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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. Another car thread. Merge them altogether :P (Downvotes...collecting all downvotes lol)
  2. I worked out on the ellipticals so much this dude talked shit abt me then the trainer said to him "its a good workout" lol
  3. Nah he married her like 6 years after we met. He told me abt her and when he got engaged. Then he married her and texted me " I did it." Like i was supposed to stop it after all the shit he put me thru lol Oh and hes playing the victim now cuz i dumped him. "U hate me now..waahhh". No i fucking love u and its driving me crazier than I already am lol!
  4. Yah it was cute when i did it to him but im not married and he hadnt just told me to leave him alone. I don't get the silly fixation on fucking with me but it needs to end like yesterday.
  5. True. My hopes is to shutdown his attempts without contacting wifey. I mean this man traveled over 100 miles then texted my phone lol
  6. Yeah. You know whats REALLY REALLY messed up about him? So i can only really be mad at myself lol
  7. Cuz he stole my fucking heart and i need it back
  8. Treats. Hes doing shit to drive me crazy right now. On purpose. Im going to see him but it wont be pretty. Theyll be tears. Possibly yelling. Hopefully not too much blood shed.
  9. Yeah i dumped the married guy thru text and got a 2nd job to forget him. The 2nd job takes me off the schedule for a week. Very same week married guy comes to town and is set up in a hotel by himself right down the fucking street lol CURSED
  10. Wondering why im cursed.
  11. Lol but if she was a dumb kid i bet thatd be my fault
  12. No mine cuz she doesn't give a shit. Found it at the bottom of her bookbag.
  13. If u had a kid youd understand. No im not claiming them as my own..obviously theyre not mine. But im the one going to PTA meetings, regular conferences, emailing teachers and principals, stressing homework completion, and and googling and watching youtube videos to tutor and teach her concepts her teacher didn't successfully teach her herself and maintaining a stable home for the child to be able to excel in school in the first place.
  14. The school owes me one more but i dont wanna be THAT Mom
  15. Theyre sleeping. Not dead.
  16. Do yall miss Packard when hes not around? Cuz my research states that means you love him.
  17. My neighbor blasts his music outside right next to my house so i have to listen to it. So one time he did this and my mom wasnt home i opened my window and "made him" listen to some nin. He never did it again after that lol.
  18. My neighbor..i call him our crackhead..likes to stash stuff of his next to our house cuz he doesn't trust his family lol Anyway..we tried to tell him to move his stuff. I came home and caught this moment on film 20191103_185946.mp4
  19. Yah thats illegal I used to continuously call noise ordinance shit in...but that was before the police started killing people during wellness checks.
  20. Look..this is one of the people who also complains about my posts and threads LOL @NaBones
  21. I worked in the cellphone business for years. I know what im talking abt. If you want the biggest guarantee that everywhere u go is LIKELY to have coverage...dole out the money and switch to vzw...otherwise u are a fool to complain.
  22. Because different carriers own the land to put up a tower...no one has service 100%. If yours worked there most likely your carrier bought the land first and were able to put their tower up first
  23. 🙄 Is poor..cant afford more than $55 for cell...complains about coverage when they are only paying $55 for cell LOL People
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