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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. honestly feels like way too soon to just start having events again with crowds
  2. another thing i have to point out between Marvel/DC and manga is that unlike manga where you normally see both writing and art duties being done by the same person the writer and the artist aren't the same person sometimes they are(as with the case of indie titles)but it isn't as common in america as it is in japan to have One Person writing the story and drawing the artwork for the book plus on Marvel/DC Books Most Writers tend to work with filler artists when the main artist needs a break which can be jarring depending on who the artist is and how it looks compared to the main artist for that book
  3. it's weird they didn't promote the fact that next week will be two MHA Episode's online yes but not on the block itself just a quick mention of it being a double dose of my hero academia would have been fine
  4. wasn't the last blade runner movie a failure at the box office?....still seems weird to put money towards a blade runner series
  5. there's 9 episodes left so hopefully they can wrap this up without needing another break although i still don't know what will replace BC when it does conclude....no new hype show is gonna be shoved in that crap time slot
  6. I'm talking about how funimation is barely ahead of toonami(episode 161 comes out later today)and that they may have to remove black clover from the block for awhile like they did last year
  7. some online comments saying this looks less like blade runner and more like alita battle angel
  8. reminder black clover won't be back until august 14th and there's a chance black clover is removed until there's a good enough supply of dubbed episodes
  9. just seems weird to reach out to an audience that's probably not that big outside rick and morty fans these days
  10. are those really required for reading invincible though? if so then that makes no sense at all....(especially since i doubt it's something the animated series will reference so less of a reason for fans of the tv show to bother with it) also yes One Piece is Properly Numbered(so there's no need to shift through a dozen relaunches)but the instant someone sees how many volumes of one piece there are and it's still going they'd feel more than a little bit intimidated edit: Looking up more info on this...doesn't sound like those issues are really something you have to read Parts of Spidey's webbings are seen on Marc in an issue of invincible afterwards but it doesn't sound like You'll really miss out if you don't read the tick or spider-man crossover it's more like Oh these characters crossed over and they vaguely are referenced in the actual book
  11. I Do wonder how this will work for toonami with Fena taking up the first two slots that night
  12. is that true? because that sounds like a first for an independent comic book for required reading to be in another company's book(especially marvel comics in the case of spider-man team up)
  13. just because something's brand new doesn't mean the average american will tune into it guaranteed.... plus it has to assert itself as A Heavy Hitter since the block is lacking much in the way of powerhouse titles it's all about attracting the attention of the average american tv viewer....let's remember that and how the nielsen system operates We're not talking about all the dedicated weekly toonami fans we're talking about people who got selected for a survey(were promised $5 to take part)and randomly channel surfed for awhile before casually deciding to watch toonami here and there it's easy for those to get bored if something's not off to a good start right out of the gate so what do they do?....change the channel and watch something else
  14. Do You guys think Fena Pirate Princess could prove to potentially be a good lead show for the block?
  15. according to demarco Iron Maiden asked them if they wanted to play this music video why did iron maiden reach out to toonami?
  16. Eh I'm not sure about that....it's easier for someone to get a few trade paperbacks of invincible than it is to try and start collecting One piece volumes the amount of english volumes currently available would turn away most people
  17. whenever manga comes up in a topic on a comic book sub-forum you always have people like that the same people who would ignore demon slayer mugen train's success because it was a limited release and sees anime movies as being far too obscure to warrant anything more than that " One Piece, good or bad will never have that kind of longevity" is a statement I've seen
  18. true but this person's argument was "one piece will conclude while batman's still going on so talking about how one piece outsells batman will be irrelevant"
  19. I Could have mentioned that but doubt it would have changed his mind much.... and now he'll go on continuing to think he was right because nobody wants to challenge his opinion since it could get them in trouble
  20. I Still wonder who did it and why?... And to think this all started because one moderator stuck to his opinion that anime's too weird and japanese for most americans while also stating Naruto And Sasuke are obscure nobodies compared to Aang And Zuko
  21. in response to this i saw someone online say "And when One piece ends within the next decade and Batman and superman both continue on this will be irrelevant"
  22. Well I'm already banned now...so i can't really do anything on there now it sounds like somebody informed the mods over there of this topic's existence and they were going to let me off with a slap on the wrist but when i kept talking about it..they said "Well since it's clear you weren't gonna listen we all agreed to ban you" and then they had the audacity to say "We Wish you good luck in your future endeavors" the hell? they act like I Was being fired from the website
  23. still it's weird something like this shows up in a time slot most people wouldn't see it at even with Demarco informing us ahead of time this would be a special surprise....there are still people who have to go to bed before then for various reasons
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