyperactive.. .it goes both ways i havent eaten mcdonalds in months i cook my food these days and i eat 500 calories or less once a day. ive lost 27 lbs since september 21st.
  2. lol my thyroid is hypoactive i eat burgerking like less than 5x a year. makes me feel gross. im the subway queen. they love me in there. their faces just light up every time i go in there.
  3. Chicken souvlaki across the street is the shit...better than the gyro
  4. He cant afford that either unless he gets the skinny but they like stackers soo
  5. Im a homebody living in endless summer and spring so im good 😁
  6. wtf renjifan... the new girl behind me is having a panic attack!! LOL
  7. wow that pretty fucking sweet!! hold on to those!!
  8. you're a white male so its extra hard for you. sorry.
  9. this is coming from a witch take your right hand and throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder... youll be safe then!! and think positive!
  10. shes pregnant too late guys
  11. is that the new "shutup, scoob"? lol
  12. i have no anxiety now so i have no fear not afraid of getting fired not afraid of my idiot nasty customers ... i would fail so many QAs at work trying to be nice to these idiots.. no more of that. i tell them everything straight up or i just give no fucks not afraid of losing mh (fuck him.. fuck him so hard) not afraid of my mom.. .be laughing in her face and ignoring her i fucking love this new me GET YOUR THYROIDS CHECKED!!!
  13. It didn't shake after a fill up. Yay.
  14. Yes pls. I need a high and the forgetting of sucky life now please
  15. Can i puff off your blunt weed please?
  16. I have all that. Dont kno what elasped time thingie is. The compass and temp on the rearview is in the 2016 model unfortunately..in my car its near the fuel guage and i dont pay it any attention Most used feature is blind spot indicator cuz im blind as a bat and it dings everytime i try to merge into someone lol
  17. Lol no i meant we talked for hours and clicked silly
  18. @Poof right poof? We became friends the same way, right?
  19. I just talk to people and we click. Met my favorite friend at university. We just started talking outside in the parking lot one day. Ended talking for hours and we would go on to have some of the best times of our lives together. Ended up saving her life, too.
  20. Lol needle My gas thingie is digital. Tells me how many miles left but i can roll a few after 0 miles. Haven't done that in ages tho.
  21. Why yall love kias so much. Killed in action lol
  22. Not sputtering..trembling..it just started today Its low on gas...most likely what it is. The gas light is on
  23. Nah. No issues unless i fuckered it in the past
  24. Don't call it that. Sarahs drive it. Definitely Sarahs. lol I think i put bad gas in it or something..its starting to tremble when im driving way past the speed limit
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