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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. Someone whose quirk is "quirk negation" is easier to implement as a character than someone whose quirk is "i can control my opponent"
  2. Shinso(As He Appears in the joint training session) .....now how the hell do you put him in the game without him being too strong or too weak? his quirk is brainwash....
  3. i ask because it seems like now a days Anime movies are very limited releases....even for stuff like dragon ball and mha You'd be lucky to find a theater near you showing it
  4. I Remember Pop Team Epic and didn't really enjoy that one....seemed like a strange experimental choice for the block I'm just Saying Harley Quinn's Main Purpose is to be a comedy series....if it aired on the regular block it would feel wildly out of place with it's tone feeling more like something You'd see paired up with rick and morty but eh not like it matters...this is only happening so they can beg people to pay $14.99 a month for hbo max
  5. honestly the more i think about it.....the more Harley Quinn just seems odd on toonami It's not really what I'd Call An "Action" Series despite the DC Branding on it it's a comedy series with some action thrown in it isn't about fight scenes and action as much as it is about the jokes and comedic scenario's so I Don't really think it needs to be on toonami
  6. now that the anime has concluded this story what did you think of it?
  7. especially since the common tv ratings system is vastly outdated and really stupid these days.... it's a poor way of gauging interest in anything
  8. if people were actually subscribing to HBO Max maybe they wouldn't feel the need to use Toonami To Promote The Service and put an obnoxious hbo max logo on the screen during it while consistently reminding you the service exists and you should subscribe to it! that's not the tactic of someone that's successful that's the tactic of someone desperately trying to sell something that's not become the major success they thought it would be
  9. i don't think this will be as effective as they think it will be....
  10. that's the earliest toonami has started in a long time....I'm surprised an extension like this happened for a marathon probably won't see it starting this early afterwards anytime soon
  11. https://www.adultswim.com/schedule/ not sure if that's a good marketing idea or not
      • 1
      • Confused
  12. stuff on digital store fronts can easily be revoked at anytime for whatever reason We've seen with video games the problem when it comes to digital only titles... besides a lot of us spend so much time staring at screens everyday.....we don't need to get a headache over reading manga
  13. still doesn't change the fact that no matter where you are....Texas Or California anime dub voice work doesn't pay that well ....if it did then we wouldn't have VA's that simply move on from it like laura bailey and troy baker
  14. I Mean maybe that would be the case if stuff like Chainsaw Man didn't seem to be out of stock across the board if these people could simply buy a couple volumes from amazon or rightstuf at retail price they would however that's not an option currently
  15. it's one reason why it isn't uncommon to see certain voice actors move on from dubbed anime voice work to doing voice overs for American Video games and cartoons it just pays better.....and there's no reason to stick around unless you are that passionate about anime or you happen to be a major part of the company notice the funimation voice actors that also double as ADR Directors or something else in the behind the scenes department
  16. whenever i see one of those horikoshi sketches the 5:30 time slot always weirds me out Streaming Services aren't the juggernauts in japan like they are in the united states so Network Television still has some importance over there
  17. I Was Lucky enough to get to go to Fan Expo Dallas in 2019(got several MHA Autographs as well as the autograph of bryce papenbrook the va of eren jaeger) but yeah it's iffy thinking about going to conventions now...although that just really makes me feel bad for the voice actors because they lose out on a good chunk of cash without conventions being a voice actor for dubbed anime isn't that profitable and as a result you usually make more money from appearing in one random commercial for something like mcdonalds than you do actually voicing a character in several seasons of an anime
  18. some idiots charging over a hundred dollars for five volumes of chainsaw man or a couple Jujutsu Kaisen Volumes or the first three spy family volumes... it's insane....more so because I Realize there are people paying those outlandish prices
  19. unfortunately the stupid decisions they make don't just affect them but those around them as well that's the problem
  20. i don't think fena is gonna do anything amazing or put toonami back on the map but it'll do okay perhaps
  21. not sure how i feel about this comment on the schedule.....Yeah Fena Leading off is a risky move but saying if it under performs that toonami's screwed is weird
  22. so thoughts on how fena pirate princess might do as the leader of toonami?
  23. strange that this wouldn't be airing during toonami first and instead...monday
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