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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. did family guy ever reach the heights where a fast food restaurant altered it's appearance to be family guy themed?(referencing how recently A Wendy's In California turned into Morty's temporarily and had A R&M Themed Attraction)
  2. Tuca And Bertie's far more obscure compared to R&M though which at this point is like A Massive Cultural Show You'll never have people going ape shit over T&B like you did with Pickle rick and the Mcdonalds chicken nuggets sauce
  3. it's crazy how rick and morty just demolishes everything on adultswim(Makes me wonder where all those came from and why they suddenly stop caring to tune in when R&M Isn't On)
  4. what do you think it was?
  5. Yeah but when the the next season isn't really anytime soon(as seems to be the case with fire force since David Productions will be too busy with other things like Jojo Part 6) You have no choice....
  6. Oh yeah Obito's VA was Vic Mignogna.....
  7. most people realize "hey maybe the anime being off is good news for the manga as You'd have to read it to get more content as there's no telling when the anime might resume" although some people aren't even aware the manga exists...In Japan the anime is usually an ad for the manga but in america not so much
  8. another rick and morty ad...rick and morty global rick and morty day morty rick rick morty...
  9. ending in the middle of the elf resurrection arc would have been stupid...just imagine that
  10. why do i always get this sense that naruto shippuden on toonami(adultswim)is out of place and feels like a janky old video game next to modern video games that improved on those janky flaws that were everywhere in said video game?
  11. black clover is awkward in the sense that You'd have to stop at some awkward points in seasonal format
  12. the anime ends in the middle of the spade kingdom arc though it doesn't actually end it just sort of stops....
  13. it's weird to heart Clifford Chapin's normal voice we are usually hearing screaming and shouting all the time as bakugo
  14. yet they kept them for attack on titan season 4...makes no sense especially since the next episode previews give you a better look at the next episode than the promo's toonami airs speaking of which...it's disappointing that MHA is the only show with promo's
  15. I Recall a tweet from someone who worked on localizing the phoenix wright anime and how they couldn't just replace Ramen with Hamburgers as easily like the video games could so i do wonder how many fans were confused when they saw the anime that made it clear "this is japan and not california" then didn't have Maya Talking about burgers at all
  16. https://www.polygon.com/interviews/22519215/great-ace-attorney-chronicles-interview-translator-localization-japanese-western-audience
  17. who said it was a dark harbinger of impending doom for the block? nowhere did i even imply in this topic that i think this means toonami's gonna be canceled or that any show will soon be removed out of nowhere just that the site in question was the only one reporting on toonami numbers and without them we just have to assume MHA will remain the lead show for Season 5 despite the fact it's promotion is a test...a test we have no idea if it's failing or succeeding Jason Demarco insisted that DBS Reruns wouldn't budge as the lead show in a interview not too long ago before The Schedule change was made we have no idea what caused Team Toonami to suddenly abandon DBS as the lead show after making it clear time and time again it wasn't going anywhere
  18. i think a lot of people on twitter think there's more power in hashtags than there actually is and honestly it's probably best to realize 99.9% of us have very little effect on what happens to toonami and it's shows we can hashtag all we want and get dozens of people to start watching the block regularly but the chances that those choices would significantly impact the block are relatively low
  19. Yeah Erina does the taste testing but Rindou is all about the eating and doesn't seem like she'd have many physical hobbies to keep the calories off forever(given her fangs...I Can see her being a lazy cat)
  20. and it was confirmed somewhere by Yuki Tabata that Asta would always be short
  21. yeah i wouldn't be surprised if she got fat either(there should be more than The Fat Aldini Brother in a food based anime)she likes food way too much for that not to be an outcome for her watching it replay on CN-West she was referred to as Chef Rindou by Megumi I Probably knew her name but simply forgot for one reason or another...
  22. I Think when you have this many characters it's difficult to give them all proper development although it's quite possible some will become better later down the line while others are a question mark such as Minetta Sato(Sugar-Man) Ojiro(Tail-Man) And Sero by the way here's a note some might not be aware of apparently when this story arc was being written Horikoshi was sick
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